Ulysses 31
Anyone tried using Zelda Amiibo yet? Only way to get Epona again? 
Wait for reviews at least.I honestly think I'm going to buy a Switch for this, it just feels like something I can really get lost in.
The completionist in shamblesWhen you collect all the Korok seeds this time, Hestu gives you......
a bucket of piss![]()
BotW was developed for 2 systems but with this the Switch is all the focus. BotW was totally new but this is building on the already established infrastructure and taking negatives from the previous game. I believe the fuse system was the team answer to weapon breaking and of course proper dungeons.I maintain this is much better than breath of the wild. I'm not far in but it's incredibly addictive and I liked breath of the wild, haven't played it in a while but never was as much into it as other Nintendo games.
Few further things I've noticed that don't think need spoiler tags.
I think the loot for side quests and exploration is more meaningful.
There is a lot more going on in the world and a lot more enemy variety. If you found things distracting in Breath of the wild, this is so hard to keep on track ( in a good way)
I'm very interested to hear what everyone thinks of it when the time comes.
I'm not being funny when I say reviews are almost worthless for Zelda games. Reviews will either overscore out of fear or have the Jim Sterling crowd do the opposite for attention.
I'd imagine the reviews for this game are going to read like the first breath of the wild was a piece of shit and this improved all aspects of it.. which is true but Nintendo reviews can be hilarious like this sometimes. It's like " Remember that game we gave 10/10 scores to and said was perfect, well NOW we discovered problems with it!!"
So far though this really is a 9/10 game for sure.
Some my negatives are still the UI and controls. Much like the original they take getting used to and there is a bit of starting and stopping through menus during combat. though not as bad. Things like the fusion can be very finnicky to use. Supringly once you get the hang of it - the ultrahand is as good as it could be. It's funny how they nailed that and made the fusion a lot weirder to use when the Ultrahand is much more complicated to code I'd imagine. And you can only hold items by going into the start menu, it's strange how they created a shortcut to an items menu this time but only allow you to drop stuff from it and not hold. Odd choice there.
But again nothing here that's a deal breaker.
100% worth it.. basically did the same for PSVR2 ... GT7 a chair, manual shifter, racing wheel and load cell peddlesI honestly think I'm going to buy a Switch for this, it just feels like something I can really get lost in.
You are condoning piracy in turning a blind eye to a thread and posts that by the site's own ToS are out of line and not permissable
How did you fix the pixelated clouds?Steam Deck - Yuzu - 30fps and Yuzu Mod
How did you fix the pixelated clouds?
Playing this on the awful steam deck screen should be a crime lolSteam Deck - Yuzu - 30fps and Yuzu Mod
Playing this on the awful steam deck screen should be a crime lol
Oh, I see... Ryu has way worse performance tho. Oh well, it'll probably get better with a few updates thoRyu doesn’t have the issue. I must have taken that shot on Ryu. Sorry!
Yeah. Despite the take of naysayers, here are some positives from someone who was kind of meh on BOTW though I enjoyed it enough to complete it.The takeaway from the leaks is this game 100% justifies the $70 price tag and I’ll probably get that Zelda OLED too
Turns out there's a day one patch, or -7 day patch in this case.
Yeah anyone saying it’s the same engine or looks exactly the same is on something. Noticeably better than BOTWSo, um, now there's an update 1.1.0 leak as well?
I've watched the intro bits and to me it seems to be visibly more dense in geometry and details than BOTW. It looks really lovely.
Dude! This won't be a Redfall......Nintendo crunches and actually finish games.Wait for reviews at least.
It’s BotW: Bigger, Better, UncutDoes it have traditional dungeons? I know it has shrines.
This is not very good to hear for me personally.(Someone I know is....) 30 shrines down, 1 dungeon down, most of the east side of the map explored.
It's a great game, but it's so, so reliant on ultrahand and building things that if you don't like that then you're going to struggle. Have barely used ascend or recall in 15 hours. It's ALL about fuse and ultrahand, all the time.
There are times when you've just spent 5 minutes fiddling with objects in 3d space and trying to make sure they stay upright and then you get to a new room and it's more building and you just think FUCK, give me a break from this for 5 minutes, please.
I also think, as insanely large as they are, that the depths will be controversial. LOTS of travelling in the dark, little to actually find. Feels *very* dark souls. But seeing a lightseed in the distance and plotting how to get over there is fun as fuck, it's just that there's not much on the way.
Also, the dungeon there was was styled as a traditional dungeon with a traditional dungeon map but in terms of design was far more like a divine beast. You activate 5 things in any order to beat the dungeon. No small keys, no dungeon item, no boss key, no compass etc. You can just climb past a lot of the puzzles. But because it looks and feels like a dungeon and has a proper Zelda dungeon boss that gives you a heart container I'm sure people will be satisfied. (My take was always that Divine Beasts WERE dungeons in the first place.)
To answer your questions:This is not very good to hear for me personally.
