TheVerge: There will still be 30fps PS5 Pro Enhanced games


Yeah the games with a CPU bottleneck won’t see much if any benefit. I think since they felt comfy going $700 it makes even more sense to just push to $999 and throw in a better CPU. Feels like a half measure, but it’s already out of the question for a ton of gamers, so why not go big? I don’t think there are many who’d be happy to pay $700 but then balk at $999 if the value prop was the same (ie: CPU upgrade as big as the GPU upgrade)


Linux User
Yeah the games with a CPU bottleneck won’t see much if any benefit. I think since they felt comfy going $700 it makes even more sense to just push to $999 and throw in a better CPU. Feels like a half measure, but it’s already out of the question for a ton of gamers, so why not go big? I don’t think there are many who’d be happy to pay $700 but then balk at $999 if the value prop was the same (ie: CPU upgrade as big as the GPU upgrade)
Wouldn't throwing in a new CPU impact backwards capability?


People were never going to be happy and there are people weighing in who were never going to buy a PlayStation. That's just reality. And that makes it a campaign. How would you define a campaign exactly?

Look at the Road to PS5 video on youtube and the dislikes on it. It's the reality of the new media.

The XSX got a 600 dollar console that has 2TB of storage. People were disappointed by it, but there was no campaign in response. People just decided, "I'm not buying that" and moved on.

People are begging people to not buy this on twitter. I've never seen that before.
You’re reading too much into it and if you look closer you’ll see that there are fans that are complaining as well. Something got people disappointed, the noise isn’t unique. 599 US Dollars PS3. Xbox 1.5. strange Wii, weak Series S, etc. We’ve been there before.

And people just moved on after the $600 XSX because the platform is already dead, count the Xbox threads on the front page here, I get it to 1. Gamepass Standard. Negative tone. When did you last see a positive Gamepass thread? Must be a campaign !!! Right?

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
You’re reading too much into it and if you look closer you’ll see that there are fans that are complaining as well. Something got people disappointed, the noise isn’t unique. 599 US Dollars PS3. Xbox 1.5. strange Wii, weak Series S, etc. We’ve been there before.

And people just moved on after the $600 XSX because the platform is already dead, count the Xbox threads on the front page here, I get it to 1. Gamepass Standard. Negative tone. When did you last see a positive Gamepass thread? Must be a campaign !!! Right?

I can tell you didn't read what I actually wrote.


Yeah the games with a CPU bottleneck won’t see much if any benefit. I think since they felt comfy going $700 it makes even more sense to just push to $999 and throw in a better CPU. Feels like a half measure, but it’s already out of the question for a ton of gamers, so why not go big? I don’t think there are many who’d be happy to pay $700 but then balk at $999 if the value prop was the same (ie: CPU upgrade as big as the GPU upgrade)
The point of upscaling and frame generation is to, increase performance/image quality without cpu. All done on the gpu


It’s using the same CPU ( even if it’s been over clocked) as the base PS5 soooooo…….
Expecting Paramount Network GIF by Yellowstone
I can see first party games being built around just 60fps I wonder how it affects game development offering so many different modes I'd honestly be OK with games just focusing on 30 or 60 at launch then offer modes later if it means we'll get games quicker anyway I'm probably off topic my bad


Yeah the games with a CPU bottleneck won’t see much if any benefit. I think since they felt comfy going $700 it makes even more sense to just push to $999 and throw in a better CPU. Feels like a half measure, but it’s already out of the question for a ton of gamers, so why not go big? I don’t think there are many who’d be happy to pay $700 but then balk at $999 if the value prop was the same (ie: CPU upgrade as big as the GPU upgrade)

…..By the time they get to putting a whole new CPU in their and all the work to optimise it for their chipset? May aswell just make a next gen console at that point.

You know we should not have expected much of an upgrade? The base consoles are still 500+ bucks a piece. For a few hundred bucks more what were people realistically expecting? When them DF digital foundry vids start coming in I guess we will have a better picture of what this thing is a capable of with true current gen titles….. I think they should have used typically troubled games like calisto protocol and immortals to really show that it addresses current gen concerns. What we got was 4K/ 60FPS with fidelity settings on some games that already run on PS4 and are not really any real test of this hardware. We been playing 60FPS Xbox one/ PS4 games so far all this gen….. only to see SXS and PS5 struggle with unreal engine 5 games. Let’s how this thing handles those games and that will tell us if it’s got the chips to impress in the real world, I say.

But I’m gonna say it now….. forget about 60FPS GTA6 on consoles, of this gen. Including PS5 pro……


They did say not every game will be 60fps, Harry Potter has vastly superior Ray tracing and still chugged along clearly at 30 fps in the reveal.
I will say it for the 10 millionth time. Sixty and thirty fps are choices. They are choices that come with trade-offs. A game running at 30fps will always, always, always be able to present better graphics than one running at 60fps. It's objective reality.

