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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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Assembly Required said:
Ok...WTF are YOU talking about? You make this shit sound like I learning to fly a fucking plane. As a person who has been told.."oh a stick makes it muuuccch easier to play, etc" I figured "hey! Why not buy a stick to help improve and enjoy the game more!" So I did. Guess it isn't working out, you dipshit.

If someone problaby ended the the statement with.."after weeks, possibly months of hard work" then I probably would have stuck with my guns and bought a fightpad.

Yeah, I don't have 13 a day or more hrs to invest in learning how to even 'operate' a controller. I thought it'd be fun to play with, turns out to be frustrating. Anything else?

Calm down man... all I said was that if you don't have the patience to learn, you won't ever get good. A stick is a big investment and you should do some research before that kind of purchase. Now that you have one, stick with it and don't give up after barely trying it.

ShinobiFist said:
LIES! I main Rog and Guile, No problem doing any of their moves(Or combos) on a Octo-Gate. And plus(It has been mention numerous times)Theres no advantage in using a Octo-Gate or Square-Gate. It comes down to comfort. And plus, it shouldn't take people weeks or months to learn on how to play on a stick or be good at it.

That's really impressive, I can't imagine playing Chun without those corners!


Everything is moe to me
well i started on mak today, it reminds me of when i started in sf4. lots of dropped inputs and loses. luckily i ran into Qis and moody who were testing adon and cody so i actually got to have a few human vs human matches before the internet crapped out. was fun, but i still need alot of work.

luckily sakura is still here to cheer me up:
FindMyFarms said:
Yeah and I feel they nerfed Sagat wayyyy too hard. Which means a lot coming from a Balrog player.

I am very interested in seeing him in tournaments now. I'm not good enough to determine how bad the nerfs are, but I'd like to see how he looks in the hands of top players after the nerfs.
JohngPR said:
So has anyone not received their preorder costumes from Amazon? Also, did you have to preorder from Amazon by a certain time to get that preorder bonus?

This is sort of cheap, I sent to look for the bundle pack of costumes for SFIV to see how much they are on PSN and the bundle pack is nowhere to be found. When I used the seach option, I found it, but it says "No content was found" when I click on it. :|
I haven't got my code yet and I bought the alt costume pack for $6.49 on Monday. I just went to all disc based add ons and picked vanilla and it was there and purchasable.


JohngPR said:
So has anyone not received their preorder costumes from Amazon? Also, did you have to preorder from Amazon by a certain time to get that preorder bonus?

This is sort of cheap, I sent to look for the bundle pack of costumes for SFIV to see how much they are on PSN and the bundle pack is nowhere to be found. When I used the seach option, I found it, but it says "No content was found" when I click on it. :|

I got the pre-order code from Amazon.com this morning. You might just have to wait a bit.
prodystopian said:
I am very interested in seeing him in tournaments now. I'm not good enough to determine how bad the nerfs are, but I'd like to see how he looks in the hands of top players after the nerfs.

Well aside from touching into his 2nd ultra

Way too many damage nerfs, I think they went overboard with this. A HUGE one is taking away his far cancellable st. short. This means he's fucked vs. akuma since it was his main tool to keep akuma out when he got in close.

People might say OH but he has angry scar now! That isn't really a tool though, it just extends combos.

First hit of st. rh being cancellable is worthless as well, it doesn't bring anything new to the table.

On a side note

Makoto vs. Rufus BLOWS ASS

@panda - what's the background track you have playing? And sick comeback lol!


Pandaman said:
well i started on mak today, it reminds me of when i started in sf4. lots of dropped inputs and loses. luckily i ran into Qis and moody who were testing adon and cody so i actually got to have a few human vs human matches before the internet crapped out. was fun, but i still need alot of work.

luckily sakura is still here to cheer me up:

:lol @ first round.

she definitely needed that j.mk cross up back.


Mrs. Harvey
What did they do to my Ryu. :(

Akuma is more badass than ever. I may have to make him my Ultimate main now.

Still haven't done anything. I spent like less than an hour on the game so far and beat Arcade with both of those guys.

