|OT2| Disunited Kingdom
|OT2| Not racist, but no.1 with racists
|OT2| Not racist, but no.1 with racists
Yes, hostile.
To continue the dumb landlord analogy, we would need to ask the landlord's solicitor to decide whether the verbal notification to leave is equivalent to a written notification.
The main point to remember is that we have a collection of laws not a constitution.
Eton Mess wins for me.
Eton. Public school. Rich kids. Cameron Boris.Need explantion.
Game of Thones is looking relatively tame at this point, I'm just waiting for Blairys Targaryen to claim the Silver Mace at the head of an army of dragons.
Need explantion.
What does Eton mess mean?
Need explantion.
Need explantion.
What does Eton mess mean?
Need explantion.
What does Eton mess mean?
It's a dessert.Need explantion.
What does Eton mess mean?
UK Votes to Leave the EU IOT2I The Great British Hate Toffs
You don't realise how important we are.
Need explantion.
What does Eton mess mean?
Source? I know Steffan Seibert said that, has Merkel said it now?Merkel has just ruled out informal talks with the UK. Now the UK MUST invoke Article 50 in order to begin the exit negotiations.
How can the FTSE 250 be down 6%? They told me everything would be contained to Friday.
How can the FTSE 250 be down 6%? They told me everything would be contained to Friday.
They didn't say which Friday.
we sorted the thread title in like 10 minutes
negotiating is easy.
Need explantion.
What does Eton mess mean?
we sorted the thread title in like 10 minutes
negotiating is easy.
FTSE 250 tanking like hell, homebuilders getting pounded by the pound in realtime.
It's clearly the obvious thing to call it. So that's exactly why it shouldn't be called it. Need a terrible title to match the situation.we sorted the thread title in like 10 minutes
negotiating is easy.
we sorted the thread title in like 10 minutes
negotiating is easy.
Cameron to announce UK GAF is in charge of negotiations this afternoon?
Source? I know Steffan Seibert said that, has Merkel said it now?
Cameron to announce UK GAF is in charge of negotiations this afternoon?
Cameron to announce UK GAF is in charge of negotiations this afternoon?
I believe that David Cameron is:
[ ] A spineless cockwomble
[ ] A brainless assmonkey
UK Votes to Leave the EU IOT2I Don't shit where u kip
Reminds me of the BBC News segment where they informally polled a building site. All but two of the labourers (one black guy, one brown guy) said Leave.
You can't make this shit up. It's like everyone wants the job of complaining about the lack of jobs.
I'm afraid you'll have to go to the back of the line to tell us.
So guys, is Eton Mess a dessert?
At least the pro-Leave group will get what they want!The last few days seem to big one big nightmare from where I am (North East England). A lot of people here voted leave and I'm not angry as such at them I feel bad for them in a way. Here, up North, things are very grim. The amount of people that are unemployed is enormous and despite what a lot of the shit rags of the tabloids and Jeremy Kyles will say it's not because they are too lazy to work, it's that the job market is getting much smaller and the competition for even the most basic work is fierce. People here feel that it's hopeless and they feel ignored by the government.
Along comes the leave campaign making all these lavish promises about taking back control of our industries and providing more funding to the areas (even though the EU has funnelled alot of money into the region that was conveniently never mentioned). On the other hand the remain campaign was fought so poorly. The decision to overspend on those leaflets backfired big time as peopleswho were on the fence saw it as underhanded and shady. When Osborne announced the emergency Brexit budget people took it as a threat and it got at least a few that I know of to go and vote that day as a "fuck you" to the Chancellor. So at point we have a campaign that is telling people to stay as things are without reassuring people that are Struggling at the moment, and one that is saying leave the union and everything will be great you'll see. The voice of reason (which should have been Labour), didn't seem to be anywhere in the chaos. Hartlepool is very much a Labour safe seat and yet I can't recall seeing many of them around reminding people what the EU has done for them and all the positives the membership has brought us. Granted racism had a big part to play in this debate which makes me sick to my stomach but not every leave voter is one.
After this weekend there has been a very tense period where the remain voters are looking terrified and slowly the leavers are aswell as they are seeing the market go full meltdown, politicians flip flopping on the promises and now it's emerging that they don't even have a plan for what to do next. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at Boris's "the markets and pound is stable" when it's never been this bad in my lifetime. He also thinks he will be able to get a deal from Brussels to keep all the benefits of the union. Whatever reality he's living in it isn't this one. I do wonder if the main leave strategy was to scare the EU to the negotiating table for a better deal. If so then they must be bricking it since the EU is pretty much saying "don't let the door hit you on the way out, but go now".
I am terrified for what's to come as the political parties seem to be imploding with the only sane voice come from someone who wants out of the UK (which I honestly can't blame the Scottish people for as part of me wishes I could be living there if they vote out). There might still be a chance that we don't go through with this but it seems very unlikely at the moment and we are probably in for some of the toughest times this country has faced.
I demand a second referendum.
This one would be irrevocable and legally binding, and would have written into it a requirement for 50% of eligible voters to choose a side for it to be accepted into law. There would be a legal obligation for all campaigning to be vetted by a neutral third party for accuracy. Both sides would agree to take the final result in good faith and fully support the decision of the British people - this time taken in full understanding of the true facts.
The wording would be as follows:
I will be campaigning for Team Cockwomble, but I respect all of you in the Assmonkey camp, and may the best men win.
It's clearly the obvious thing to call it. So that's exactly why it shouldn't be called it. Need a terrible title to match the situation.
I refuse to acknowledge anyone in the Assmonkey camp. I could not share a country with such uninformed charlatans.