Okay.. just played about an hour of this game on pc. First off definitely feels like it was made for a controller not a keyboard and mouse.
Matches are over way too fast and then a full minute before you get to play again is annoying. Titans seem over powered as fuck, and i am surprised at how easy they are to get.. didnt realize it was just given to you. but i guess thats a good thing because if youre a soldier youre going to be easy fodder for them.
Second cloaking is just as annoying as i thought it was going to be, guy ran straight at me cloaked, shot at him a couple times and then lost him in the smoke and effects and back ground, he appeared next to me with a shotgun in my face. Free kill yay. Happened at least a couple times in the 5 or so matches i played. Just lost them in smoke and effects and then im dead.
The bots are actually worse then i thought they were going to be.. not because they are easy to kill but because i hate when i shoot one and then realise fuck thats not a threat and just gave myself away to a real threat.
Theres some definite high points though.. and i think they all came from the titans, when i can just one shot some dude walking around with a 40mm grenade laser beam i felt pretty boss. Controls are pretty smooth i guess, wall running and jumping seems easy but again, meant for a controller i think. But im sure theres some dude out there whos a boss with it. Over all disappointed with the game, but ill keep playing and maybe ill feel differently in a day.
Surprised this thread literally has no one critizing the game.