The grounded hits were taking off like a throws worth of damage. The float wasn't something that you saw very often, if at all in high level matches, and usually it was only off of very situational set ups, or just set ups that capitalized on ignorance.
This new standardized form of oki cuts all of the bullshit and gets to the point. You set your shit up, and either it connects, or it doesn't. No more of the stupid ass whiffing fast mids that can float, but also recovery incredibly fast, so the person on the ground is just sitting there waiting for the grounded hit so they can tech. That shit was dumb as hell and needed to go away a long time ago.
"Standardized" - I hate that word. You can exchange it with "dull". If refloat attempts worked 100% of the time it would be a broken mechanic. The point is working for the reward for making them happen. And it was awesome, exciting part of the game that it's gone.
T7 has new dumb looking yoga wakeup animations from every postion that turn character to face opponent really quickly making backturned wakeup setups almost impossible. I say almost because the dumb hopping over opponent into crouch jab is back in full force, and that's really poor and stupid looking exchange for all oki options that were established before.
I rather have bt setups from earlier on FUFA or FDFT opponent that doesn't get up like a mummy.
I said it before, T7 oki may impress a VF player at most. Doesn't impress me. Not only Tekken 7 oki doesn't really anything you couldn't do before, but earlier you could do it better and do more to harras opponent. I don't give a shit for crybabies who couldn't bother to learn to get up properly.
Unless someone gets really hot when Devil Jin does the amazing uf+4 dash forward b+4 "oki" in T7. Oh yes that's new and so fun to watch....Billion times. Now Kaz can do it too with FC df+3+4 into b+4 - amazing looking shit, someone give them a medal.
Really this is the shit people take over float setups that utilize effort and skill?