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The Last of Us Part I Rebuilt for PS5 - Features and Gameplay Trailer

Watched the video. Here's what I got out of it:

My take: Looks amazing. Are there gameplay improvements? Some. Is this TLOU 2 gameplay? No. Where is the enhanced exploration? No idea.

Edit: The big question. Do these enhancements justify a $70 price tag? No, it doesn't.

Fair enough, and they should have been honest about the game. Feels real scummy at least to me to lie and mislead. If they just said "mostly graphical improvements with some AI tweaks and accessibility" no one would have been mislead. But I guess then few people would pre-order that for 70$...


Such a wasted opportunity, they could have gone balls deep and had mobility from 2 and graphics far beyond 2, instead we get mobility from 1 and graphics from 2.

I'd much prefer 59.99 than 69.99 as a little faith or even an upgrade path if you have a recognised the last of us 1 purchase.
The ideas came from the words of ND...

See the posts above yours last page. I can quote them if you want to.

“Enjoy a total overhaul of the original experience, faithfully reproduced by incorporating modernized gameplay, improved controls and expanded accessibility options. Plus, feel immersed with improved effects and enhanced exploration and combat.”

That's what they said.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
If this included the PS5 version of TLOU2 and was a collector's edition with artwork, OST and other stuff we've never had access to them maybe it'll be worth the price tag.
As it is... I'm gonna wait till it's 20 quid.
The upgrade brings it up to parity with TLOU2 but it's not even close to being what you'd expect from ND on PS5 being built from the ground up.
No way.
“Enjoy a total overhaul of the original experience, faithfully reproduced but incorporating modernized gameplay, improved controls and expanded accessibility options. Plus, feel immersed with improved effects and enhanced exploration and combat.”

That's what they said.
Yes. Point to the enhanced exploration and combat. You could make a huge stretch that AI tweaks equals enhanced combat, but you cannot even make that for the exploration. Also furthermore, they specifically said gameplay mechanics (more than one my dude) so no you cannot blame people for rightfully expecting more than a few tweaks to the AI mechanic.

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Can’t Git Gud
RE2 is how a remake is done. This looks more like a remaster
Changes or not, it's still a remake since assets are "re made"
That said - it is hard to say how many assets you need to re create in order for it to be a remake over remaster


Identifies as young
Huge upgrade in every single way - what's the problem exactly?

I think the problem most people have with this is the price tag and that they overpromised/underdelivered on the gameplay improvements. They showed nothing of the "exploration enhancements" at all.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
We need some new definitions man

  • Remaster - Upscale of Res/Textures/Geometry, fix animations if needed, new effects etc etc....the same game just prettier.
  • Reremaster - Whatever this shit is.
  • Remake - RE2R type stuff where its effectively a whole new game in the same setting

This is a remaster not a remake in my books.
Im still gonna get the PC version cuz I didnt play the Remastered version.
But i still think charging full price is a bit of a tall order.


When they announced this remake everyone and their mother thought about tlou2 graphic and gameplay upgrades, especially when we already had a remaster that play exactly like the ps3 game.

And the game receiving these upgrades was the default defense when people asked who the fuck wanted a third remake for the same game in less than 10 years...

But now that we know the truth, some people are saying that expecting tlou2 gameplay upgrade was absurd or a low chance or some shit.

You can't made this stuff up...


Would love to know what people define Demon's Souls PS5 as?

Is it a remake? It is a remaster? is it a reremaster?
When they announced this remake everyone and their mother thought about tlou2 graphic and gameplay upgrades, especially when we already had a remaster that play exactly like the ps3 game.

And the game receiving these upgrades was the default defense when people asked who the fuck wanted a third remake for the same game in less than 10 years...

But now that we know the truth, some people are saying that expecting tlou2 gameplay upgrade was absurd or a low chance or some shit.

You can't made this stuff up...
I saw this reaction from certain types of fans coming from a mile away. It happens with every company with a shall we say 'particularly loyal' fanbase.

Would love to know what people define Demon's Souls PS5 as?

