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Square Enix will "aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes Nintendo platforms, PlayStation, Xbox, and PCs"


So you bought both Octopaths, Live A Live and Triangle Strategy?
Octopath 2 is on my wishlist. Unfortunately i have a few others to finish first like Witchspring R and Library of Ruina :pie_winking:

If Switch is being added as an additional platform, game budgets don't decrease, they increase. And the difference between the PS5 and Switch CPUs, together with mass storage speed, RAM amount and I/O is so vast that it far more than just graphics that will be compromised to be able to support Switch alongside the PS5/XSX.

This is just not an intelligent reply.
So an extra port costs more than increased jumps in production value meant to take advantage of the stronger hardware? Not like any of SE games are ultra complex either to need the better CPUs. There is only one dumb reply here and it wasn't mine.
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If the switch 2 is as half decent as rumors suggests than we will see every single ps5 third party game on the switch 2.

Again... the Switch 2 is not even announced yet. Even if it released next year, it will not accumulate a meaningful installed based for another 2-3 years. These comments are being made today. They're not talking about Switch 2


Again... the Switch 2 is not even announced yet. Even if it released next year, it will not accumulate a meaningful installed based for another 2-3 years. These comments are being made today. They're not talking about Switch 2

They talked about the switch with dragon quest 11 before it even released. I think it was when it didn't even had its name so yes I think they mean switch 2. And It means bad new for sony.
So an extra port costs more than increased jumps in production value meant to take advantage of the stronger hardware?

You're assuming increased production values necessitate increased costs. Base assets are made at higher fidelity regardless, so not compromising things like texture quality and using more advanced rendering methods don't cost devs anything extra. The cost for the asset production is the same regardless.

Not like any of SE games are ultra complex either to need the better CPUs.

Oh so you've played every past, present and future SE game the publisher will ever make? What a ridiculous statement.

There is only one dumb reply here and it wasn't mine.

Yes... yours. I already said that.


You're assuming increased production values necessitate increased costs. Base assets are made at higher fidelity regardless, so not compromising things like texture quality and using more advanced rendering methods don't cost devs anything extra. The cost for the asset production is the same regardless.
They do however cost a lot more in direction, tweaking, testing, animation, artistic design, and so forth. Exponentially.

Lest you're fine with games that look like this:

Oh so you've played every past, present and future SE game the publisher will ever make? What a ridiculous statement.
I've played enough. Games whose formula barely changed from ps2 or ps3 days. On the other hand, feel free to show me a Square Enix game with systems even half to the level of Baldurs Gate 3.
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Switch 2 hasn't even been announced, much less released. It won't even have a meaningful installed base for another 2 to 3 years.

If he's making these comments about an aggressive multiplatform strategy today, he's considering Switch 1.
Except they specifically say "Nintendo platforms", as in plural.

and why would they put more emphasis on an aged platform with outdated hardware that is literally on its way out? They most likely want to focus capitalizing on the upcoming hardware that can actually run their latest (and future) titles without major compromises.


Weeb Underling
Not releasing same day on Steam is stupid.

It makes sense for Sony- they need to keep their console attractive. But it hinders Square getting a fanbase on Steam. No amount of short term Sony money is worth it.
Save for FF14, there's no rampant fanbase for Square to find on PC.


Imagine thinking 28 million units is not worthy of supporting.

The majority of them have been conditioned to not buy games.

“I’ll wait till it’s on Gamepass” is the most uttered phrase of the average user of the platform.


Not really, publishers moving to a more multi-platform approach is pretty normal mid to late gen as the money for exclusivity tends to dry up.
Also, how long this pivot lasts isn't a sure thing. They can try and bolster profits short term by porting back-catalogue titles, but they may reconsider in the mid to long when they see how badly building multiple sku's of their next major release concurrently impacts scheduling.
Working on multiple platforms on a large project verses only one SKU will likely increase development times, its not exactly new. Its just profits weren't good enough and audiences for big titles are too limited for one party and console. SE stamping its foot now, going forward for their big titles. Exclusive deals obviously haven't worked out for them; for FFVII Rebirth and XVI. They accepted these deals but seemingly lost out on potentially earning more millions doing so, by not launching on PC day one and Xbox.

