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It’s going to be interesting when DF and others test the pc version vs the ps5 for load times. I wonder how close it will be.
It’s going to be interesting when DF and others test the pc version vs the ps5 for load times. I wonder how close it will be.
uhm....load times are already close with multiple games right now between the next-gen consoles and PC. It will be used for more then load times what we've already seen on the PS5, and we're just scratching the surface.
SSD or dedicated I/O stack is more then load times only.
well yeah, but we are hardly going to see anything this generation that really utilises game development of the IO that the current consoles and now direct storage bring.
the only real example we’ve had is ratchets portals and those ran within a 10 percent window on a 3000mbs speed drive. With how long games are taking to develop and The fact that entire teams are going to have to rethink their entire process of developing games ( 20 years of experience) we are talking years upon years before we see a drastic shift in anything outside of loading times.
still it will be great if pc can be on par with ps5 for loading times.
We will see as the generation progresses, Ratchet essentially moved the bottleneck somewhere else in the engine and until they sort that out pushing the SSD harder brings little benefits.
Aside from big show offs like that you may see more dynamic elements here and there and generally higher detail and hopefully lack of popping as the other benefit of the SSD and custom stacks is to allow many small requests to be served at once with low latency.
i agree, I hope we do see it but I’m sceptical in that I think both the big players of Sony and MS are so dedicated to the pc platform now that every game will be developed with at best a standard sata SSD in mind. I don’t think we will see a true shift in game design and development around this kind of IO for years. Entire engines will need to be re written and then you need the right minds to even think up how it will work.
Why would they waste their time testing drives that aren't supported by the system? They tested one of the slowest supported drives available. I guess they could try a hdd too, but what's the point.
I'd already call the drive 2GBs slower than the recommendation gimped.
They tested a 1.7 GB/s on the Matrix demo which worked flawlessly.
Second, its funny how you credit PS5's I/O while a limited SSD is being used.
Yet Direct Storage on XS is outperforming the PS5 with literally half the SSD speed.
If PS5's IO is god-tier, then DS must be a god killer.
Well I don't think much companies have the muscle to do it, Nvidia can definitely, however I don't think there is a need for that. Also on PC there is obvious push to have the solution working with different data sets, since there it's an open platform, so I believe that this is the best solution. It's super quick and you can use unused HW (units) in your PC. So what's not to love.
The 2020 demo has already been proven to run on PC without direct-storage or mesh shaders or fancy SSD.
You continue to spread misinformation. The creators of UE5, the creator of Lumen and Nanite literally both told you that. MULTIPLE TIMES. But somehow you consider them as idiots that don't know what they are talking about.
The creator of Nanite and multiple other Unreal engines engineers have also told you that the 2021 Valley of the Ancient demo that was released on PC and ran on both consoles were MORE heavy and taxing than the 2020 demo. But again you consider them as idiots.
Literally you consider the creator of nanite as an idiot. cause clearly he doesn't know what he is talking about.
Not only that we have specs from the Matrix demo and can compare them with the Valley of the ancient demo, which creator of nanite already said was more taxing than the 2020 demo.
Not only that the matrix demo will be released on PC in literally 3 WEEKS. And guess what? PC will run it at native 4k without even direct storage. But that wont stop you from continuing to push your misinformation.
- 2020 demo had only 6.14 GB of nanite data
- Valley 2021 demo had slightly less nanite data but way more texture data that the 2020 demo.
- Valley 2021 demo was way more taxing than the 2020 demo (2x+)
- Valley 2021 demo needs only 3 GB Ram and 7 GB VRAM (I/O)
The conclusion is basic logic.
Here is the 2020 demo running on PC. Clearly these engineers are lying.
This is pure nonsense, Direct Storage on console has performed on par and even outperformed the PS5 in every way on almost all games. If there were a difference. We would see it by now. This is the same narrative we heard before launch. That "other platforms will need elevators", "this won't run on other platforms", or "only the flying section will work on PS5".
It isn't every single game so far has proved that.
All of it has been wrong. UE5 creators have told you several times that you are wrong.
But you regard them as idiots.
You don't care about the truth.
Matrix demo will drop in 3 weeks on PC and PC will run it flawly in higher resolution, fps and without even using direct storage and you won't bat an eye and continue spreading your misinformation.
