Man the installing on Xbox One is SOO slow...
Really? I downloaded from UK, took less than half an hour to complete.
Man the installing on Xbox One is SOO slow...
Man the installing on Xbox One is SOO slow...
really disappointed in the kill pilot mode...The modes in this game are really disappointing not to mention they're being sooo few of them... I would loove a mode where its just the guns and the pilots..
Really? I downloaded from UK, took less than half an hour to complete.
How did you all get so good so fast, my god. In beta I was steamrolling through everything. Now, when I have a 1.0 K/D ratio in a match, I call it a success.
Man the installing on Xbox One is SOO slow...
Ah, well, instant buyers remorse for me; I can see being bored of this a week from now. Just completed imc campaign . Some of the level designs are surreal but lack of communication and gameplay amounting to nothing but an arena shooter just isn't for me.
This was the one mode I really wanted more than anything else. What is it like? I thought it would just be guns and pilots, no AI or titans.
Man the installing on Xbox One is SOO slow...
so how accurate was the leaked stuff?
What is the final map count available to people out of the box?
Same for me, was up and running after 20 mins.20 minutes for me. I think your connection is probably the cause.
all the leaked stuff was legit and 15
Ah, well, instant buyers remorse for me; I can see being bored of this a week from now. Just completed imc campaign . Some of the level designs are surreal but lack of communication and gameplay amounting to nothing but an arena shooter just isn't for me.
Any more NPC "monsters" that interact with players other than the "dragons" on Boneyard?
UGH, the GameStop by my apartment that did a midnight release had a long ass line. Easily over 20 people and that's just what I saw standing outside, I didn't even see how many were in the building. The GameStop guy said there wouldn't be enough for everyone so I said fuck it and left. I'll use my team member + red card discount and get 15% tomorrow when Target opens. 6 and a half LONG hours away...
Apologies, as this has probably been asked before, but do I need to run this through a vpn every time I play it or just once to unlock it? I'm in the UK
Man the review thread and Giant Bomb Titanfall thread are.... something.
It helps keep this thread clean at least.
I guess on the positive side the Ogre and Stryder titans were both unlocked for me. I didn't have to do the campaigns at all.
I'm DL on Xbox.
Only done 20% in an hr. I have an average 70$ a month 30/3 internet connection.
Why so slow? Canada btw
Huh. How'd you pull that one off? I would love to be able to skip the rest of this campaign.
I have no idea. I went to pick my titan and all three were just sitting there to be used. Were your beta stats supposed to carry over to the full game? Because none of that did for me.
After spending a few hours with it, I can see why this game will be popular.
It is most definitely COD with some nice mech play and wall running but the biggest reason is that it is just a big give away.
By that I mean it doesn't take much to get a nice high kill count and K/D ratio and feel so good for killing a bunch of bots. It all blends in so seamlessly. You can tell the grunts apart from real players because they act like idiots but I don't think players will even care after a while.
The graphics are basically last gen in 1080p/60fps with AA and Texture Filtering and the art style is a uniform blend of Browns and greys. (I'm on PC obviously)
I kind of wish I had my $60 back.
You'll need to run it every time before Friday.
All three are available for the preset titan classes. You need to unlock them for custom classes.
All three are available for the preset titan classes. You need to unlock them for custom classes.
Don't know where the best place to whore for friends is, but add me on the XBL if you're ready for TITANFALL. Name is piratethingy.
I'm not super into people who play without mics tho.