For those of you playing on PC, what are you binding to your mouse3/mouse4/mouse5 buttons? I'm terrible at doing my own bindings, I usually just chuck random stuff on there so I'm wondering what you guys are finding optimal.
That's pretty cool. I think Halo Reach did that with campaign marines, if I'm not mistaken.Ha, ran across a bot named "Captain Zampella"
Naming NPCs after devs was one of the things I really liked about the CoD campaigns.
Finally played my first two rounds this morning after giving up due to server problems last night on PC. First round I tried the assault guy, second round I tried the scout with the smart pistol...and promptly got bitched at for using "The noob smart pistol." after killing some guy. Less than 20 minutes played total before getting yelled at for a gun choice. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
That smart pistol is pretty fun though. Hits all the right "near future tech" buttons for me.
I get framerate issues on Lagoon. :/
I think it's a rather fair criticism. The game holds so much potential that the handful of modes is a genuine letdown. There's A LOT they could do with the formula but it definitely feels more safe. I'm having a great time with the game but I can definitely see the number of modes being a problem within the near future of consistent play. I personally wish there were more weapons/ordinances/perks as well.
Let's not get crazy. The game is not untouchable and any critique should be reasonably considered rather than rejected. There's a whole ton of fun to be had with the game. It does so many things right. But it is not without fault either.
I personally think the hype behind the game built up way too much expectation. This is a refinement of the genre, not a revolution.
Looked into the VPN trick to unlock the game early... looks like too much work to be honest. I don't think it's worth it so I'll wait. (I hate waiting.)
Played last night for a few hours. Trying to start up this morning and it keeps getting stuck and the splash screen (pilot on titan's arm). This is Xbox One.
I tried turning the system off and on; same thing. Any ideas?
you launch VPN, then Origin, disconnect from VPN and play. How is that hard work? Display driver installations require more effort.
Bumper jumping pilot is the way I think the most hardcore will play. It just gives you more freedom to aim while using the wall running to your advantage.
Played last night for a few hours. Trying to start up this morning and it keeps getting stuck and the splash screen (pilot on titan's arm). This is Xbox One.
I tried turning the system off and on; same thing. Any ideas?
Melee sounds good, I'm always fumbling the key for that. Will put grenade on mouse5 as it's a little harder to reach and I don't seem to use them that much (or at least I didn't in the beta). Do you have anything bound to the mousewheel 'click'?
I've installed the game on my PC but launch here is in two days. Can I just use the swap-trick to start playing today? Will there be consequences? Do we have some official info from Respawn or EA about this?
Cant count the amount of times I did that to myself in the beta.
Also, what does the electric smoke do? Auto kill the hijacker?!
Boy.. looks like some of the hardcore are up to the usual stuff with user scores on TF. Ya.. the people playing it think the game is a 5 out of 10.
Not straight away but it will rapidly kill them if they stick around. They have enough time to get the heck out of there if they're smart. That being said, it's the easiest counter to that tactic.
It was also the best anti-titan weapon in the beta. Wait for enemies to reload, charge in, pop smoke, watch their titan fry. Charge back out and shoot the smoke cloud with the rifle. I won every Last Titan Standing game with that tactic.
Giving out damage seem strange sometimes. I could be fuckin a guy up hardcore, and then suddenly he barely hits me and I'm down.
So do I. Pretty map though.
So no "swap the .exe file" necessary anymore now after launch? That would be great!
For those of you playing on PC, what are you binding to your mouse3/mouse4/mouse5 buttons? I'm terrible at doing my own bindings, I usually just chuck random stuff on there so I'm wondering what you guys are finding optimal.
Nope, as it's officially out now. As long as you connect to an area that has the game (e.g. USA) you're good to go.
This game can be great fun.
But so far my time with it has just felt so... soulless?
Not really getting into it like I can some other shooters.
Marvelous!! I just redeemed my Titanfall key from Cdkeys! Preloading as been initiated!
All for £24.69!! Go to Cdkeys if want a great deal.
Lols...this sounds like an advertisement.
GGs last night and yeah there's some weird issues with random lag, rubber banding or something. It's like the stupid shit in cod and bf. Half a clip into someone or 2 shotgun hits in the back, get all the hit markers, but they turn around and down you in a shot.
Had a satchel bounce off a guy last night and I'm the one that does in the blast. Wtf.
Thank you for your help my friend!![]()
For an extra £4 you could have got the season pass deal via mexico.
Boy.. looks like some of the hardcore are up to the usual stuff with user scores on TF. Ya.. the people playing it think the game is a 5 out of 10.
keleus said:"This game sucks because ps4, I mean seriously not even 4k wtf..., Its copying cod so hardcore i mean its an fps seriously. My mom said i can only buy ps4 games from now on."
Console warsBoy.. looks like some of the hardcore are up to the usual stuff with user scores on TF. Ya.. the people playing it think the game is a 5 out of 10.
Marvelous!! I just redeemed my Titanfall key from Cdkeys! Preloading as been initiated!
All for £24.69!! Go to Cdkeys if want a great deal.
Lols...this sounds like an advertisement.
So how is X1 version?
For an extra £4 you could have got the season pass deal via mexico.
I'm not trying to start anything. I am also disappointed with them playing it safe, but it's also there first studio release and there is a lot riding on this. I think the innovation will come with DLC once they have a chance to get the game out there and crunch the numbers. I am more critical of being negative this early on. Most people, myself included, haven't even had the chance to play the game. I think if they want this franchise to prosper, heavily supporting the game after the release will be paramount to its success. This game will have to last a minimum of two years in order to release the next installment. Respawn isn't a juggernaut like COD right now so it can't be annualized yet. (which I like).