What's Y2Kev going to do with himself once this actually comes out?
My shot at an emotional ending:
Boy is actually in his deathbed by the time he finishes his story, and Toriko shows up with fully grown wings to take his old friend in one last flight up the sky and into the sunset.
89+ MC
It's going to be the surprise of the year and Trico plush dolls will be the "must have" item this Christmas.
The more time a game is in development, the better it will be. That's just physics.
Check the ot for a special treat!What's Y2Kev going to do with himself once this actually comes out?
Check the ot for a special treat!
Lol it won't be no few weeks...I will check this out in a few weeks when it goes on clearance.
Will be a 10/10 for me most likely but expect a 8/10 as the average.
Check the ot for a special treat!
Some extra comments from the Canadian reviewer on Reddit.
Disc version is 13.9 gb with patch.
I don't suppose any of you know how much space Last Guardian takes on the HDD?
The store page says 4.6MB (not gigs, megs) and I doubt that number very much.
Is there a PS4 Pro patch?
Yeah.Is there a PS4 Pro patch?
http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/11/03/39-games-enhanced-for-ps4-pro-launch/In addition to the titles listed above, more than 45 games will be optimized for PS4 Pro by the end of the year, including Watch Dogs 2, Killing Floor 2, The Last Guardian, and Final Fantasy XV — with the likes of Nioh, Resident Evil 7 biohazard, and For Honor to follow in early 2017.
Further to that, all first party software launched in 2017 and beyond, including Gravity Rush 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, and Gran Turismo Sport, will enjoy the benefits of the world’s most powerful console.