And with Nintendo's console releasing soon, they'll have new audiences to branch out to. For KH4, FFXVII etc etc. And Switch 2/PC/Xbox players will enjoy games when they come out. And not be treated as second class citizens and thus, may actually buy the games when they release. Hence why this will likely be a long term thing, not short term. Why would they bother sending out a PR statement if they weren't serious about it and it being a mid/long term business plan. They're just saying no more to money hats.
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Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
They will shut down if they cant find it.

In fact PC is best / easiest way to build a fanbase provided you make what they enjoy.

They just need to figure it out.

They might even not need to build the Final Fantasy fanbase on PC. Considering the lack of disclosure for the sales figure of FF7 Rebirth and that PC has the most mainline Final Fantasy games, the fanbase might have already shifted to PC.
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Switch 2 hasn't even been announced, much less released. It won't even have a meaningful installed base for another 2 to 3 years.

If he's making these comments about an aggressive multiplatform strategy today, he's considering Switch 1.

Yeah, no. It’ll sell in the 20 milllion range year 1, and completely and comprehensively dominate software sales in Japan. All in one year.

The Switch 2 is probably less than 10 months away. A multiplatform future for AAA is clearly referring to the Switch 2.

And? If that means games get held back by inferior hardware, am I supposed to be happy about that?

You should learn to accept things that are inevitable despite your ‘unhappiness’.
They might even not need to build the Final Fantasy fanbase on PC. Considering the lack of disclosure for the sales figure of FF7 Rebirth and that PC has the most mainline Final Fantasy games, the fanbase might have already shifted to PC.
Thats a possibility.

Personally I would like them to take this opportunity and put together a game that is fundamentally appealing to most gamers.

They still haven’t figured out what makes a good game good.

Before launch of FF7 Rebirth, if I would have asked you what’s your ideal Final Fantasy game, nobody would have said 40+ mini games.

I am kinda surprised by new found love for mini games. I remember everyone used to despise them previously.
Seems Tassi us being called out. Nice

Speaking of Tassi-boy...


I'm not even mad. His fanboyism and clickbait headlines are complete trash.

RE4 Remake sold 3 million units in 2 days

FFXVI shipped 3 million in a week.

Try again?

Okay. Let's just pretend they didn't sell through that shipment within that month, let alone that year.

Definitely realistic 😂

People here thinking SE is actually considering Xbox as a platform to succeed in sales are actually delusional. They are going balls deep on Switch 2/PC releases day 1, they need to put everything on Steam to make real money imho. The JRPG players are now playing mainly on Switch and PC, they left PlayStation a long time ago and for good reason

WTF drugs are you guys smoking? Let's look at what platform made up most of the recent Yakuza's sales: it was PS4/PS5. Persona 3 Reload? PlayStation. Dragon's Dogma 2? PlayStation. I could go on and on.

This myth that most of the JRPG audience is now on PC is fueled by nothing but extreme hopium. Trying to piggyback off of Switch (which globally, still doesn't constitute the majority of JRPG audience) is just pathetic.

Not releasing same day on Steam is stupid.

It makes sense for Sony- they need to keep their console attractive. But it hinders Square getting a fanbase on Steam. No amount of short term Sony money is worth it.

I'm sure EGS, GOG, Itch.io, Windows Store etc. feel the same way about the tons of 3P exclusives Steam gets on the PC launcher side of things. Why don't Square-Enix, Capcom, SEGA/Atlus etc. prioritize building audiences on storefronts other than Steam?
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Okay. Let's just pretend they didn't sell through that shipment within that month, let alone that year.

Definitely realistic 😂

Let’s try again:

RE Remake sold 3 million in 2 days.
FF XVI shipped 3 million in a week.

This was what you said

Yeah, try again. XVI sold more in 3 days on a single platform than both RE4 Remake and Street Fighter 6 sold in multiple weeks on 3 platforms.

Maybe stop moving goalposts?

The majority of them have been conditioned to not buy games.

“I’ll wait till it’s on Gamepass” is the most uttered phrase of the average user of the platform.

