Darunia said:but didn't get her perk yetEven though I got her in the 90%
What does this mean? Is there a way to check your relationship rating with a person?
And how do you check how far you are into the game?
Darunia said:but didn't get her perk yetEven though I got her in the 90%
NJ x Falkor said:What does this mean? Is there a way to check your relationship rating with a person?
And how do you check how far you are into the game?
voltron said:Yeah Carmen is from the date site. And Kikis perk is great and really easy to get. You get nto call her and she removes your entire wanted level. maybe even a little too good if you ask me.
ezekial45 said:Is it just me, or is this the first time anyone else has heard the N-word in a game.
X26 said:San Andreas for me
burgerdog said:Lola is in the police database, not sure if that had already been posted or not. According to the DB, she's in Liberty City now working as a prostitute. She lived in San Fierro(I THINK) and has just recently moved to LC :lol
Y2Kev said:What coop missions are there and how do I know if they are coop? I only see like Deathmatch, etc.
The Lolipop girl.Sylar said:Whose Lola?
ezekial45 said:Really? I don't remember hearing it there. Also, i meant the more derogatory version of the word. I'm not mad or anything, i'm just surprised that it's actually in a game.
DMPrince said:There's Team Mafiya Works and then there's Deal Breaker. I like Deal Breaker when you set it to Hard difficulty but there's one area to do damage unless i'm doing something wrong.
FIREBABY said:Snow storm. WTF! Somebody help me no matter what I do I can't pass it.
guise said:I did it on my first try. I had no idea what the mission entailed but i saw a few comments on GAF talking about the difficulty so i went in cautious and prepared. My tactics...
- had armour and full health
- took a big ass SUV parked it outside and sniped a bunch of guys from outside using the SUV as cover
- jumped back in the SUV and parked it outside the fence
- ran in and cleared the guys in the first room
- grenade down the corridor to clear out most of the rest of the guys, then finished off the rest of the guys
- grab the coke
- wait a couple of seconds and take out the couple of cops who run in
- sprinted out of the hospital to my SUV
- waypoint to the pay & spray on the 2nd island (it was a little tricky getting in without the cops seeing - i had to make a couple of trips round the block to lose the cops)
guise said:I did it on my first try. I had no idea what the mission entailed but i saw a few comments on GAF talking about the difficulty so i went in cautious and prepared. My tactics...
- had armour and full health
- took a big ass SUV parked it outside and sniped a bunch of guys from outside using the SUV as cover
- jumped back in the SUV and parked it outside the fence
- ran in and cleared the guys in the first room
- grenade down the corridor to clear out most of the rest of the guys, then finished off the rest of the guys
- grab the coke
- wait a couple of seconds and take out the couple of cops who run in
- sprinted out of the hospital to my SUV
- waypoint to the pay & spray on the 2nd island (it was a little tricky getting in without the cops seeing - i had to make a couple of trips round the block to lose the cops)
Yeah its just pretty difficult. Try to be the pilot of the heli, not a passenger. Approach one of the corners and get your nose as close to the statue as you can. You will most likely hit all your blades on the statue and wreck your heli, but that's the price of admission. Also, you should know that there's no way down without dying. So plan accordingly.voltron said:Hey how do you get in and on top of the statue of happiness? I saw someone posted a pic of a heart or something inside it and Ive seen up the top on a chopper there is some pigeons. I tried landing up there but theres not much room for error and I bounced off the top and took a dive.
Hootie said:Does anybody have tips on how to get the "Walk Free" achievement where you have to evade a 4 star wanted level? One time I tried using a Pay & Spray, but I didn't get the achievement. I don't want to sound like a whore but I'd just like to get this one![]()
Hootie said:Does anybody have tips on how to get the "Walk Free" achievement where you have to evade a 4 star wanted level? One time I tried using a Pay & Spray, but I didn't get the achievement. I don't want to sound like a whore but I'd just like to get this one![]()
Darunia said:couple of ways to do this. I started by jacking a cop car, immediately getting the cops on my tail and doing some in car shooting (uzi or better). Shoot cops in their car, on the street, cause mayhem til you get 4 stars. Then you start the evade game. set a waypoint way down on the map so you have some reference. Follow the waypoint, but if you see copper dots on the radar, turn and drive where there isn't any fuzz. When you get to the outside of the circle, be careful and don't run into any flashing dots. Stay out of harm's way and... Achievement unlocked.
Oh and it's important to ditch your car when you get out of the circle. You need to finish this on foot for it to unlock iirc
Hootie said:Does anybody have tips on how to get the "Walk Free" achievement where you have to evade a 4 star wanted level? One time I tried using a Pay & Spray, but I didn't get the achievement. I don't want to sound like a whore but I'd just like to get this one![]()
Seiken said:How do you fuck Kate?