Is it a remake? It is a remaster? is it a reremaster?
Pretty damn obviously a remake since it literally is one? They tried to closely enough but not identically create the gameplay of the original, but it was rebuilt from the ground up with major changes all around. I don't know what you're trying to say with the re-remaster since there was no remaster of Demon's souls..?
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ND are probably not helping their cause when they use terms like "built from the ground up" - Not sure this is the case. I get they transitioned to TLOU 2 engine but as far as I can see, the actual environments are probably still base PS3, they revamped the texture work. The pricing is also a sticking point for many. Considering this is the 3rd outing for this game, they should either reduce the price or give a discount to those who own the previous titles. Either way, I'll be picking this up for PC when it eventually lands.
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alligator attacking GIF
Damage control?

You know how well the game sells?


Would love to know what people define Demon's Souls PS5 as?

Is it a remake? It is a remaster? is it a reremaster?

I think this remains a poor comparison point.

OG Demon’s Souls was an extremely janky, early Ps3 game that was only played by a small number of people. It lacked technical polish, and was difficult to play for the wrong reasons, as well as the right ones.

The Ps5 remake fixes all these problems, brings the game to a much wider audience, as well as massively upgrading the graphics and audio fidelity. It justified its full price tag.

TLOU was already a technical masterpiece, bought and played by millions upon millions of people. Far less work appears to have been done on this version than what Bluepoint did on their restoration and remake. This TLOU remake does not justify the full price tag.

Both are remakes for a modern console. Only one is worth the money.
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Yep. Just another one of those 10M-selling disasters! A real cautionary tale.

Good trailer. Game looks great. I'm sure it will sell well this year and next year when the show comes out.
That said if anyone isn't interested in the definitive version of TLOU, I guess I get it.

10 M selling .. thats great.. at least if you were not expecting to sell 15 - 20 million ... not saying thats the case but the quantity of something sold does not represent its success in the grand picture.

Force awakens made 2 billion dollars ... them came Last Jedi divided the fan base and after that Rise of Skywalker barely made 1 billion ... thats 50% less revenue after just 4 years (without inflation)... it is a disaster... but any other movie making 1 billion ?? Thats a success ...

As much as people like to play that Last of Us 2 is the second coming of jesus of gaming, that game was divisive and I can guarantee that it affected the total selling, but the real effect will be seen in their next game (that is not a remake) .. maybe It will sell exactly what they predict and wanted, maybe not... time will tell


She probably thinks that gaming is a hobby for male teenagers where you spend 90% of your time following a straight line and brainlessly shooting & murdering people, and, well.... TLOU will not help change her mind but only confirm her thoughts as that's exactly that. She will look at you with a concerned face and ask you why in god's name you tell her it's different as it's the exact same thing as any other retarded shooting gallery she watches you playing night after night.

Try showing her some intelligent games instead, aka Outer Wilds, Obra Dinn, The Witness, Disco Elysium etc... Then maybe she will revise her views. And it wont be bad for you to expand your horizon of thinking as well.
Nah, you need something that looks like a movie to convince normies who have no interest in games, cause it's what they understand, TLOU's intro more often than not works perfectly for this. They wouldn't even understand what makes the games you mentioned intellegent because they don't understand game interaction/design to begin with.
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I'm happy for the fans of TLOU series, and for the players that play first TLOU2.
Looks solid for 50$ game, but I don't want to revisit 8/10 game. The experience will be 95% same as the original.
Will wait for PS+Extra-duper release after 2 years.

Now please announce two important things:
1. TLOU3
2. The retirement/ zero creative involvement of neil druckmann. Can't stand dudes that hate fans and can't handle criticism. hush-hush go away.
I think this remains a poor comparison point.

OG Demon’s Souls was an extremely janky, early Ps3 game that was only played by a small number of people. It lacked technical polish, and was difficult to play for the wrong reasons, as well as the right ones.

The Ps5 remake fixes all these problems, brings the game to a much wider audience, as well as massively upgrading the graphics and audio fidelity. It justified its full price tag.

TLOU was already a technical masterpiece, bought and played by millions upon millions of people. Far less work appears to have been done on this version. This remake does not justify the full price tag.

Both are remakes for a modern console. Only one is worth the money.
It doesn't make sense, new assets are new assets. You are literally taking into account even how many people played the original game and how bad the graphics was or unpolished just to justify price concern.
How "bought and played by millions" stand in the supposed difference in "work" between the two?