Claiming the creators of UE5 doesn't know what they are talking about.
i agree, I hope we do see it but I’m sceptical in that I think both the big players of Sony and MS are so dedicated to the pc platform now that every game will be developed with at best a standard sata SSD in mind. I don’t think we will see a true shift in game design and development around this kind of IO for years. Entire engines will need to be re written and then you need the right minds to even think up how it will work.
What games are you referring to?uhm....load times are already close with multiple games right now between the next-gen consoles and PC. It will be used for more then load times what we've already seen on the PS5, and we're just scratching the surface.
SSD or dedicated I/O stack is more then load times only.
I literally just gave you two engineers running it on their PC live and you rejected it. You are absolutely ridiculous!The 2020 demo was not ran on a PC; that was a video of the demo running on a laptop. If you have direct quotes from Epic Games people saying the specific 2020 UE5 demo was running in realtime on a PC, then please provide them.
They literally told you by what metric it was more taxing. Its on video.2: The demo can be more taxing, but by a different metric.
No they said the resolution was 1080p at 30fps on xbox and ps5.They specifically said the resolution was higher, and texture sizes were larger. That's what I recall off the top of my head.
No it didn't. There are no different aspects of UE5. Its Lumen, Nanite and Temporal Super Resolution.The 2021 demo showcased (or, better to say, emphasized) different aspects of UE5 compared to the 2020 demo.
Because him the creator of Nanite and UE5 literally called out fanboys like you for spreading misinformation!No I don't, but I'm beginning to think you do, considering how often you want to bring him up when no one else is doing that![]()
Literally all I have done is quote what creators of UE5 have said who were calling out people like you multiple times.1: You're only considering what I'm saying misinformation because it isn't affirming every little thing you want to believe and think everyone else should believe without question.
Which is why there are benchmarks of the valley of the ancient which is 2x more nanite expensive than the 2020 ps5 demo and yet only uses 3 GB RAM and 7 VRAM and benchmark show it running at 4k flawlessly while it only runs at 1080p 30fps?2: Any PC version of that demo running at native 4K will probably be using beefier CPU/GPU than what the console have, and more RAM (combined system & VRAM) than the consoles, too. So it won't matter if it isn't using DirectStorage; you can simply have more system RAM installed to work as a cache for SSD data to pipe to the GPU's VRAM.
And system RAM is always going to be faster than a SSD, so by that point it becomes moot.
The conclusion is that you shouldn't try drawing conclusions from dissimilar data sets :/
Creator of UE5 Brian Karis literally calls you delusional by saying:It could LITERALLY be running on any PC configuration. Do you HONESTLY think the PC they're using is rocking a 5700 XT, 4 GB/s SSD, mobile-esque Zen 2 processor and 16 GB combined RAM?
Because that's what it would need to be somewhat within the (raw) specifications of something like a PS5 or Series X (but specifically using PS5 in this example since you seem to have a hate-boner against it). If you genuinely believe they are running that demo on PC with the build I just listed, you're delusional.
Daniel Wright the creator of Lumen and UE5 already knew misinformed people like you would say none-sense like this so he said saying "Performance is lower in editor that it would be in game".1: That's running in the UE5 Editor
Ofcourse when Matrix demo drops and PC runs it at native 4k flawlessly using even less than 11 Ram total that it did on Valley of the ancient.I didn't know being this salty could lead to so much gaslighting and missing of the obvious all at the same time![]()
The 2020 demo was not ran on a PC; that was a video of the demo running on a laptop. If you have direct quotes from Epic Games people saying the specific 2020 UE5 demo was running in realtime on a PC, then please provide them.
Also even if it was, doesn't mean too much without knowing the hardware specifications of the PC in question.
I don't see how making a game "open worldish" makes it somehow better, or possibly more fun.Well we already have a good amount of linear games and open world as a concept simply makes more sense.
Think about, its not like you leave your house and a fucking series of cut scenes start playing before you get to work. So you'll see more open world concepts as they naturally allow for lot of gameplay elements to occur, ironically even linear ones.
As in a character in a FF title can walk into cave and the rocks fall behind them annnnnnnd dungeon.
Even titles like Resident Evil can be done with a open world format, ie Leon goes to this part of town, gate gets overrun by zombies, you need a key to get into the next place etc.
So because of this, it means naturally you clearly already exist in a "open" world by default, within that game can have segments that can use the concept of linear without THE WHOLE GAME being that, which means you'll likely keep seeing em. It doesn't help that Elder Ring is moving all those units btw.
