Has anybody else encountered Eddie Low on the street? That shit is CREEPY.
Open all unique abilities and complete all activities (except Roman n Dwayne) - 10%
its even easier to go out the north entrance to the airport, and drive along the highway between the highway and the water.TheGreatDave said:The Walk Free achievement can be got in about 30 seconds.
Go to the airport. Go to the leftest side of the runway (without getting close enough to trigger the 4 stars), look for a bike. Jump on bike. Drive on to run way, go full speed to the west side of the map (the side facing water). Go as fast as you can, hit the ramp at the end of the runway, and with a bit of luck you'll go flying out of the police radar, jump off the bike and avoid the boats on the radar. Took me a couple of attempts but it's how I did it.
Tr4nce said:So what's with this apparent bug which makes that you can not load your save file? Any solutions? Does backing the save file up onto a USB stick help?
Himuro said:If this game keeps this up, it may become my favorite Grand Theft Auto, edging out III. Not only that, but the best one too. I love the story so much, and the characters and how they interact with each other. The gameplay has been polished to the point where I have hardly any complaints at all. The gunplay gets real intense at times, and aside from the occasionally flimsy cover system...I prefer the gunplay to actual shooters like Gears of War.
The amount of freedom is crazy. I'm 27 hours in and I've still barely scratched the surface of the story. Right now I'm doing a bunch of police missions, and hanging out with various people. Namely Jacob.
The Vigilante missions ALMOST make up for the lack of true GTA taxi missions. Actually, they completely do. They are sooo fun.
It is also the hardest GTA by a long shot. It's fucking hard getting away from cops at even three stars.
.pn18 said:How to get those special abilities?
Is it possible to get 100% respect/sympathy after completing the story (I'm ignoring all their calls right now...) ?
I am ignoring non-main story jobs/calls/hangouts as well. And what are these special abilities you speak of?pn18 said:
The Lamonster said:I am ignoring non-main story jobs/calls/hangouts as well. And what are these special abilities you speak of?
noHimuro said:Is there an internet cafe in Bohan?
The Lamonster said:I am ignoring non-main story jobs/calls/hangouts as well. And what are these special abilities you speak of?
Kabuki Waq said:dude i am stuck at the first playboy X missionhow do i stop the helicopter from taking the last union dude? is there a strategy you guys use?
Kabuki Waq said:dude i am stuck at the first playboy X missionhow do i stop the helicopter from taking the last union dude? is there a strategy you guys use?
prettyvacant77 said:He didn't even get in it when I played that mission. I thought he had but I followed his dot on the radar and he was in the next area.
Think that's what happened, either that or I took him out when he was trying to get in da chopper
Kabuki Waq said:dude i am stuck at the first playboy X missionhow do i stop the helicopter from taking the last union dude? is there a strategy you guys use?
Himuro said:Are random character missions random or are they entirely missable? I haven't found one in the longest. The last one I did, the crackhead said he was clean. I saw one later on, but I was in the middle of doing something and said I'd come back. I came back and I can't fucking find it.
How do I know when a new Random Character mission is available?
ElyrionX said:I think they pop out as you progress through the story. I'm at 50% completion and I'm seeing quite a few of them. I just ignore them though. I did two and they were boring and there was one dude who would keep calling me to do his mission (after I completed his first mission) even after I rejected him repeatedly. He was a jackass and I didn't want to clean up his shit but I was forced to because he just wouldn't stop calling even after I shot and killed him.
Himuro said:Are random character missions random or are they entirely missable? I haven't found one in the longest. The last one I did, the crackhead said he was clean. I saw one later on, but I was in the middle of doing something and said I'd come back. I came back and I can't fucking find it.
How do I know when a new Random Character mission is available?
Smokey Bones said:I dunno if you're trying to get achievements or not, but of them is to meet all the random characters.