I'm happy for the fans of TLOU series, and for the players that play first TLOU2.
Looks solid for 50$ game, but I don't want to revisit 8/10 game. The experience will be 95% same as the original.
Will wait for PS+Extra-duper release after 2 years.

Now please announce two important things:
1. TLOU3
2. The retirement/ zero creative involvement of neil druckmann. Can't stand dudes that hate fans and can't handle criticism. hush-hush go away.
Good luck getting TLOU3 without it's main writer/director, they couldn't even do the TV show without him.


Good luck getting TLOU3 without it's main writer/director, they couldn't even do the TV show without him.
Hopefully the dude who made a masterpiece like cernobyl has nothing to learn about writing from drunkman, hopefully his only contribution was for specific details of the characters\lore and nothing else.
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I did not call anyone who is gonna buy the game. obviously, it will sell shit tons too. which makes my original post more of a joke if anything since I am in the minority thinking this way ( hell if all GAF are like that we still a minority vs casual public )

my problem is with Sony and this stupid trend they are doing lately. not just this, even all their games on PC are full priced games as if they were being released day one. not a 4+ Years old game.

who is letting Sony get away with it? it's you and the rest of you who are willing to support this behavior.

I am not judging you or anyone for buying it again or 10 times too. your money. do whatever you want.

Not really. in terms of Mario Kart. the WII U was a dead system and Mario kart needed to be ported because it was / is still a masterpiece. so it did make sense. can't say the same when they released the last od us on a PS3 at the end of its life with millions and millions of user base, THEN again remastering it on PS4.. fine... now lets sell it for the third fucking time and we call it a remake this time.

Sony looking at their fans at this point as if we are fucking monkeys. nothing more.

As for Zelda you mentioned. how much was it on Switch again ? 70$ ? :)

Zelda was $60 and it was released in 2011. Is it a remake or a remaster? About Mario Kart i don't care if it was on a dead system or not the same applies.

I don't pay games at full price anymore or buy launch games or preorder games. So I'm not a fucking monkey like you think Sony fans are. The things is Nintendo do it and it's fine but if Sony or even MS do it then it's bad. Oh because the Xbox One and PS4 were not dead system right? If they were a dead system the then company can port 10yr or 5yr old games for the new console and sell it at full price $60-70 maybe improve them a little bit here and there at best a remaster... not even a remake.
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Dr Kaneda

This trailer shows the power of advertising. Footage is virtually the same as what was leaked and disappointed so many a few days ago, yet edit it in a fancy way and have devs talk over it with PR jargon and it fools a lot of people.

Of course the game looks graphically improved. Of course they've incorporated minor gameplay changes/improvements. But:

  1. Despite boasting about motion matching the animations still for me do not look TLoU2 level, if anything they look extremely close (if not verging on identical) to TLoU1.
  2. They touted AI improvements and yet showed absolutely none in the video. Going by the leaked footage the AI is still as braindead as it was in TLoU1
  3. It's totally devoid of all of the gameplay mechanics that made TLoU2 so, so good and is basically the same state as what makes TLoU1 feel extremely dated and clunky. Why even take on this project if you're not going to rework those elements? Seems completely pointless.
I actually defended the existence of this game against detractors when it was 1st leaked months ago as it was leaked as being TLoU1 with TLoU2 gameplay and I believed that was a big enough change to warrant a remake/remaster/whatever you want to call it so soon after the PS4 remaster of the PS3 release. But in it's current state I have to wholeheartedly agree with the earlier critiques. The price tag is also unforgiveable, even at £40 it would have been a hard sell but not impossible. £70 for what the game is unfathomable.


Bro it's just some graphics updates, but those guys are harcore try to making it like it's gonna be big deal.

Alot of broke bitches in the youtube comments. Can't save $70 in 2-3 months.

Gaming is an expensive hobby. Get over it.

You don't see the problem do you? I have money, i'm a fan of original TLOU, but i'm not byuing and supporting this BS nonsens.

If this useless remake will be success get ready for more useless remakes from Sony, next GOW 2018 and GOT remakes for PS6.


This looks fucking incredible,but it's a shame the gameplay is not like part 2. Stopped playing part 2 when Tom Henderson leaked about the remake and Part 2 director's cut, but the parts I played were brutal, and the gameplay was insane
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