What do you mean that it rely so much on fuse and ultra-hand? Why do you have to build stuff all the time in every room? Can you make a practical example?
And can you explain more about the dungeons being divin beast in disguise (i absolutely hated those in the first game).
Also, do you get all the cool stuff (gadget, skills etc.) In the first 5 hours of the game or this time they learned how to pace progression properly?
Is the reward for beating a main boss in a dungeon just an heart container?
The shrines where you build stuff doesn't sound super bad, i guess they are more original and harder then previous shrines.To answer your questions:
Pretty much every shrine is about building shit. For example, I found a "proving grounds" trial where they take all your equipment. I thought it would be about sneaking around, but in reality you had to use ultrahand to fix spikes onto a robot base to go kill the enemies. In another one you have to fix spikes to a wall in a pachinko machine to get the ball to go where it needs to. In another one you have to build a "scoop" and attach it to a turbine to scoop balls out of a hollow. Every shrine is like this, pretty much. In another, you build a plane to get over a chasm. In another, a raft to get over a lake. You enter, see some items strewn about, and know that you'll have to put them together to pass the test.
The dungeons being divine beasts in disguise simply means that they aren't like traditional Zelda dungeons, which typically had a linear route to beat, had puzzles based around a dungeon item, and had you eventually getting a boss key and getting to the boss room. Divine beasts, on the other hand, had no dungeon items and 5 terminals that you could activate in any order. Here, the one dungeon I played was designed like the latter. I had to strike 5 gongs, and could do it in any order. No dungeon item, no small keys. The whole dungeon was based around building mine carts and using mine cart tracks to get from one level to another - but you could skip a lot of it with climbing, which I did.
You get all your abilities in the first two hours in the tutorial area - just like BotW. The exception is the camera.
The reward for beating a boss is a heart container but ALSO the ability to summon your ally from that dungeon whenever you want. So, since Yunobo is the fire temple ally I can now summon his spirit wherever. He will attack enemies (poorly) or you can tell him to use a flaming rolling attack. It's pretty lame, I'm hoping other allies are of more use.
This is absolutely BotW 2, make no mistake.The shrines where you build stuff doesn't sound super bad, i guess they are more original and harder then previous shrines.
But the rest is not what i wanted to hear, thanks for the impressions.
I'm still keeping my preorder because the alternative would be to play redfall but fuck me if it isn't hard to find things to be excited for if you weren't a botw fanboy in the first place...
lol give me a break.but fuck me if it isn't hard to find things to be excited for if you weren't a botw fanboy in the first place...
Lol cry some more, Imagine how much fucks i give about how much the media or nintendo fans inside forums liked the game when we have games with big ass flaws scoring 90+ on metacritic and selling gangbuster left and right.lol give me a break.
BOTW is the most beloved and celebrated game of the last 10 years. Mainline The Legend of Zelda games is the highest-rated video game franchise in history. There is a little more here than a few fanboys hyping things up.
It's more likely you are one of the few that didn't click with the exploration, which is fine, but don't pretend everyone else is wrong and a fanboy because of that.
I liked botw concept and i was ok with a similar sequel, i was just hoping to see some of the thing i didn't liked fixed in the sequel.This is absolutely BotW 2, make no mistake.
If you didn't like BotW and wanted a return to traditional Zelda, I can't see this game changing your mind one bit. There are a lot of times when you're in the main Hyrule overworld, wearing the same clothes as BotW with the same weapon as BotW fighting the same enemies as BotW while the same dragon soars overhead where you think - god damn this really just is DLC. Then there's other times when you're on sky islands or underground and you can see where all the work went and it's amazing.
Some people will love the ultrahand building puzzles, and see them as a more intricate and interesting version of the first games' shrines. Some will find them fiddly and frustrating.
Personally, I'm loving playing the game but I do wish they had gone in a different direction with it - I wanted a new map and some traditional dungeons, not a focus on more physics driven stuff with a ton of reused content.
What games score over 90 with big flaws you say?Lol cry some more, Imagine how much fucks i give about how much the media or nintendo fans inside forums liked the game when we have games with big ass flaws scoring 90+ on metacritic and selling gangbuster left and right.
Rockstar games? Sony games? Fromsoft games? Nintendo games?What games score over 90 with big flaws you say?
Rdr2 was my goty with gow2018 so you can bet your ass that i loved the game, but it is not a 97, let's be real.After finishing Skyward Sword, I’m more than ready for BoTW 1.5! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy traditional dungeons but if I had to choose between them and everything else Botw does right I’d choose the latter.
From what I’ve gathered on reddit and the trailers, this thing actually has unique bosses which is what I wanted the most. Also, enemy variety and aNot big on minecraft stuff or building stuff with my limited time but won’t mind it if the shrines are creative and not that much of a fuss!whole new underground map to explore!
GymWolf Rockstar games deserve all the praise they get, mate. The games push the medium forward and feature an unparalleled level of detail which no dev can match.