Thinking of "renting" this from Wal-mart. I don't have a xbone so I came up with a plan to buy the titanfall bundle. Play it for a week or so get my fill and return that mofo before my 15 day return policy is up. Already called and confirmed that you can return bundles with downloadable games as long as the hardware is intact.
Does this make me an asshole? I just can't spend $500+ right now to fully buy the xbox one right now but I want to play it really bad.
What say you GAF?
Why is there two challenges for each?
That means you have to get 200 enemy kills with the shotgun
and 200 pilot kills with the 40mm? That sounds like a lot. Too much almost.
That and CTF is all I play. Although I should play some LTS because I enjoyed it in the beta.
A couple of things...Is there a way to join a game your friend is in assuming there is an open spot? Also, I'm having problems with my origin in game overlay. Won't open at all, possibly controller related?
Wish there was a way to specifically join lobbies, even if it adds a bit to the waiting time. Not really a fan of joining games mid-match.
I should have expected nothing less from GAF. Pure unadulterated judgement. It's not exactly that outrageous is it? Shady? Maybe. Cheap? Hell yes. But some us don't have the extra cash to shell out for a new system. If I could pay a few bucks to rent a console like the old days I would but that's not an option ATM.
The screen tearing is pretty bad on X1. I know it's been stated, but g'damn...I can't unsee.
The screen tearing is pretty bad on X1. I know it's been stated, but g'damn...I can't unsee.
This happened earlier today while I was playing:the screen tearing was god-awful the first day, but after all day playing today, I haven't noticed it. wonder if I got used to it?!
What is everyone's favourite maps so far?
1) Your favourite map visually
2) Your favourite map to play on (layout-wise)
I still haven't got home.. I really wanna play![]()
What is everyone's favourite maps so far?
1) Your favourite map visually
2) Your favourite map to play on (layout-wise)
I still haven't got home.. I really wanna play![]()
is there any way to change your game ID in-game? (PC)
I'm also feeling super bummed because my KDR is plummeting. From a beta high of 2.2, to a release high of 1.9, I'm slipping to 1.6. I don't know what I'm doing differently, but I just seem to be getting chewed up lately. For people that dominate, is it just skill, or is there some loadout tips I'm missing?
What is everyone's favourite maps so far?
1) Your favourite map visually
2) Your favourite map to play on (layout-wise)
I still haven't got home.. I really wanna play![]()
1 OutpostWhat is everyone's favourite maps so far?
1) Your favourite map visually
2) Your favourite map to play on (layout-wise)
I still haven't got home.. I really wanna play![]()
What is everyone's favourite maps so far?
1) Your favourite map visually
2) Your favourite map to play on (layout-wise)
I still haven't got home.. I really wanna play![]()
As for Titan play, I feel like I can do a lot more to contribute while I'm on foot. In a Titan I can either fight other Titans or occasionally kill people foolish enough to run around in open areas. I'll keep at it though, I've only played 4 games so far.
Campaign is a crapshoot - consistently grouped against teams filled with level 30+. Lost a ton but I completed it with a perfectly average 1.1 K/DR. To be honest, I'm always about a 1:1 player but it'd be nice if they balanced the teams a bit more....
You can get crazy high up in nexus...I just realized I've hit level 43 and I haven't gotten into a single match in Nexus. Damn I want to try that zip line tower.
I'd like attrition more if the matches were longer, I feel like it goes too quick. Pilot hunter seems like a better length of game time
Still trying to get the militia wins in for campaign. Wish you could search by side instead of hoping to get lucky.
Also, I'm curious how I'm going to get the achievement for killing 5 people in one shot of that railgun. Seems like you need to get extremely lucky.
OMG...I finally get to try Lagoon and then I end up getting disconnected...
It's like they don't want me to play that map.:/
The servers have been spotty for me tonight (X1). Don't know if it's on XBL's end or mine. Probably mine, our apartment net sucks.