So, here are the answers to the competition:
1) Will the T7:?R footage show any re-animated moves for the current cast or any added cast member?
(1 point)
None - None of the moves shown were re-animated
2) How many new characters (not in T7 vanilla) will be shown in the T7:?R footage?
(2 points)
1 New character
3) Based on your answer for Question 2, who are new characters? Give the name if it's a returning character, just say brand new character if it's that.
(1 point for each correct answer)
Brand New Character
4) Will there be any new mechanics shown in the T7:?R footage?
(1 point)
Bonus: Guess the number of new mechanics.
(2 points)
No new mechanics shown
5) Will the T7:?R footage show any new wake-up options not in T7?
(1 point)
No new wakeup options shown
6) Will there be a unique BT Tail-Spin animation in the T7:?R footage?
(1 point)
None attempted
7) How many legacy characters (including the ones added in T7:?R from your Question 2 answer and the current T7 roster) will have brand new default outfits?
(2 points)
Bonus: Specify which characters.
(1 point for each correct answer)
6 Characters

- Xiaoyu, Bryan, Leo, Dragunov, Asuka, and Lili
8) Are the customs shown in the T7:?R trailer/footage brand new customs, or more recycled customs from TTT2?
(1 point)
EDIT: If there are none, say "none".
No customs shown
9) *JackPot Question* Who will win the last chance qualifier tournament happening right before the tournament? (6 points) (Not happening)
10) How many Supers will Land in the top 8 of the tournament?
(2 points)
I counted 7
11) Will a female contestant place higher than everyone entering the tournament from EU/US?
(1 point)
Nope, neither the female or the US/EU players made it past the round robin, so they were technically equally.
12) From the Top 8, how many are going to be from Japan, how many will be from Korea, and how many from anywhere else?
(2 points)
5 - Japan, 3 - Korea
13) *JackPot Question* Who will win TKOIF2015?
(6 points)
Nobi won!
When I tallied the results, it was:
4 Points: Numb, Sayah, Mike Myers
6 Points: Famicom, Squirrel Soup
10 Points: Tera, Sasuke
11 Points: GrayFox!
Congrats Gray, you win! I'll PM your Euro PSN code soon!
Considering how gloriously the T7:FR reveal delivered, this little competition was hella worth it!