where is the PC performance thread? im waiting
This game is fun but mindless. Not sure how long I will be playing for
Huh. How'd you pull that one off? I would love to be able to skip the rest of this campaign.
Looks like its going to take me 4 hr's to DL this game on xbone. Disgusting.
Assuming the dl is 40+ GBs it would take me several days, not so bad on your end it seems.Looks like its going to take me 4 hr's to DL this game on xbone. Disgusting.
Where you from?
Should have gotten the disc I suppose.
Played for 12 hours, had enough. Refund took 5 minutes.
Performance is all over the place while showing a constant 60 fps. Not much variety in guns and unlocks. Nice maps but feel the same mostly (too fast paced to appreciate them). I like the gunplay but there is not enough of it, more players would be nice. 6 players where most likely 3 have titans leaves 3 to shoot your gun at. Not enough imho. Not enough game modes. There are basically two objective modes (Hardpoint and CTF) but no one plays CTF (or at least I could never get a match going) so that leaves one mode for me to play, and while I like that mode that is just not enough.
Will be interesting to see how many will continue playing when the initial adrenaline rush wears off. I might consider rebuying it if they add more stuff in the future. Maps alone are not enough though.
I kind of wish I had my $60 back.
Runs fine for me. Got in one campaign game this morning before heading out for work. I'm running an X51 with an I5 with a GTX 550 and 8 gigs of ram. I'm running it maxed out too and it's running smooth for me at my monitor's resolution which is 1680x1050
Played for 12 hours, had enough. Refund took 5 minutes.
Performance is all over the place while showing a constant 60 fps. Not much variety in guns and unlocks. Nice maps but feel the same mostly (too fast paced to appreciate them). I like the gunplay but there is not enough of it, more players would be nice. 6 players where most likely 3 have titans leaves 3 to shoot your gun at. Not enough imho. Not enough game modes. There are basically two objective modes (Hardpoint and CTF) but no one plays CTF (or at least I could never get a match going) so that leaves one mode for me to play, and while I like that mode that is just not enough.
Will be interesting to see how many will continue playing when the initial adrenaline rush wears off. I might consider rebuying it if they add more stuff in the future. Maps alone are not enough though.
I read somewhere that you have them by default, campaign unlocks the custom loadouts for them.
It is, I just did it.Did you buy through Origin?
This game might be part of their 24HR return deal where you get a full refund if you don't like it.
When I was downloading this off of Origin, I was seeing rates higher than my bandwidth tier allowed. Sometimes it got up to 15 megs/second, and my tier is locked at 4.5 megs/second.
How is that possible? Was the game downloading, then running a local installer, then downloading more?
This game is fun but mindless. Not sure how long I will be playing for.
edit: I do want to say that so far Azure seems to be doing a great job handling the server loads. Go azure!
Played for 12 hours, had enough. Refund took 5 minutes.
Performance is all over the place while showing a constant 60 fps. Not much variety in guns and unlocks. Nice maps but feel the same mostly (too fast paced to appreciate them). I like the gunplay but there is not enough of it, more players would be nice. 6 players where most likely 3 have titans leaves 3 to shoot your gun at. Not enough imho. Not enough game modes. There are basically two objective modes (Hardpoint and CTF) but no one plays CTF (or at least I could never get a match going) so that leaves one mode for me to play, and while I like that mode that is just not enough.
Will be interesting to see how many will continue playing when the initial adrenaline rush wears off. I might consider rebuying it if they add more stuff in the future. Maps alone are not enough though.
Assuming the dl is 40+ GBs it would take me several days, not so bad on your end it seems.
At what DL percent is the game playable on one
At what DL percent is the game playable on one
It's about 17.
This game is fun but mindless. Not sure how long I will be playing for.
edit: I do want to say that so far Azure seems to be doing a great job handling the server loads. Go azure!
I guess on the positive side the Ogre and Stryder titans were both unlocked for me. I didn't have to do the campaigns at all.
There's just not enough game here to sustain people for months on end, let alone replace CoD or BF.
I was wondering how they handled that. I guess you're just stuck in whatever they put you in? How do you go about completing both sides... there isn't an option for IMC/Militia is there? I guess you just keep playing matches until you've done them all?Just completed the campaign and I want to replay a level that I lost. But I can't see which levels I've won and which I've lost. Also I can't switch sides. Is it just me or does the game really not support switching sides/choosing levels for the campaign?
Haha gotta love the GAF blowback
Does it have to replace CoD and/or Battlefield? It's Respawn's first title, at a guess their aim is to get a few million sales and see what's next for them.
which campaign unlocks the strider chasis?
Maybe Respawn's, but I'm sure EA wants to dethrone the king. At any rate, you're right, so let me rephrase. I'm not sure there's enough here to make it one of the great multiplayer mainstays of this gen.
really disappointed in the kill pilot mode...The modes in this game are really disappointing not to mention they're being sooo few of them... I would loove a mode where its just the guns and the pilots..
which campaign unlocks the strider chasis?
which campaign unlocks the strider chasis?