Assembly Required said:Ok...WTF are YOU talking about? You make this shit sound like I learning to fly a fucking plane. As a person who has been told.."oh a stick makes it muuuccch easier to play, etc" I figured "hey! Why not buy a stick to help improve and enjoy the game more!" So I did. Guess it isn't working out, you dipshit.
If someone problaby ended the the statement with.."after weeks, possibly months of hard work" then I probably would have stuck with my guns and bought a fightpad.
Yeah, I don't have 13 a day or more hrs to invest in learning how to even 'operate' a controller. I thought it'd be fun to play with, turns out to be frustrating. Anything else?
Calm down man... all I said was that if you don't have the patience to learn, you won't ever get good. A stick is a big investment and you should do some research before that kind of purchase. Now that you have one, stick with it and don't give up after barely trying it.
ShinobiFist said:LIES! I main Rog and Guile, No problem doing any of their moves(Or combos) on a Octo-Gate. And plus(It has been mention numerous times)Theres no advantage in using a Octo-Gate or Square-Gate. It comes down to comfort. And plus, it shouldn't take people weeks or months to learn on how to play on a stick or be good at it.
That's really impressive, I can't imagine playing Chun without those corners!