Xbox users buy AAA games that aren’t on GP without any issue. Elden Ring, FIFA, COD before the acquisition…

Nobody looked at Elden Ring or Hogwarts and went “I’ll wait until it’s on GamePass”
It's more complex than that. People are just waiting for the better Steam version nowadays. This is what I think happened to FF7 rebirth. People know they are going to play a better, cheaper and more cusotmizeable version on their PC. Why bother with the $70 / 80€ playstation tax now?

For years now (since jimbo took charge) Playstation has been showing customers there will eventually be a better and cheaper version of their "exclusive" games on Steam. Well people are learning.

Yep, this. SIE have been doing themselves NO favors selling PlayStation consoles with their current PC initiative. And if they push for shorter porting windows or Day 1 for all games, they're going to see PlayStation 5 console sales slow down even more (particularly with PS5 Pro), slower adoption of PlayStation 6 etc.

That of course is assuming they keep PlayStation hardware as traditional consoles. You never know, they could go in a direction some of us are thinking Microsoft will for the next Xbox. I probably wouldn't mind paying $799 or whatever for a PS6 that has open storefronts, productivity software and free online. That's assuming they do in fact go with Day 1 PC (with or without their own PC launcher/storefront).

I have a hard time believing the switch 2 won't outsell the ps5 tho. Pc and switch is the way to go going forward.

It'd take a monumental generational cock-up for Switch 2 to not sell at least as well as PS5 IMHO, let alone outsell it. PS5 might "only" end up roughly around 100 - 110 million lifetime if they continue pacing behind PS4 going forward. And that's potentially with an extra year on the market (if 10th-gen doesn't start until 2028).

Let’s try again:

RE Remake sold 3 million in 2 days.
FF XVI shipped 3 million in a week.

This was what you said

Maybe stop moving goalposts?

Sold-in or sold-through, Square-Enix still sold those copies to someone.

It's also kinda bugged to compare XVI's launch performance to Remake's considering install base size between PS4 and PS5 at each game's respective launch.
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Really crazy when you think about it. FF7 Remake sold 7 millions since release in April 2020, while Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, an expanded release of a mere spinoff game, sold 8 millions since release in June 2022.
Square probably thought FF7 remake was their ace in the hole. A mega hit they could hold on to and play whenever they needed it. I think the sales are shocking to people in the company and now there’s a great sense of worry. They’ve dropped so many bombas lately. They needed a huge hit

Dr. Claus

Really crazy when you think about it. FF7 Remake sold 7 millions since release in April 2020, while Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, an expanded release of a mere spinoff game, sold 8 millions since release in June 2022.

Sunbreak was also an expansion, initially released on the most popular handheld platform, which tends to be the go-to for many asian countries like Japan (where MonHun reigns supreme).

FF7Remake/Rebirth sold on a home console that barely has even have a third as many users as the Switch, is not portable, and so its primary source of distribution are western countries where the genre is niche.


I'm sure EGS, GOG, Itch.io, Windows Store etc. feel the same way about the tons of 3P exclusives Steam gets on the PC launcher side of things. Why don't Square-Enix, Capcom, SEGA/Atlus etc. prioritize building audiences on storefronts other than Steam?
"Why don't Square-Enix, Capcom, SEGA/Atlus etc. prioritize building audiences on storefronts other than Steam?"

They are anti-consumer.


It is clear as day that 3rd party going exclusive to one platform is stupid af strategy, which will only hurt your company, devs and games, rather than help. The thing is though, that outside of FF.... Square has absolutely nothing of the same magnitude and it's a huge problem they need to work on fixing.
Tbf the latest dragon quest sold really well, especially because it costs less then half of what ff costs


Do you have numbers how much something like Elden Ring or Hogwarts Legacy sold on Xbox??

BTW SE isn’t making jrpgs anymore. They want more wide appealing titles like Elden Ring. One of their execs was annoyed by term jrpg.
Elden Ring's sales at the end of 2022:

PS5 - 3.64 million
Xbox Series & Xbox One - 3.04 million
PS4 - 2.67 million

I've been telling people for months that Sony no longer cares about 3rd party exclusives and that I don't think we'll see them moving forward. Anything already planned or paid for is one thing, but it makes zero sense for them to pay 100s of millions on exclusives when Xbox is dead.

