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Super Street Fighter 4 |OT| BACK OF THE BUS, SAGAT!

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Is there some kind of trick or maybe something I'm not understanding about performing Super/Ultra combos? I can pull of Supers here and there, I mean I follow the button combinations but nothing happens most of the time? Like if it says down--->right, down---right, and then two punch icons, and I do those in order, nothing happens. Does it matter if say, using any punch button would work? I know I'm inputting everything right because I see it in training.

I'm kind of a fighter noob, at least, I have been for a long time. Kind of quit playing them. But I know that I have to figure these things out to stand a chance.


I disagree.
When I try to watch replays of Alpha characters it just says sending data and never loads. :( Anyone else had this problem?

I play Alpha characters is it trying to upload a replay of mine?
Rocwell said:
Man watching replays with inputs on is pretty cool, but it's disappointing to see so many people using turbo buttons online.

What I find disappointing is that most people don't even take advantage of the turbo, from what I've seen anyways. They have turbo on just to spam jab and counter poke. I mean come on, do some sexy combos you idiots. When I turn turbo on for fun in the training mode, it makes me so bitter that I can't combo like this one my own :lol


Kholdstare said:
I have a similar problem. Whenever I try to FADC out of a SRK I end up doing another SRK at the end of the dash because I take my finger off of medium punch. So annoying.

About 4hrs in training mode, I can do it about 50% on the player 1 side. Progress!!:lol


Arde5643 said:
You're just still not used to fighting a Vega that isn't garbage tier - but once you know the match-up, Honda still usually wins against Vega like Arstal said.

But yeah, you definitely can't sleep against Vega in Super.

I don't mean to suggest with my fawning that I think Vega is an A- or even B-tier character now. But he doesn't feel grotesquely weak anymore; he doesn't feel as if you have to fight against the limitations of the character to get him to perform, even if some of his matchups aren't so hot.

arstal, I don't see your name on my Players Met, but it only goes back 50 people. Quite possible that I could've played you. As for Honda vs. Vega, it is one of my least favorite matchups, but that's pretty much the case for any Vega matchup that requires patience and/or on-target izunas.


Setec Astronomer
prodystopian said:
Are you using df LK as a go to anti air or were you referring to something else? I haven't been able to test out her AAs enough yet.
Yeah, it beats so much stuff, and even if it trades you can ultra after.


love on your sleeve
droopy said:
About 4hrs in training mode, I can do it about 50% on the player 1 side. Progress!!:lol
I just did it 5 times in 20 ish tries but like all things in this game, I can only do it from the 2 player side.

GeoNeo said:
When I try to watch replays of Alpha characters it just says sending data and never loads. :( Anyone else had this problem?

I play Alpha characters is it trying to upload a replay of mine?
I had the same problem in the Alpha channel earlier today.


Setec Astronomer
prodystopian said:
Great thanks. I was messing around with some other things. I'll try using only that and see how it goes.

<3 Kikosho.
Granted, when I say go-to I don't mean it should be your only tool now because you'll still need st HP and st HK for distanced AA, but it's a really really good tool that allows for followups like forward dash ex hyaku.

It looks like you can headstomp after too, but from what I read you actually need to trade df LK to get all three hits.


Arde5643 said:
Be sure to main someone else as well since Dudders have a lot of problem getting in with characters who have good footsies.

I main Vega :D So I get a lot of variety when I play. Dudley has the best over head with his HP. :lol Oh yeah. Playing against a Vega with Dudley is so fun. You get in his counter with any of Vega's wall dives and it counter hits. I still have a lot of testing out to do but I'm getting settled with these two. A third I'm still debating on.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
gutter_trash said:
fuuuuck Chun-Li df+LK as an AA fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
so... I will have to retire Honda from my rotation,
see ya Honda, it was nice having you on my team in Vanilla... now in Super it is over. go home

Honda couldn't jump in at all in SF4, so not being able to jump in harder isn't much worse.
Also, most Chuns use Ultra II - which means you can headbutt now. Ultra I is better on Honda. If you get in on a Chun, I prefer to use ochio shenanigans to combos for the resetting.

BTW I think jab ochio range may have been buffed- I actually caught a backdashing Chun with it.

Could Honda empty jump to bait the df+LK ? That would be my first reaction.

I bet Vega could do wall dive grab to beat the Dudley counter.


Chamber said:
I had the same problem in the Alpha channel earlier today.

Sorry that was me flooding the channel with adon videos, it seems if you get win streaks going no mater what mode, your videos go up... Would explain why it was flooded when I watched it! :lol


Hitokage, you still using Honda? I gotta fix my ps3 and get some games in with you again.

Played like 50 xbl matches with Dudley. Pretty good grind
brandonh83 said:
Is there some kind of trick or maybe something I'm not understanding about performing Super/Ultra combos? I can pull of Supers here and there, I mean I follow the button combinations but nothing happens most of the time? Like if it says down--->right, down---right, and then two punch icons, and I do those in order, nothing happens. Does it matter if say, using any punch button would work? I know I'm inputting everything right because I see it in training.

I'm kind of a fighter noob, at least, I have been for a long time. Kind of quit playing them. But I know that I have to figure these things out to stand a chance.
It sounds like you are only pushing one button, if there are three fists that means simultaneously press all three punch buttons, most ultras are this way


Using a stick and being left handed, is it normal that I can usually easily toss out a the quarter circle super/ultras when my character is facing to the left but have trouble doing them when my character is facing to the right? I figure its similar to trying to throw a baseball with your right hand when you are left handed and you just need to practice to get better at it.
SleazyC said:
Using a stick and being left handed, is it normal that I can usually easily toss out a the quarter circle super/ultras when my character is facing to the left but have trouble doing them when my character is facing to the right? I figure its similar to trying to throw a baseball with your right hand when you are left handed and you just need to practice to get better at it.

