How much more visible on the map are you if you don't use a suppressor?
You show up on the map as a red dot every time you shoot your weapon.
How much more visible on the map are you if you don't use a suppressor?
You don't show up at all with a suppressor.
You show up as a red dot when you shoot without a suppressor.
Run N Gun
You show up on the map as a red dot every time you shoot your weapon.
It's not thread-worthy, but famousmortimer said the Xbox 360 version will be sub-720p/30fps, as I've been predicting for months.
Really, don't. It's a waste.
Melee a Titan from the front when it's in the "doomed" state (the hp bar is yellow black).How do you rip a pilot from their Titan?
How do you rip a pilot from their Titan?
How do you rip a pilot from their Titan?
It's pretty clear when they go nuclear all glowy and that sound effect.I hardly ever rip the enemy pilot out since I assume they're going to go nuclear.
Only one time has this happened to me, and I thought it was a glitch.So you can run out of ammo for your Titan.
Yeah they really were a great idea IMO. I can also see the pay to win aspect of them coming. "Rare Pack of 10 Burn Cards - $9.99".
It's pretty clear when they go nuclear all glowy and that sound effect.
It's pretty clear when they go nuclear all glowy and that sound effect.
Finally finished the campaign! Man why did they even other?
Yeah, no need to be afraid.Even if they do, there is more than enough time to get some distance.
Same here, but reacting and running seems to work well enough.Yeah I just like having the distance I suppose.. haven't really gotten a feel for the minimum safe distance for the nuke perk. Sometimes I'll be what feels miles away and still die from it.
There's nothing they really could have done though. Imagine if the only way to progress through the campaign is if you won each match? How frustrating would that have been.A big missed opportunity IMO. I feel they could have paved the ground for multiplayer-focused campaigns, but instead we got a convoluted story wrapper on top of normal multiplayer modes. I love the game, but hope they try harder with multiplayer campaign in the sequel(s).
Extra explosives or power cell?Yeah, you're right. I don't even use it myself, but I forget what else I used instead.
Extra explosives or power cell?
Yeah they really were a great idea IMO. I can also see the pay to win aspect of them coming. "Rare Pack of 10 Burn Cards - $9.99".
Yeah, she's awesome. And she used to work on X-Play with the Sess, that's where I first knew her from. She co-hosted the podcast.Haha it was weird recognizing Abbie Heppe's voice in Titanfall. She graduated from my high school and I'm acquaintances with her sister. Small world.
Unlocked satchel charges, they're my new favourite now, both for protecting hard points and slapping onto titans while rodeoing. Although I wish there was a separate button to detonate them - I use the mod that gives you extra charges, but I want to drop one then switch to a weapon. But then I can't bring back the detonator without throwing another charge
Inching towards level 50 now, just a few to go. First time I'll ever have 'prestiged' in a game like this. Titanfall is crack.
I played a fair bit of domination today, was a lot of fun. The challenges remind me of Jetpac joyride, a very smart way to keep you pushing on for that next fix of a bar filling up.
Unlocked satchel charges, they're my new favourite now, both for protecting hard points and slapping onto titans while rodeoing. Although I wish there was a separate button to detonate them - I use the mod that gives you extra charges, but I want to drop one then switch to a weapon. But then I can't bring back the detonator without throwing another charge
Should I be using each of the weapons that unlock to show up new challenges btw?
Yeah, she's awesome. And she used to work on X-Play with the Sess, that's where I first knew her from. She co-hosted the podcast.
Gen5 will make you rip your hair out - "kill 50 ejecting pilots"...
I'm gen3 and have 5 of that type in total so far... (and they won't count as challenges are reset)
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! I knew the name Abbie Heppe was familar, but I could never place it.
Aw man, that's great. Titanfall is great you guys!
QUESTION: What does everybody think about the single-shot pilot rifle? I like the accuracy of it, but it feels kind of weak. Like it takes too many shots to put a guy down relative to the automatic weapons and they're rate of fire. I could be missing a ton, but I checked my accuracy with the weapon and it's not bad, 52%.
How are you Gen 3 already? There aren't enough hours it the day...
played 30h since monday afternoon CET. Up until now it isn't really hard. I think Gen5->6 will be the first and probably only real cockblock.
I'd also like to pick my burn card like now, but trigger it separately. Sometimes (often...) I die before an opportunity to take advantage of it comes along
Yeah, on PC you double-tap E to do this. I pile them up on a hardpoint, go somewhere else, and if I see it's being taken, I quite often get a free kill.I've never used satchel charges myself but I did see a loading screen tip that said you can detonate them by double tapping X (Xbox One).
Not sure if that's a solution to your problem though since, as I said, I've never actually used them but figured I'd share that in case it helps.
More like getting your dick cut off. Gen 4 was obnoxious but at least it was reasonable. They need to change the requirement otherwise boosting lobbies for everyone.
More like getting your dick cut off. Gen 4 was obnoxious but at least it was reasonable. They need to change the requirement otherwise boosting lobbies for everyone.
More like getting your dick cut off. Gen 4 was obnoxious but at least it was reasonable. They need to change the requirement otherwise boosting lobbies for everyone.
I got 5 in 30h... let's assume I can double the rate if I'm trying... that's 150h for that challenge - i could level 1-50 10 times in 150h...Guys, if you've gotten up to Gen 5 in the first three days of this game being out, I don't think killing ejecting pilots will take that long for you.