I'm sure they want Dragon Quest on PS5, but it not being exclusive no longer makes or breaks sony in the long run. It makes sense to put it on Switch and PS5.

If Switch has BC, it'll be interesting to see how many cross gen games it gets. I think it'll struggle to sell as well at 400 dollars, so I could see developers simply creating enhanced versions for Switch 2 and allowing BC to do its thing.
Even with Xbox being dead, I still see Sony and Nintendo being willing to pay to keep games off PC and each other's ecosystems.

What may change is the desire of SE, Sega, Maevellous etc. to take these deals. I think third party exclusives will decrease from the PS4/Switch days, but not disappear entirely.

Xbox has roughly half the installed base of PS5. Imagine any company reducing its potential consumers by half!
That's not how maths works.
Again... the Switch 2 is not even announced yet. Even if it released next year, it will not accumulate a meaningful installed based for another 2-3 years. These comments are being made today. They're not talking about Switch 2
The platform decisions being made by SE today, will largely be for games coming out in 2027 and later. Switch 2 is definitely one of the "Nintendo platforms" being spoken about here.

Games releasing in 2024 will have had their platforms decided a long time ago.


Ya'll crazy.

Sony don't need to pay for exclusivity anymore, xbox aren't playing the same game.

Trust me, if Xbox was still considered a threat, Sony and Square would still be bedfellows.
They were bedfolliwers for ff, now they cant .ake money

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Even with Xbox being dead, I still see Sony and Nintendo being willing to pay to keep games off PC and each other's ecosystems.

What may change is the desire of SE, Sega, Maevellous etc. to take these deals. I think third party exclusives will decrease from the PS4/Switch days, but not disappear entirely.

Sony might pay for exclusives to be in their PC store, but they aren't going to pay for many console exclusives anymore. There's no point. People who buy Xbox right now are buying it because they want to be in that ecosystem. They aren't buying it for random exclusive title.


Sony might pay for exclusives to be in their PC store, but they aren't going to pay for many console exclusives anymore. There's no point. People who buy Xbox right now are buying it because they want to be in that ecosystem. They aren't buying it for random exclusive title.
Not many exclusives no. But don't you think they might want to have some third party games to launch on PS5 before they come to PC and Switch 2?

Likewise, won't Nintendo also be willing to pay for some games to come to Switch 2 before PS5 and PC?

I don't think the exclusivity deals Nintendo did on Switch were primarily about keeping games off Xbox. Therefore the decline of Xbox won't alter their desire to do these deals as much.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Not many exclusives no. But don't you think they might want to have some third party games to launch on PS5 before they come to PC and Switch 2?

Likewise, won't Nintendo also be willing to pay for some games to come to Switch 2 before PS5 and PC?

I don't think the exclusivity deals Nintendo did on Switch were primarily about keeping games off Xbox. Therefore the decline of Xbox won't alter their desire to do these deals as much.

Nintendo's exclusivity deals are going to dry up as well.

Finding the right price for exclusivity is really difficult. Little chance it benefits both the platform holder and the publisher/developer.

Octopath Traveller for example might have been a huge game on PlayStation. I doubt whatever Nintendo paid to keep it off of PlayStation was worth it. Similarly FF16 and FF7 haven't been worth it to either Square or Sony.

It makes more sense to put money into internal development than it does to keep up these 3rd party exclusive deals.

Nintendo's deals will be really expensive for Switch 2 that has no userbase compared to the PS5's userbase. They're unlikely to do it much.
Confused James Franco GIF

But you're the one who made the comparison in the first place, lol.

He went about it like XVI still hadn't sold through the shipment after several months. That's ridiculous

Imagine thinking 28 million units is not worthy of supporting.

26.2 million as of March 31st.

Also no console has 100% of its owners buying games regularly. Not every console is even owned by a unique customer (some buy multiple units).

"Why don't Square-Enix, Capcom, SEGA/Atlus etc. prioritize building audiences on storefronts other than Steam?"

They are anti-consumer.

