Not sure if I ever will touch another DA. After DA2 and EA I am done with it.
Massa said:It's this kind of shit post that makes Dragon Age threads on GAF nearly unreadable.
Aeana said:That's what happens when you take a population of people with differing opinions who do not understand the concept of fluidity or subtlety in criticism and place them together. Someone who likes a game will get a little bit upset when someone calls the game "the worst game they've ever played," and likewise people who don't like the game will be confused when someone says they like it very much. Dragon Age 2, FF13, etc. discussions are always the same: people talking past each other, trying to get their opinion heard, and in doing so, it becomes more and more extreme each time. The constant back and forth of completely binary and absolute hyperbolic opinions is getting really old and prevents any sort of intelligent discourse.
Last Hearth said:I just have one question for the people on this thread who's hates Bioware as if Bioware stole their girlfriend and killed their dog, what are the awesome RPGs that you are playing that's much better and has none of the flaws, because I really would like to play these vastly superior games.
Ysiadmihi said:The problem isn't necessarily that other devs are making better RPGs than Bioware (even though that's certainly true), it's that Bioware isn't making RPGs as good as they used to and are obsessed with dumbing down mechanics to better fit a wider audience.
HP_Wuvcraft said:As good as they used to, or as good as they were when there wasn't anything on the market like them?
Does it matter? Dragon Age 2 isn't a good game to me or the many others that think so.Last Hearth said:I just have one question for the people on this thread who's hates Bioware as if Bioware stole their girlfriend and killed their dog, what are the awesome RPGs that you are playing that's much better and has none of the flaws, because I really would like to play these vastly superior games.
Fimbulvetr said:There weren't any other isometric RPGs in the past?
Now what am I gonna play after BG2?![]()
ShockingAlberto said:Stamping your foot and going "WELL START LISTING THINGS TO PROVE TO ME THAT YOU'RE CAPABLE OF JUDGING GAMES" is really goddamn childish.
WanderingWind said:Dragon Age 3!
bigboss370 said:the need to improve the graphics. somehow DA2 was overall worse in that department than DA1, at least on PC, wasn't it?
Last Hearth said:I just have one question for the people on this thread who's hates Bioware as if Bioware stole their girlfriend and killed their dog, what are the awesome RPGs that you are playing that's much better and has none of the flaws, because I really would like to play these vastly superior games.
bigboss370 said:the need to improve the graphics. somehow DA2 was overall worse in that department than DA1, at least on PC, wasn't it?
bigboss370 said:the need to improve the graphics. somehow DA2 was overall worse in that department than DA1, at least on PC, wasn't it?
JDAWGZZZ said:It's a little early to be talking about DA3 isn't it? One of DA2's biggest flaws was that it seemed like priority number one was to finish the game up as fast as possible. If we get 2+ years of development AND BW going back to what made DA1 great, then I might give this series another chance.
truly101 said:But NOBODY is asking about the real change that needs to happen in DA3. If I am in a wide open outdoor area with no trees or any overlay of any kind, if I have a group of giant spiders rappel down out of thin air, I'ma kidnap one of the bioware developers, tie that fucker down, and drop a barrel full of spiders (poisonous ones at that) on the motherfucker.
While not astonishing by any means, maxed out the game didn't look that bad on PC.bigboss370 said:the need to improve the graphics. somehow DA2 was overall worse in that department than DA1, at least on PC, wasn't it?
HadesGigas said:Unless it's gonna be a launch window title for new Sony/MS consoles, it seems like early 2013 is the latest it'd come out.
It's mentioned in the OP that they are going to do away with "another wave!!!". We'll see how that actually goes...
AlimNassor said:DAII gets a lot of hate on Gaf. It really does. Dragon Age wasn't even that amazing. I see less hate for IW on gaf, at least people are willing to consider it a decent game. But with DAII, nope. With DAII it's apparently the worst game ever made. DAII was just another bad sequel out of hundreds of terrible sequels to good games.
That, and I think Ion Storm has the excuse of being new to games designed with consoles in mind, and overestimated how much streamlining was actually necessary. Bioware got off to a great start with Knights of the Old Republic on Xbox and nailed it again with Mass Effect and even the console port of Dragon Age it seems, so they don't have as much excuse.truly101 said:I don't think it can be understated just how lazy and uninspired DA2 is. Its not so much a bad sequel, lots of sequels choose directions that just don't work for the franchise in question, the game becomes a trainwreck because of it. I'd be a lot more forgiving on DA2 if that was the case. What seals DA2 for me is that it was obviously rushed to capitalize on an IP to boost 4th quarter earnings. Its the type of shit you expect out of Activision, not Bioware.
I seriously hope that's also an indicator of how good DA3 will be in comparison.WanderingWind said:DA2 = DMC2
Okay? Clear? We good here? Great. Dragon Age 2 fucking sucked.
truly101 said:I don't think it can be understated just how lazy and uninspired DA2 is. Its not so much a bad sequel, lots of sequels choose directions that just don't work for the franchise in question, the game becomes a trainwreck because of it. I'd be a lot more forgiving on DA2 if that was the case. What seals DA2 for me is that it was obviously rushed to capitalize on an IP to boost 4th quarter earnings. Its the type of shit you expect out of Activision, not Bioware.
Last Hearth said:I just have one question for the people on this thread who's hates Bioware as if Bioware stole their girlfriend and killed their dog, what are the awesome RPGs that you are playing that's much better and has none of the flaws, because I really would like to play these vastly superior games.
truly101 said:What seals DA2 for me is that it was obviously rushed to capitalize on an IP to boost 4th quarter earnings. Its the type of shit you expect out of Activision, not Bioware.
K.Jack said:Graphically, DA:O does not touch a maxed out DX11 + HD texture DA2.
Having played DA1 and loved it, and played DA2 I'd have to hate it. Mechanically it was exactly the same, it just looked flashier. I guess they figured people like flair and appearance more than mechanics :|ToyBroker said:Sorry, I loved DA2 way more. I couldn't even play DA1 that much--first, it ran like shit. Secondly, combat felt boring. In DA2, the hack/slash style felt visceral and I enjoyed it. I loved jumping all over the place as a rogue.
Last Hearth said:The reason I ask for other games is that without it we don't have a basis for comparison.Old games are not a good barometer, because the market has changed, the technology has changed, etc. The only realistic way to compare games is against other games that released around the same time, because that's what the developer of the game is competing against, his goal is to make a game that beats the competition.
To fail to see these, and criticize the game, is to compare the game against the standard of some abstract "ideal game", in which case of course the game is going to look like an abysmal failure. Because no game can live up to that standard.
And if you're going to tell me that Alpha Protocol is a better game than DA2, then I'm not sure what to say, except that I would have loved to have seen a thread on GAF about Alpha Protocol that puts that game through the grinder like DA2 was put through.
You weren't paying attention then. That's exactly what happened.Massa said:That's not true at all.
inky said:Is anyone really comparing DA2 to some abstract ideal of a game? Care to point me there?
If you really weren't interested in Bioware anymore, you probably would never have even opened this thread. You know, because you're not interested in DA3. But you have, so clearly there is something for you in Bioware's future. Complaining.Vaporak said:This is how I feel, I am no longer the audience for Bioware's game. There's just nothing for me in Bioware's future.