I've only made two posts in the thread so I've dodged nothing, thank you.
Quite honestly, I'm not entirely positive that Secretary Clinton will select actual leftist justices or whether she will select more centrist justices like Pres. Obama has done with this most recent appointment. I have serious concerns about Garland's record on privacy.
I'll grant the president that he is trying to call the GOPs bluff here, but what will a President HRC do?
There are plenty of people in this thread who have seen my posts and, despite having no problem voicing their feelings on this topic, they avoid offering a response to my point. Their silence and lack of response speaks volumes. It's a dodge.
As far as picking leftist judges, I don't know what to say to convince you. Her senate voting record is strongly liberal. Her emails show her to be a liberal. Hell, her "moderate/DLC/corporatist" husband's first nominee in the comparatively conservative climate of 1993 was the general counsel of the friggin' ACLU, and she's been more liberal than he ever was. This idea that she won't pick lefties for the court.. I find that remarkable, and quite a reach. It'd be well out of character for her record.
And FYI: Sotomayor and Kagan were portrayed as moderates when they were nominated. They've ruled as consistent liberals.
i want sanders. i don't like trump (or any of the repubs for that matter) and i don't like hillary. if it comes down to one of them, why should i vote?
It's very simple: when another candidate like Sanders comes along and wins in 2020 or 2024, do you want their policies to be viable? A Republican will see to it that, even if we elect another Sanders, he will be met with failure. A Hillary Presidency, while not ideal, will keep that vision alive.
Aside from shoplifter, most folks have been avoiding this question.