Gave it the first clear! But: You're way off with your estimation of medium difficulty. For the average Mario player this is a really tough, probably near unbeatable level. For the Kaizo-hardened veteran, yea, it's medium.
Some things I noticed: I can never get the first set of jumps to line up. I always bounce on the first two plants, then dive under the third one and spin jump back up. Intended or am I doing it wrong?
I'm also not a fan of blind or nearly blind deaths. The drop into the saw section wasn't my favorite part

Last thing: I didn't use the switch near the end. I jumped on top of it and from there on the red Koopa and to the goal. Probably not intended? I guess you wanted me to hit the switch with the green Koopa shell and then jump from the switch platform. Well, I didn't do any of that. I guess I cheesed it.
Overall it was good fun and a nice challenge! I added you to my favorites and will check back for new levels every now and then.