Seriously, I beat the game and I've got 100% with her... but she's not answering my calls anymore, why?!
Hold a direction and tap the cover button iirc. If you are running or in cover he usually does a diving roll into cover.BuRT! said:How do you dive while in gun fights on the PS3 version ? I forgot how, and it doesn't seem to be in the control menu..
The-Switcher said:Are you suppose to be able to kill girlfriends?
I had Michelle in a car, and I was just messing around going on a rampage, and was heading right towards an off-ramp, and lept out at the last second. I assumed the car was gonna just crash into the guardrail, but it went sailing over the side, fell a good 50 feet down below and exploded on contact when it hit the ground with Michelle inside.
A message appeared saying, "Michelle is dead" and afterwards, her place wouldn't appear as an option, and she wasn't answering her phone. Is she really dead? I thought you couldn't kill major characters.
voltron said:Is that the mission at the abandoned hospital? If so - pffft. EASY. Did it first go.
voltron said:Yeah I jsut got it.
Go to tjhe airport = this gives you an automatic 4 star level. Then grab a car and outrun the cops. Pretty easy. You have to outrun them though.... no pay n spray.
Really, if I'll be able to get her by completing some parts of the game, I should've had her for a long time ago! I've beaten it, she just won't answer my calls anymorevoltron said:if you take the time to read up a little youll see weve been talking about it.
Rorschach said:Since I can't play(), I'll dispense some friendly advice.
For those having trouble driving: You have 2 types of brakes. Use them accordingly! Also, use FIRST PERSON VIEW!!
About the cover system: Did you know you can run from cover to cover? Did you know you can slide to a cover? Did you know you can shoot without peeking? Did you know you could shoot without locking on?
You have to use A (run button) in conjunction with the cover button and the left stick. Free aim is better than lock on. If you lock on, you'll just be waiting for people to peek or stand out of their cover when you could easily shoot their arms or heads by using free aim. Do it! Also, use grenades for fishing out pesky mofos that don't want to get out of cover and have shotguns. :\
Saw someone playing and they were walking out of cover casually and going to the next cover area. :facepalm
PSA brought to you by Spunk.®
Seiken said:Really, if I'll be able to get her by completing some parts of the game, I should've had her for a long time ago! I've beaten it, she just won't answer my calls anymore!
Megaton spoilers below:Son of Godzilla said:I think you might now have been paying attention to the ending.
Hootie said:Does anybody have tips on how to get the "Walk Free" achievement where you have to evade a 4 star wanted level? One time I tried using a Pay & Spray, but I didn't get the achievement. I don't want to sound like a whore but I'd just like to get this one![]()
Smokey Bones said:For anybody curious, I got the guide yesterday and here's what you have to do to get 100%:
I'm so not reading that, but I'm more than certain thatSeiken said:
Smokey Bones said:For anybody curious, I got the guide yesterday and here's what you have to do to get 100%:
Complete every Main Story and Procedural Mission in game(90 total) - 68%
Deliver all 30 vehicles to garage - 2%
Open all unique abilities to complete all activities (except Roman n Dwayne) - 10%
Beat computer or Friend at all activities once - 5%
Find all Random Characters and complete their missions(except Jeff, Cherise, Clarence, and Ivan) - 5%
Kill all 30 on Most Wanted list - 2.5%
Complete all 20 crimes in police computer (vigilante) - 2.5%
Find all 200 pigeons - 2.5%
Complete all 50 jumps - 2.5%
Total = 100%
BenjaminBirdie said:The deductive among us just got some pretty massive spoilers.
Smokey Bones said:All I did was start shooting people in the middle of the street, when cops came started shooting them too. Bam, 4 stars. Then it's just a matter of running away from them. What I did was use a variety of vehicles and running. Steal a car that has decent speed, and keep looking at your radar. I would turn often to get out of the line of site of the cops, and then I'd hop out the car and run through some back alleys.
Rinse repeat but keep looking at your radar to avoid the cops. Eventually you'll get out of the 'circle' and when you do just stay there until the stars disappear.
For anybody curious, I got the guide yesterday and here's what you have to do to get 100%:
Complete every Main Story and Procedural Mission in game(90 total) - 68%
Deliver all 30 vehicles to garage - 2%
Open all unique abilities to complete all activities (except Roman n Dwayne) - 10%
Beat computer or Friend at all activities once - 5%
Find all Random Characters and complete their missions(except Jeff, Cherise, Clarence, and Ivan) - 5%
Kill all 30 on Most Wanted list - 2.5%
Complete all 20 crimes in police computer (vigilante) - 2.5%
Find all 200 pigeons - 2.5%
Complete all 50 jumps - 2.5%
Total = 100%
They don't explain why thoughSon of Godzilla said:I'm so not reading that, but I'm more than certain thatshe's unavailable after the endgame. For whatever reason.