So it's not Valve who are anti-consumer? OK then, but that means Sony aren't anti-consumer or the ones to blame for FF exclusivity, either.

Just borked that so many rush to blame Sony in one case, but not Valve in another.

Sony might pay for exclusives to be in their PC store, but they aren't going to pay for many console exclusives anymore. There's no point. People who buy Xbox right now are buying it because they want to be in that ecosystem. They aren't buying it for random exclusive title.

I don't think paying for PC launcher 3P exclusives is going to work too well for Sony unless that also comes with console exclusivity. Just look at how 3P PC launcher exclusives have been working out for EGS: they haven't been working. Epic's been loosing hella money with that strategy; the only reason it doesn't really impact them is because of Fortnite & UE licensing money.

SIE are trying to increase profitability; paying for PC launcher exclusives would go counter to that. And if they're gonna do a PC launcher, they have to make their own games exclusive to it else paying for 3P to make exclusive games to it will be even more fruitless.
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hemo memo

You can't die before your death
All 3rd party publishers should do the same. It’s stupid to limit your audience. Make a marketing exclusivity deal, but not full on exclusive.


All 3rd party publishers should do the same. It’s stupid to limit your audience. Make a marketing exclusivity deal, but not full on exclusive.

No at this point platform holder should invest all those money in their own lineup. Stop the exclusive marketing as well.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I don't think paying for PC launcher 3P exclusives is going to work too well for Sony unless that also comes with console exclusivity. Just look at how 3P PC launcher exclusives have been working out for EGS: they haven't been working. Epic's been loosing hella money with that strategy; the only reason it doesn't really impact them is because of Fortnite & UE licensing money.

SIE are trying to increase profitability; paying for PC launcher exclusives would go counter to that. And if they're gonna do a PC launcher, they have to make their own games exclusive to it else paying for 3P to make exclusive games to it will be even more fruitless.

I find it so interesting that people find correlations where they want to.

Epic doesn't make enough of their own games to properly build out a launcher that draws interest from places other than Fortnite or Genshin Impact. The random exclusives thus have limited interest and you can only get so many titles like Genshin.

Sony's plan is to build out much of their own games. If you look at the best sellers on Steam right now globally you'll find: Helldivers, Ghost of Tsushima, and Destiny 2 all within the top 11 (excluding the steam deck). A bit lower you'll see Ratchet and Clank rising up the ranks now that it is on sale.

Epic loses money on this because it's their only lever. I'm not suggesting Sony money hat their entire store.


"We're tired of our projects having disappointing sales on one single platform. We want to see our projects have disappointing sales on ALL PLATFORMS."

Trying to completely reinvent FF for the modern audience is a fool's errand. It's laughable that anyone at Squeenix honestly believed FFXVI was going to be a big success. But everyone and their mother and drunk uncle assumed FFVII Rebirth was going to be a megahit. I admit the final 1/4 of the game wore me down past my last nerve, but it was still a kickass game overall. I'm blown away that it didn't do gangbusters. For years it seemed like everyone was crying for an FFVII remake. They finally made one, but hardly anyone bought it? Or maybe it was always an illusion that "everyone" was asking for one? I mean, I've been a HUGE FFVII fan since before it even released, but personally I never asked for a remake.

Anyway, if I had my way, Squeenix would make a new FF and make it more or less similar to Rebirth in terms of the mechanics and engine etc. but otherwise all new. New story, new characters, new magic system, blah blah blah. Get FF back on track before it got derailed with FFXII, XIII, XV, and especially fucking XVI. Ugh. Give the world a NEW CLASSIC FF. If that fails in the market place, then I dunno, stop making video games and change into an insurance company or summat.

Dr. Claus

"We're tired of our projects having disappointing sales on one single platform. We want to see our projects have disappointing sales on ALL PLATFORMS."

Trying to completely reinvent FF for the modern audience is a fool's errand. It's laughable that anyone at Squeenix honestly believed FFXVI was going to be a big success. But everyone and their mother and drunk uncle assumed FFVII Rebirth was going to be a megahit. I admit the final 1/4 of the game wore me down past my last nerve, but it was still a kickass game overall. I'm blown away that it didn't do gangbusters. For years it seemed like everyone was crying for an FFVII remake. They finally made one, but hardly anyone bought it? Or maybe it was always an illusion that "everyone" was asking for one? I mean, I've been a HUGE FFVII fan since before it even released, but personally I never asked for a remake.

