There are 100 r2D2s and here they are
I want one of those wrist things.
WTF?! (bottom right)
Edit: as above: okay
Why didn't R2 fly in?
This is.. Oh man... I'm so giddy!
How old is R2 now? 70? 80?
Hmm, there are a few changes I did like to the DVD cuts.
-The alien dialect on the spaceships, and artoo's coding in the X-Wing display
-The fixing of the lightsaber coloring in ANH
-The change of dialogue with Palpatine/Vader in Empire
-The matte lines being removed (I believe this was done in the special edition)
Just keep those changes, remove the creepy Hayden ghost, the "Noooooo" Vader scream at the end of Jedi, the rocks in front of R2 in ANH (seriously ridiculous), the dancing scene in Jedi, and add in Greedo shooting first.
Perfect edition.