What I noticed is that certain links seems easier than vanilla.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
That's just one less on the list of annoying characters to play against though, so I ain't crying. Maybe they can add ten recovery frames to all of Giefs moves or something next. :3
Ledsen said:
Calm down man... all I said was that if you don't have the patience to learn, you won't ever get good. A stick is a big investment and you should do some research before that kind of purchase. Now that you have one, stick with it and don't give up after barely trying it.

...it wasn't a big investment (in terms if money), but I see how it can entail
a pretty large time invesment. And as stated before, I was ill informed. My friends assumed I knew that learning to play with one took time. From my perpective, I was just investing in a fun new way to enjoy SF4. Not what it turned out to be.. But hey, my bad. I mistakenly took what you said as an insult.

Perhaps this information could be shared among the uninformed?


Bacon of Hope
prodystopian said:
I am very interested in seeing him in tournaments now. I'm not good enough to determine how bad the nerfs are, but I'd like to see how he looks in the hands of top players after the nerfs.

He can still do well it's just there are characters that are more fun who do just as much if not more damage than him now so it's like why bother unless you're a die hard Sagat fan..
Is it just me, or is loading ridiculously fast on PS3? After install, it takes no more than 9 seconds load the stage and characters.

Capcom did a great job on fixing the loading time.


Terrordactyl said:
I haven't got my code yet and I bought the alt costume pack for $6.49 on Monday. I just went to all disc based add ons and picked vanilla and it was there and purchasable.

I went there using those instructions and it's not there anymore.

It'd be pretty shitty of Capcom if they took it off so people would have to pay full price for each of the old costume packs.

Pandaman said:
well i started on mak today, it reminds me of when i started in sf4. lots of dropped inputs and loses. luckily i ran into Qis and moody who were testing adon and cody so i actually got to have a few human vs human matches before the internet crapped out. was fun, but i still need alot of work.

luckily sakura is still here to cheer me up:

Nice comebacks in both rounds, man... Opening Rd.2 off with dat taunt...
JohngPR said:
I went there using those instructions and it's not there anymore.

It'd be pretty shitty of Capcom if they took it off so people would have to pay full price for each of the old costume packs.

Wow I'm really glad I grabbed when I did then. Maybe it's an error that will be fixed on Thursday hopefully.
JohngPR said:
I went there using those instructions and it's not there anymore.

It'd be pretty shitty of Capcom if they took it off so people would have to pay full price for each of the old costume packs.


Go to Special Offers under New Releases. The bundle is there. This on the US PSN.


Mrs. Harvey
hitsugi said:
sorry, but no. the person who became more badass than ever from SF4->SSF4 would be Guile D:

I haven't gotten to him yet but I'd probably agree since he is also one of my mains. I thought they got rid of some of Akuma's stuff but I'm still doing it.


I need help with Ryu trial 21. It says:

Standing mp
EX Focus Cancel
Standing mp
Ex Focus Cancel...

Do I perform the second mp after hitting them with the EX FC or am I supposed to perform FADC into another mp? It seems impossible either way.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
marathonfool said:
Go to Special Offers under New Releases. The bundle is there. This on the US PSN.

This is for SF4 not SSF4 right?

i'm not buying any DLC costumes for Super until there's a bundle deal.

Aedile said:
Any players of moderate skill have an Endless Battle room up on PSN, preferrably on the east coast? HyperboreanExile (me) could use an invite.

Only played Claw online so far. The ease with which his moves combo now (especially RCF) is just sick.

Did I just play you in a ranked match with Honda?


Zanken said:
Some minor form of stockholm syndrome? :lol

Aus official release date is today, it's 8:30am and I finish work at 2pm. Gonna be such a loooong day.

Get to the character select screen. Then you'll feel empty too.


love on your sleeve
JohngPR said:
I went there using those instructions and it's not there anymore.

It'd be pretty shitty of Capcom if they took it off so people would have to pay full price for each of the old costume packs.

I just bought it this morning. I had to do a search for Street Fighter though.


Strider2K99 said:
I need help with Ryu trial 21. It says:

Standing mp
EX Focus Cancel
Standing mp
Ex Focus Cancel...

Do I perform the second mp after hitting them with the EX FC or am I supposed to perform FADC into another mp? It seems impossible either way.

Its just mp FADC into another mp. You don't want to have ur focus attack connect.
Strider2K99 said:
I need help with Ryu trial 21. It says:

Standing mp
EX Focus Cancel
Standing mp
Ex Focus Cancel...