Anyway, if I had my way, Squeenix would make a new FF and make it more or less similar to Rebirth in terms of the mechanics and engine etc. but otherwise all new. New story, new characters, new magic system, blah blah blah. Get FF back on track before it got derailed with FFXII, XIII, XV, and especially fucking XVI. Ugh. Give the world a NEW CLASSIC FF. If that fails in the market place, then I dunno, stop making video games and change into an insurance company or summat.

They did. Numerous times. People didn't buy them as the demand for "new classic FF" games just aren't there. They are more niche than the already niche genre that JRPGs inhabit.


They did. Numerous times.
We clearly aren't talking about the same thing. Name them.

EDIT: I thought I was more specific in my post, my bad. I assume you're talking about stuff like Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler, etc. I'm not talking about those. I'm not the least bit interested in them.

What I'm saying is, the FF team needs to go back and take a good long hard look at VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X. Make bullet point lists of exactly what made those games great. Then make FFXVII, and make it like a new modern version of those.
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Dr. Claus

We clearly aren't talking about the same thing. Name them.

EDIT: I thought I was more specific in my post, my bad. I assume you're talking about stuff like Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler, etc. I'm not talking about those. I'm not the least bit interested in them.

What I'm saying is, the FF team needs to go back and take a good long hard look at VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X. Make bullet point lists of exactly what made those games great. Then make FFXVII, and make it like a new modern version of those.

Fair point. I was under the assumption you were talking about games like FF 1-6, which *are* the Bravely Default, Octopath, etc games. Just without the FF name.


"We're tired of our projects having disappointing sales on one single platform. We want to see our projects have disappointing sales on ALL PLATFORMS."

Good luck trying to convince anyone that doubling current sales (at the very minimum) is a bad thing.
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Why don't Square-Enix, Capcom, SEGA/Atlus etc. prioritize building audiences on storefronts other than Steam?
I mean, i'd welcome GOG releases from them.

Seems SEGA is starting to learn at least

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Dr. Claus

I mean, i'd welcome GOG releases from them.

Seems SEGA is starting to learn at least

I would buy a lot more GoG games, but GoG's storefront barely functions on linux. Super fucking laggy and painful to access the games to download/update them. I want to use it a lot more than I do, but they really need to work on Linux support, at least for the GoG Galaxy client.


Nintendo's exclusivity deals are going to dry up as well.

Finding the right price for exclusivity is really difficult. Little chance it benefits both the platform holder and the publisher/developer.

Octopath Traveller for example might have been a huge game on PlayStation. I doubt whatever Nintendo paid to keep it off of PlayStation was worth it. Similarly FF16 and FF7 haven't been worth it to either Square or Sony.

It makes more sense to put money into internal development than it does to keep up these 3rd party exclusive deals.

Nintendo's deals will be really expensive for Switch 2 that has no userbase compared to the PS5's userbase. They're unlikely to do it much.
I think there will be fewer exclusives too, but that this will be because the third parties themselves are getting less interested and so the cost of these deals will be going up and up (which is basically what you're saying too). I don't think it has much to do with the death of Xbox.

Nevertheless, we are still going to see Sony and Nintendo continue doing some exclusive deals for their platforms. It will very interesting to see what platforms DQ III remake is announced for.


Good luck trying to convince anyone that doubling current sales (at the very minimum) is a bad thing.
When you're making products that clearly not many people seem to want, offering them on more platforms doesn't seem like the smartest solution.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I think there will be fewer exclusives too, but that this will be because the third parties themselves are getting less interested and so the cost of these deals will be going up and up (which is basically what you're saying too). I don't think it has much to do with the death of Xbox.

Nevertheless, we are still going to see Sony and Nintendo continue doing some exclusive deals for their platforms. It will very interesting to see what platforms DQ III remake is announced for.

Pretty much all S-E games will be multiplatform going forward.
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