Neo Member
I demand a second referendum.
This one would be irrevocable and legally binding, and would have written into it a requirement for 50% of eligible voters to choose a side for it to be accepted into law. There would be a legal obligation for all campaigning to be vetted by a neutral third party for accuracy. Both sides would agree to take the final result in good faith and fully support the decision of the British people - this time taken in full understanding of the true facts.
The wording would be as follows:
I believe that David Cameron is:
[ ] A spineless cockwomble
[ ] A brainless assmonkey
I will be campaigning for Team Cockwomble, but I respect all of you in the Assmonkey camp, and may the best men/women/undecideds win.
I know ticking both boxes would result in a spoiled ballot, but still.... I feel both are accurate.