Nope. It clears all progress which wipes challenges like that.
Nope. All that shit resets.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. so i'll probably regen like twice, if at all then.
Nope. It clears all progress which wipes challenges like that.
Nope. All that shit resets.
The Gen stuff sounds really dumb. I'm just going to stay at level 50 and keep all my shit.
Whats the advantage to regenning?
Generation 2
1.1x XP Bonus
EVA-8 Shotgun: 200 Enemy Kills
EVA-8 Shotgun: 75 Pilot Kills
Titan 40mm Cannon: 200 Enemy Kills
Titan 40mm Cannon: 75 Pilot Kills
No, people must know the size of my penis.
No, people must know the size of my penis.
Yeah there was line that was like "You've got a lot of killing to do" towards the end of the imc campaign that gave me pause. The campaign is almost laughable, it's so inconsequential it's hard to be angry about but my god it's not even worth having. I never would have played it if the other titans weren't locked out.The IMC are just huge dicks who joke about how they killed civilians.
Not like it matters. Rank systems haven't been worth anything in years.
I know the Titanfall story is a bit of an afterthought but I wish it wasnt so good vs evil
The IMC are just huge dicks who joke about how they killed civilians.
Can't connect at all on PC. Is this shit down?
Can't connect at all on PC. Is this shit down?
Can't connect at all on PC. Is this shit down?
Yea, the higher Gen people definitely have to have some skill. This isn't like COD.
That happens to me sometimes, too.So I've suddenly started getting random freezes that seem to be network related, but I cannot tell. They pop up sporadically and the game on my end freezes for 2 seconds or so.
I'm in the same damn situation lolWifey wants to hang out, but all I want to do is play Titanfall!
What is different from it? Just curious.
I know the Titanfall story is a bit of an afterthought but I wish it wasnt so good vs evil
The IMC are just huge dicks who joke about how they killed civilians.
That happens to me sometimes, too.
While seemingly not happening to the person that appears during the error.
And, they kill me.
The best Kill-Cams.
Me just standing there like a dope. Aha.
Generation 2
1.1x XP Bonus
EVA-8 Shotgun: 200 Enemy Kills
EVA-8 Shotgun: 75 Pilot Kills
Titan 40mm Cannon: 200 Enemy Kills
Titan 40mm Cannon: 75 Pilot Kills
Generation 3
1.2x XP Bonus
R-97 Compact SMG: 200 Enemy Kills
R-97 Compact SMG: 75 Pilot Kills
Titan Plasma Railgun: 100 Enemy Kills
Titan Plasma Railgun: 50 Pilot Kills
Satchel Charge: 50 Pilot Kills
Generation 4
1.3x XP Bonus
Longbow-DMR Sniper: 150 Enemy Kills
Longbow-DMR Sniper: 50 Pilot Kills
Titan Quad Rockey: 200 Enemy Kills
Titan Quad Rocket: 50 Titan Kills
Charge Rifle: 30 Critical Hits
RE-45 Autopistol: Kill 50 Pilots
Generation 5
1.4x XP Bonus
R-101C Carbine: 200 Enemy Kills
R-101C Carbine: 75 Pilot Kills
Titan Arc Cannon: 200 Enemy Kills
Titan Arc Cannon: 50 Titan Kills
Sidewinder: 10 Titan Kills
Gooser: Kill 50 Ejecting Pilots
Generation 6
1.8x XP Bonus
Spitfire LMG: 200 Enemy Kills
Spitfire LMG: 75 Pilot Kills
Titan Triple Threat: 200 Enemy Kills
Titan Triple Threat: 75 Pilot Kills
Mag Launcher: 10 Titan Kills
Rodeo: 50 Titan Kills
Generation 7
2.1x XP Bonus
G2A4 Rifle: 200 Enemy Kills
G2A4 Rifle: 75 Pilot Kills
Titan XO-16 Chaingun: 200 Enemy Kills
Titan XO-16 Chaingun: 50 Titan Kills
Titan Charge Rifle: 10 Titan Kills
Stryder Titan: 25 Executions (example)
Generation 8
2.5x XP Bonus
C.A.R. SMG: 200 Enemy Kills
C.A.R. SMG: 75 Pilot Kills
Atlas Titan: 25 Executions (example)
Archer Heavy Rocket: 10 Titan Kills
Wins: 100 Matches (any mode)
Titanfall: 50 Enemy Kills
Titan 40mm Cannon: 75 Critical Hits
Generation 9
2.9x XP Bonus
Smart Pistol Mk5: 75 Pilot Kills
Hemlok BF-R: 75 Pilot Kills
Krabr-AP Sniper: 50 Pilot Kills
Ogre Titan: 25 Executions (example)
General: 50 MVP Awards
Cloak: 200 Enemy Kills
General: 1500 Enemy Kills
Mobility: 75 Kills After Ejecting (in air - use nuclear explosion)
Titan Plasma Railgun: 50 Critical Hits
Titan XO-16 Chaingun: 400 Ciritcal Hits
Went to my buddys house and played it on X1....tempted to buy it on Origin right now.
Leaning towards it till Dark Souls 2 comes out on pc.
Thinking of "renting" this from Wal-mart. I don't have a xbone so I came up with a plan to buy the titanfall bundle. Play it for a week or so get my fill and return that mofo before my 15 day return policy is up. Already called and confirmed that you can return bundles with downloadable games as long as the hardware is intact.
Does this make me an asshole? I just can't spend $500+ right now to fully buy the xbox one right now but I want to play it really bad.
What say you GAF?
Titanfall is the greatest "pretend dark souls 2 doesn't exist" video game out there. 11.5/10
What is different from it? Just curious.
Thinking of "renting" this from Wal-mart. I don't have a xbone so I came up with a plan to buy the titanfall bundle. Play it for a week or so get my fill and return that mofo before my 15 day return policy is up. Already called and confirmed that you can return bundles with downloadable games as long as the hardware is intact.
Does this make me an asshole? I just can't spend $500+ right now to fully buy the xbox one right now but I want to play it really bad.
What say you GAF?
hardpoint is best mode.
Seems to me like the time effort to avoid wasting $500 is greater or equal to the effort of working a few extra hours and getting $500.
Has anyone played this on both PC and XB1? It seems like the gameplay would be better suited to a controller.
I also need a reason to justify owning my XB1 which has probably 6 hours of playtime on it in 4 months...
My K/D is 3.7 so far lol
You seem very lost in your ways if you consider doing things like that. Wow