I am a huge fan of voting. I vote in every election, local, state, and federal, and have since I turned 18. The idea of skipping a vote to me is bizarre. This is pretty uncommon behavior, even in my age bracket.
In the age bracket of most of the people posting in this thread, it's even more unheard of. And frankly, if you're not voting in every election, I'm not really interested in hearing you shit on people who sit out a vote. The least important votes you're every going to make, mathematically, are your federal votes. And yet, it's the federal votes that make people write shitty OPs like this one, where they treat other human beings like garbage for little effect.
And it is producing little effect. It's actively driving people in the opposite direction you want them to go. Tactically, it's just a dumb thing to do. If you'd rather rage at people than reach out to them, frankly, I have to question your seriousness.
It's easy to yell at people who aren't doing what you want. It's much more complicated to try and understand and persuade them. And if you really care about the issues, rather than scoring points on other posters and rooting for your team, you'd be spending less time shouting at people and more time listening. The only certain thing is that you aren't going to change minds by telling people they're idiots.
If what you want is to make things better, this isn't the way to do it. If what you want is to focus attention on yourself and your righteous anger, then you're doing a great job.