I'm right handed and I have the same issues. Can pull off most motions facing left, but double qcf issues arise when facing right.


he's Virgin Tight™
So Cody is the new Ken?

:lol :lol :lol

At least to Chun he's not much of a problem. GG's to Greg and the bunch of people I fought earlier =P
SleazyC said:
Using a stick and being left handed, is it normal that I can usually easily toss out a the quarter circle super/ultras when my character is facing to the left but have trouble doing them when my character is facing to the right? I figure its similar to trying to throw a baseball with your right hand when you are left handed and you just need to practice to get better at it.

I had similar problems, but once I picked up my wrist instead of resting it on the stick, it improved my execution. This is after not playing SF4 for 2 months. Either Capcom changed the input window or my adjustment made a huge difference.


Been having fun playing off and on. Started off on Chun my main from IV to see how she feels. Much the same. And I was pumped for some Dee Jay so I've played him strictly today. He's fun too. Don't know who I should stick with. I love mah Chun.

And wtf is with Ibuki's ground slide into neck twist grab. It's so fast and I have no idea how to escape it. Bah.
K.Sabot said:
There's an alarming amount of people using turbo from what I've seen in my replays.

That sucks to hear. Not to mention, I still think the whole PP and BP system sucks. If I'm playing Guy for the first time online and I have 1000 PP but 0 BP, I shouldn't lose 100 PP just because some experienced Ryu beats me even though he's just picked up the game. Totally defeats the purpose of the system. They should have just had PP for every character. This two number thing is stupid and doe not accurately reflect skill at all.


he's Virgin Tight™
Ysiadmihi said:
Any Cammy players been landing CQC consistently? I've only got it like 3 times :lol

One of those me...

-_- I thought the counter frames were already over :lol
damn, so many bad players online. It was better before release date when only the hardcore had it early, lol

i mean these people don't even try....they mash mash mash, wakeup ultra, and all sorts of randomness. They don't even bother to try to be proficient with the character.


Relix said:
So Cody is the new Ken?

:lol :lol :lol

At least to Chun he's not much of a problem. GG's to Greg and the bunch of people I fought earlier =P

I have yet to play a single Cody online lol.


ggs to everyone I played earlier: panda, dementia, ravager, hito, ninja n everybody.

I'm loving Guy and Ibuki right now, they're too much fun, I think they'll compliment my Gouken well.
CartridgeBlower said:
That sucks to hear. Not to mention, I still think the whole PP and BP system sucks. If I'm playing Guy for the first time online and I have 1000 PP but 0 BP, I shouldn't lose 100 PP just because some experienced Ryu beats me even though he's just picked up the game. Totally defeats the purpose of the system. They should have just had PP for every character. This two number thing is stupid and doe not accurately reflect skill at all.

How does the PP system play into matchmaking? I don't really care for the point system. I thought they got it right with championship mode.
I think all the flowcharters still heart Ken and his ex dragon punch. I've faced twice as many Kens as Codys so far. I've faced at least 3 or 4 Hakans too which was cool, one of which was surprisingly solid.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
CartridgeBlower said:
That sucks to hear. Not to mention, I still think the whole PP and BP system sucks. If I'm playing Guy for the first time online and I have 1000 PP but 0 BP, I shouldn't lose 100 PP just because some experienced Ryu beats me even though he's just picked up the game. Totally defeats the purpose of the system. They should have just had PP for every character. This two number thing is stupid and doe not accurately reflect skill at all.

meh yeah I'm not a fan either. I like that it gives you a "rank" with each specific character, but the overall PP system is kinda wonky.
I really liked the mutli-tiered system in Championship Mode.


Just played my first 2 matches. Completely destroyed my opponents, to my surprise (with my Cammy). I had to quit immediately after that to absorb the awesome. Plus I know I'll get beat up very badly soon :lol

I'm totally in love with the character select screen music, so upbeat and retro at the same time. In general the music has been improved. Very nice.
so i assume capcom didn't change anything significant to balrog and viper in super, similar to dhalsim? hard to beat them when so many chars got their damage nerfed.

what do people think about guy? i don't think he isn't that good. i have to play absolutely perfect, otherwise i'm getting smoked by mashing scrubs with him. i don't think i'll be using him as my main.
Adam Prime said:
meh yeah I'm not a fan either. I like that it gives you a "rank" with each specific character, but the overall PP system is kinda wonky.
I really liked the mutli-tiered system in Championship Mode.

The ranking is cool for each player, I dig that. It's the PP that then drops like CRAZY when you lose to a lower opponent, even if he's playing his best character and you're playing one you're just starting to get the hang of.

I shouldn't be so heavily penalized for wanting to try new characters. The whole system keeps people from venturing out beyond their usual Ken, Ryus, and Sagats. They just shouldn't have PP at all.

And I'm not exactly sure how it plays into matchmaking, if at all.


Everything is moe to me
i should totally pick up turbo, solve some of my shunpakyu loop issues.


also figures i just now get seth tapdancing down to a science and now have lots of mak work to do. :lol speaking ofwhich, seths corner ex legs seems to knock slightly higher, making his tap dancing easier. v. nice.

as for sakura:
- i think slower walk speed
- 10 less stun on each hit of a multiple shunpakyu
- new crossup [duh]
- new jump arc. [forward throw-lk crossup will now whiff, you have to step back first]
-ultra 2 is so awesome
- standing hp > l.shunpakyu > cr.hp is disturbingly easy offline, maybe its 2 frames now? my theory is that l.shunpakyu has alittle more hit and blockstun, because its also much easier to bully people with a standing lk even on block. this seems to be pretty powerful and a real boon to her groundgame.
-eat beforen drinking beer. ugh.
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