Cod4 and cod 1 and 2 for me were amazing games. I liked them because they were basic for one thing, it was between you and the guys youre fighting, if you had better aim and reflexes you won. I am so disappointed with the way shooters are going... Cloaking in general i feel is one of the biggest and most baffling things to happen to shooters. I want a skill based fight, not a fight based on whos cooldowns are up.
I am really enjoying Titanfall but as someone who grew up playing Wolfenstein, Quake, Unreal, CS, etc. I hope CliffyB releases a new arena shooter that hearkens back to the good old days.
I think the largest element that was added to games I dislike is matchmaking. I miss being able to chill in a lobby and fool around or play competitive rounds. Pulling in and out of game constantly just ruins the fluidity. Not even being able to choose a server just feels crippling. However, I am loving Titanfall and can't wait to see what the sequel has in store, I think it will really hit its stride then.