Told yall T7 was a Beta....
Told yall T7 was a Beta....
The internet has truly broken me. I cannot tell if you are just messing around or are legitimately delusional.
The graphics kind of look like a mix of T7 and Revolution.
The graphics kind of look like a mix of T7 and Revolution.
Tourny itself was hype
News is awesome
Good day even without the sleep ;_;
It's 10AM here Sayah
Feeling it
Tourny was awesome. I was hoping Nobi would lose simply for having an ugly custom. lol.
The new defaults look really damn good and appropriately fitting for the characters and their personalities.
IIt looks nothing like Revolution. Eww. Why would you make that comparison?
Will look sickJust thinking, if they put in all this work on new defaults and graphics, they've probably updated the rage arts too.
Looks legit awesome. Amazing stages, models and effects. Just that forceful retcon is beyond retarded.
Yeah yeah, I know everyone here hates Revolution, but I'm talking about the way some of the shading and colors look.
Just thinking, if they put in all this work on new defaults and graphics, they've probably updated the rage arts too.
Going to sleep.
Tbh....why salvage something broken in the first place?
Yeah yeah, I know everyone here hates Revolution, but I'm talking about the way some of the shading and colors look.
Uhh. After T6 Hitler Jin you might be right.
Just thinking, if they put in all this work on new defaults and graphics, they've probably updated the rage arts too. Taking a closer look at the trailer though, the startup animations for some of them are the same...
The internet has truly broken me. I cannot tell if you are just messing around or are legitimately delusional.
Time for me to sleep aswell. More like a nap. Tourny in 3hrs. Hope i win....![]()
Just woke to this news !!! Saw the trailer !!! Now hopefully it comes out within a year on consoles. Not overly surprised about the title update as we already had it for the past view installments, but that Akuma announcement was crazy good. Does it mean TXSF is dead ? Mind i just got up so i have no clue about the tournament progress as well.
The only thing that will make Tekken 7 more perfect (for me) is Nina Williams.
I have a good feeling that she'll be added in Fated Retribution.
Man, the new outfits look so good...
FINALLY this is looking like a true sequel.
I watched my vids one time
Didn't think i played that stupid. Felt what people usually felt lol
6:30 here. I'm all in.
Kuuuuuuuuuuurwa maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaać! Kończ już!!!!!!!!!!!
If those new outfits are actually new defaults and not just customizations, that's pretty cool. Gotta take another look though.
Funny that right after this big debate about uniqueness, we get Akuma that actually truly looks like a completely unique character with several of his own mechanics. He even seems to have a SF style jump instead of the Tekken style jump.
The new graphics look boss.
New outfits for the cast is so awesome I'm in such a good mood right now! Hella exceeded my expectations.
Also I owe on of you guys a PSN code.
Anyone count how many supers landed in that top 8? I only watched the top 3.
Going to sleep.
Man, the new outfits look so good...
FINALLY this is looking like a true sequel.
I only felt that way when Asuka was on screen. It could also be for that trailer, but there was a bit of color saturation reminiscent of Tekken Revolution towards the end of the trailer I felt. Need direct feed footage to properly judge.
Akuma was actually the worst part of that trailer. His animations are way too similar to SF and not at all like a proper Shotokan Karate practitioner he's supposed to be based off of.
But forget that, new outfits! F yeah. Thank you Namco.... THANK YOU for listening.
Is it a smart business decision that exploits SFV momentum and fulfills promises for TxSF,killing two birds with one stone in the process ? yes.
Is this an insultingly bad retcon and a disappointment for what was supposed to be the conclusion of a 20 year journey ? yes.
Is the new update looking good ? Still undecided.Need more information and HD footage.
I have mixed feelings ,but I guess they finally garnered momentum and attention for the game.
The lead up tournament was good.
oh boo hoo.
Tekken's story was already in the sewers with Tekken 6. This new direction to the story is actually making me very interested.
And exploiting SFV hype?
Harada's "Capcom's turn" comments make more sense now.
This is just pandering to SF crowd at the expense of a truly authentic Tekken-centric conclusion to a long running saga.
Tekken story was nothing to write home about ,but at least it was authentic and self-contained even if it was terrible.
now I just...ugh..I know its a smart decision from a marketing perspective ,and I applaud them for it.But he didn't need to be canon.
Do we have an Aris reaction?
Sure, I guess he could have been left at guest character status akin to Gon but I personally prefer that he's in the story.
It makes things more interesting - I'm actually looking forward to playing Tekken 7 story mode now. In contrast to Tekken 6 where I was just playing through scenario campaign to get more in-game money for custom items.
I understand your reasons for not wanting Akuma to be canon, though.
Fuck yeah the king is back!!!
I never liked Akuma and didn't get what the retcon to Tekken 2 was? Can someone enlighten me. But incorporating Street Fighter characters was a great idea and looks good! I wonder if they'll add more.
Do we know for sure if those new costumes are defaults and not customizations?