Do I perform the second mp after hitting them with the EX FC or am I supposed to perform FADC into another mp? It seems impossible either way.

FADC to the next standing MP. Annoying, right?
Kadey said:
I haven't gotten to him yet but I'd probably agree since he is also one of my mains. I thought they got rid of some of Akuma's stuff but I'm still doing it.

I don't think they got rid of much if anything at all. They just made some things like the RH loop more difficult.


Kadey said:
I haven't gotten to him yet but I'd probably agree since he is also one of my mains. I thought they got rid of some of Akuma's stuff but I'm still doing it.

it's mostly still there unless you did any of the longer combos from Vanilla; those are all completely gone. his demon flip kick seems to have less priority or the timing for it vs. wake-ups has just changed D: not sure.. haven't done much actual testing but right now Guile seems like a monster and Akuma seems slightly toned down


kiun said:
Its just mp FADC into another mp. You don't want to have ur focus attack connect.

the_log_ride said:
FADC to the next standing MP. Annoying, right?

Ah fuck, I wish it wasn't that, I'm so bad at doing link (I think that's what they are called) combos. ;_;

Thanks for the help.
Quick impressions after the first few hours:

Surprised to see so many people using Guy and Adon so far, especially considering how initial reports were shaping up. I've seen a lot more of them than Dudley by far, which is surprising.

I already hate T.Hawk and his insane 360.

Rose's new U2 is insane, doesn't do crazy damage but it's useful as hell.

Didn't realize Sagat's far tiger knee damage got ruined as bad as it did. If you don't hit with both parts of the TK does as much damage as like two jabs.

Cody and Juri are my favs out of the new cast so far, both simple to use but have a nice variety of tools.
Strider2K99 said:
Ah fuck, I wish it wasn't that, I'm so bad at doing link (I think that's what they are called) combos. ;_;

Thanks for the help.

just do mp xx hp hadoken fadc mp xx hp hadoken so you don't have to worry about linking the mp's


Strider2K99 said:
Ah fuck, I wish it wasn't that, I'm so bad at doing link (I think that's what they are called) combos. ;_;

Thanks for the help.

Cant you do mp->hado->cancel->mp instead? Seems more natural, but not sure if they changed the rules. In Vanilla, it was possible.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
I've seen flowchart Guy already

bushin drop, focus attack into chain.

Flowchart Adon is RH or EX Jaguar Tooths all day it seems.

Tried using Dudley a bit- really not my thing. He's mad easy though if you get past the whole no real groundgame thing.
Xiaoki said:
You can still do dash cancel then reverse jab fukiage - medium tsurugi - EX hayate

What direction they go after the fukiage is dependent on where and when you hit them so its unreliable at times.
Hmmm, I bet its probably character dependent as well huh? Ah, I'm not nearly on the level I need to be to attempt this during an actual match and read the movements properly.


Mrs. Harvey
My first official gif for Super. Billions more to come. :D



Alligator F*ck House
Strider2K99 said:
I need help with Ryu trial 21. It says:

Standing mp
EX Focus Cancel
Standing mp
Ex Focus Cancel...

Do I perform the second mp after hitting them with the EX FC or am I supposed to perform FADC into another mp? It seems impossible either way.

It's MP FADC MP FADC, you don't actually hit them with the Focus Attack, just dash cancel the close medium punch.

Wanna make it way easier on yourself? Do a jab before each of the MPs...
Kadey said:
What did they do to my Ryu. :(

Mind explaining that a bit?

I think Ryu is still very good. In fact I expect him to remain in the top 5 even with new strong characters. Sure he got nerfed, but so did all the other top characters so he's fine. His footsies is still great, his MP SRK takes over as his anti air, and his damage is still very good(if you can pull off 1 frame links).

My only complaint honestly is taking away a little bit of damage away from his Metsu Hadoken. Honestly it's not that big of a deal but it's like "come on, you already reduced SRK damage, why go after the Ultra to :(".


LeMaximilian said:
Wanna make it way easier on yourself? Do a jab before each of the MPs...

If I hit Jab just a fraction ahead of hitting Medium to combo the two Mediums, that would be considered plinking, right?

If it is, then I used it for Ryu's cr.M cr.M cr.RH trial. :D
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