Agreed 100 percent.
I don't know why, but I get a headache when I try to play games at 60 fps. It may be because I don't move my head that fast in real life as well. Even if a game plays above 40 fps on PC, I cap it to avoid a headache.

I always play in fidelity mode at 30fps, and so even mid-gaming PCs and PS5 are more than enough for me.

A lot of people say that games at 30fps seem choppier. But I don't notice it, or if I unconciously do I don't consider it a deal-breaker.
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Agreed 100 percent.
I don't know why, but I get a headache when I try to play games at 60 fps. It may be because I don't move my head that fast in real life as well. Even if a game plays above 40 fps on PC, I cap it to avoid a headache.
That sucks, have you tried gaming on a CRT or an OLED?
That sucks, have you tried gaming on a CRT or an OLED?

No. I have a 55-inch Samsung 120 Hz LCD TV. To clarify, I only have a headache when there is fast movements on screen like boss fights etc.

60 FPS appears unnatural to me, maybe because I tend to move my head slowly in real life. I think people who prefer 60 fps are mostly hyper people. But I have never met such gamers in real life to confirm if that's really the case.

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You boys all thought come November the 7th you would be playing Gotham Knights at 60fps, coming on here with shit like "hey green rats look at me and my smooth Gotham Knights gameplay" trying to get me to kick off and get sectioned again.


Imagine if this news piece read like this instead : "Sony mandates that every dev must make a P{S5pro enhanced version of the game running at 60fps or their game will not be certified"

The pitchforks would still be out lol.

Anyways, this is non-news. Of course, 30fps is not going anywhere. And if a game doesn't have a 60fps mode at all, I will do the same thing I do now. Do not buy it.


There has to be at least some. Their stated goal is improving performance modes. On one hand, that sounds like its for games that already have a performance mode. On the other, the 30-limited games seem to be choking on the gpu anyhow.


Gold Member
Here's hoping Unreal5 stops running so shittily.
I don’t think that will ever happen considering once they realize that newer consoles are out, though I had more bells and whistles to their existing engine to maximize it and will be right back at the same situation. We are now in three years.


Same CPU means same framerate in CPU heavy games. This is not news.

RT increases CPU demands heavily too.
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Iced Arcade

the pro is laughable BUT this was and will always be up to developers unless you restrict a console with requirements (and no one wants that)


aka IMurRIVAL69
I was just looking at this video comparision between 30 and 60 fps.
If choppy means blurry (at 1:36 below), then it is more realistic as when I turn my head it never seems to be super smooth as with 60 fps. Movement in 60 fps doesn't happen in real life unless one was a robot.


Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I don't think this is surprising, but it man... what a weird spot this console is in. It's priced as a premium product, but it's really not a premium product. You're already pricing out the more money-conscious consumers - just go balls to the wall and give us a $1000+ console that's actually insane.
No. I have a 55-inch Samsung 120 Hz LCD TV. To clarify, I only have a headache when there is fast movements on screen like boss fights etc.

60 FPS appears unnatural to me, maybe because I tend to move my head slowly in real life. I think people who prefer 60 fps are mostly hyper people. But I have never met such gamers in real life to confirm if that's really the case.

this comment is highly, highly regarded :messenger_tears_of_joy:


PS5 Pro 30 fps mode will be called CBB (Choppy but beautiful). It will melt your eyes and the frame rate will be of no consequence.


I will say it for the 10 millionth time. Sixty and thirty fps are choices. They are choices that come with trade-offs. A game running at 30fps will always, always, always be able to present better graphics than one running at 60fps. It's objective reality.
Pretty much, if you want both then invest in PC to get the best of both worlds. I get that it's not exactly what people want to here but give it about 7-8 years and your Civic will be as fast as a CR-X unless you want the premium to experience it now.


If you give developers more power and freedom, there will always be 30fps titles, people need to understand this. If the current best in 2024 PCs becomes the baseline in console performance in 2028 for example, there will be developers who want to push what the box can do with 33.3ms to render each frame over 16.7ms.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
The moment I saw the verge I knew it would be Tom Warren.

Firstly, it's always going to be up to the developers, secondly, this is the least of the Pro's problems from a value proposition.
Yes, but Cerny made it seem like this thing could run enhanced games at 60fps by default.


It seems to be a pretty unbalanced piece of hardware. Aren't a lot of modern games pretty CPU limited lately?
Yes and it is somewhat imbalanced. But the devs can always use the better GPU for higher res or more effects or better LoDs even if he CPU cannot keep up to get to 60, so there is still some benefit, at least visually.
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