Son of Godzilla said:How certain are we that the chase scenes give the flee-ers invincibility? I ask because I just did a chase where I was able to light up someone (And I mean, it took me a huge number of SMG hits) that I swore was invincible beforehand. The mission even had one of those intermission cutscene things that are supposed to cue you in that you can kill em now. I'm thinking that they aren't actually invincible, they just take a shitload more hits to down until you trigger whatever.
Son of Godzilla said:How certain are we that the chase scenes give the flee-ers invincibility? I ask because I just did a chase where I was able to light up someone (And I mean, it took me a huge number of SMG hits) that I swore was invincible beforehand. The mission even had one of those intermission cutscene things that are supposed to cue you in that you can kill em now. I'm thinking that they aren't actually invincible, they just take a shitload more hits to down until you trigger whatever.
TheGreatDave said:Regarding Kate:
Seriously, should I just give up on her?
disappointing?fistfulofmetal said:The ending is kind of disappointing. :\
Like... what happened withMr. Bulgarian or whatever?
I expected something a little more to happen. It's not as bad as Saint's Row's ending, but it's definitely anti-climactic.
pn18 said:9. Driving Mr. Bellic
Unlock the special ability of taxi.
13. Retail Therapy
Unlock the special ability of buying guns from a friend.
24. That's How We Roll!
Unlock the special ability of helicopter.
33. Dial B For Bomb
Unlock the special ability of phoning for a bomb to be placed.
Rorschach said:Since I can't play(), I'll dispense some friendly advice.
For those having trouble driving: You have 2 types of brakes. Use them accordingly! Also, use FIRST PERSON VIEW!!
About the cover system: Did you know you can run from cover to cover? Did you know you can slide to a cover? Did you know you can shoot without peeking? Did you know you could shoot without locking on?
You have to use A (run button) in conjunction with the cover button and the left stick. Free aim is better than lock on. If you lock on, you'll just be waiting for people to peek or stand out of their cover when you could easily shoot their arms or heads by using free aim. Do it! Also, use grenades for fishing out pesky mofos that don't want to get out of cover and have shotguns. :\
Saw someone playing and they were walking out of cover casually and going to the next cover area. :facepalm
PSA brought to you by Spunk.®
Pretty certain theres a 3rd.Pimpbaa said:Are there any other girls you can date besides sobohoe or lawchick on the internet dating site? Seems like it's only those two. Kinda sucks.
Pimpbaa said:Are there any other girls you can date besides sobohoe or lawchick on the internet dating site? Seems like it's only those two. Kinda sucks.
Pimpbaa said:Are there any other girls you can date besides sobohoe or lawchick on the internet dating site? Seems like it's only those two. Kinda sucks.
OverHeat said:I wish you could date the pornstar/stripper.
Captain Glanton said:Okay, please tell me that I'm missing something. I now have a ton of money because I justbut I can't think of much to do with it. I can buy cars I guess, but it seems kind of pointless since they didn't fix the garage system a la Saints Row. There's only so much I can spend on hookers and hand grenades.robbed the bank in the Heat recreation
Ninja Kn1ght said:There's also a girl you can date on Alex is her name.
Can you spend money on those internet scams you get? I'm not far enough into the game with enough cash to try it.Ninja Kn1ght said:If you're on 360, there's an achievement for having over half a mil. That's pretty much all my money got me in the game. :lol
I tried to buy a wife as soon as I saw the ad. Wouldn't let me.dkeane said:Can you spend money on those internet scams you get? I'm not far enough into the game with enough cash to try it.
That's too bad. It feels like GTA III, where you get a ton of money and jack to do with it. I thought they'd outgrown that sort of mistake.Ninja Kn1ght said:If you're on 360, there's an achievement for having over half a mil. That's pretty much all my money got me in the game. :lol
dalin80 said:there's a few invincible chase cars, you can normally tell if they just send cars flying when they hit them without affecting the chase car itself.the black aston? you chase when doing a blackmail missionfor your gay ex-army buddy