I literally just gave you two engineers running it on their PC live and you rejected it. You are absolutely ridiculous!
They literally told you by what metric it was more taxing. Its on video.
They said nanite was 2x more performance heavier than the PS5 2020 lumen demo.
That Nanite on Valley of the ancient was literally the worse case scenario.
This is why Valley of the ancient ran 1080p 30fps on PS5 and XSX. Yet the matrix demo with a full blown living breathing open world ran at a higher resolution and fps on PS5 and XSX.
They literally tell you on video. Timestamp 42:00
"Thats called overdraw and when that happens alot it can be VERY EXPENSIVE.
Its rare in most use cases but in the Valley of the ancient, the one case that can cause that to happen is actually quite prevalent throughout the map...If you have that happen just once, it will be more expensive but it won't be that bad. But if you have lot of that happening like in this demo. The overdraw can get quite a bit more EXPENSIVE. IN this demo, what we see versus other content we have tested in the past. Nanite is 2x more expensive. This demo in general ends up being about TWICE AS EXPENSIVE than what we have seen in other previous content example. "
No they said the resolution was 1080p at 30fps on xbox and ps5.
Is anything you saying even remotely close to the truth?
Also yes the texture data was larger in Valley of the ancient versus the ps5 2020 demo.
And nanite was 2x more expensive in the Valley of the ancient demo versus the ps5 2020 demo.
According to Brian Karis, the creator of nanite. Valley of the ancient "pushed nanite to its limits" not the ps5 2020 demo
With all that said PC still runs it flawlessly at native 4k, with no directstorage, with sata ssd using only ~10 GB RAM total.
No it didn't. There are no different aspects of UE5. Its Lumen, Nanite and Temporal Super Resolution.
You sound absolutely clueless. Do you even know what nanite is?
Because him the creator of Nanite and UE5 literally called out fanboys like you for spreading misinformation!
"There has been some confusion in the community that this doesn't work anymore. or requires specifically...or it only runs on the PS5. There has been a bunch of misconceptions. Its NOT TRUE! This is running on my PC. Works perfectly Fine. It runs great!"
Literally all I have done is quote what creators of UE5 have said who were calling out people like you multiple times.
Which is why there are benchmarks of the valley of the ancient which is 2x more nanite expensive than the 2020 ps5 demo and yet only uses 3 GB RAM and 7 VRAM and benchmark show it running at 4k flawlessly while it only runs at 1080p 30fps?
You fanboys are amazing with your deny of blatant facts
Creator of UE5 Brian Karis literally calls you delusional by saying:
"There has been some confusion in the community that this doesn't work anymore. or requires specifically...or it only runs on the PS5. There has been a bunch of misconceptions. Its NOT TRUE! This is running on my PC. Works perfectly Fine. It runs great!"
and in the same stream saying the valley of the ancient is 2x more expensive than the PS5 2020 demo.
Daniel Wright the creator of Lumen and UE5 already knew misinformed people like you would say none-sense like this so he said saying "Performance is lower in editor that it would be in game".
What you just said is equivalent to someone saying my dvd player that is playing this video is better and more powerful and doing more work than the rendering farm that they used to create this movie. Use your brain, its not yet illegal to think!
Ofcourse when Matrix demo drops and PC runs it at native 4k flawlessly using even less than 11 Ram total that it did on Valley of the ancient.
You would still be spreading misinformation. As you just confirmed.
To the point that Brian Karis and Daniel Wright, both Engineering Fellow - Graphics at Epic Games who created nanite and lumen had to call you out because you were spreading bs!
I think there are several videos out there where people from epic run parts of that demo from within UE5 on PC.
You are correct. Brian Karis from Epic ran the PS5 demo on his PC, but it's important to know that the entire demo was resident in RAM; PS5 on the other hand is streaming data in and out on the fly. That's what made the PS5 demo special.
People want exploration and the feeling of freedom, as to why simply making a Souls game open world went from 4 to 5 million sales, to something wild like 12 million in a few weeks.I don't see how making a game "open worldish" makes it somehow better, or possibly more fun.
lol yes, sooooo you needed to have that applied to shit you liked to realize that huh? =)Also, not all games have to have them
None of these "advantages" make a game better, or even good
That is not accurate too.
If you look at NVMe specs it works in all type of form factor:
“It is the industry standard for solid state drives (SSDs) in all form factors (U.2, M.2, AIC, EDSFF)”
So no… not all NVMe SSD are M.2.