Boom! Bitch-slapped!
I wish I could run this game on my Macbook. I really want to play during my work breaks during the day, the little time I have with it at night isn't enough to satisfy that itch.
do you use Stim as well with this combo, I'm been going back and forth between that and CAR with silencer and power cell with Stim, nothing beats dropping 3 pilots in a row because they didn't notice their buddies dropping around them
Smart pistol, shotgun, smg are decent too, depending on map and playstyle. Other weapons not so much.
I dont think a 50 gig download is understandable for a small multiplayer only game, deal with it. And no i dont think invisibility should be a valid fucking option for a competitive game. But im still going to give this game a shot. Hope im wrong and its not another crysis 3 mp.
Why use run n gun? You can only run forward. You can't really strafe, so you're easier to hit. It's a disadvantage.
Yeah, I use stim with that. Seems to confuse the hell out of people.
But I do miss the extended wallhangs and runs since that setup works well for defending hardpoints off a wall.
And no i dont think invisibility should be a valid fucking option for a competitive game. But im still going to give this game a shot. Hope im wrong and its not another crysis 3 mp.
I hope you're not busy KDAing your ego during objective games![]()
By the tone ? Oh sorry im not amazed by all the bullshit marketing. Ill go get on microsofts and EAs dick for you if that will make you feel better.
I dont think a 50 gig download is understandable for a small multiplayer only game, deal with it. And no i dont think invisibility should be a valid fucking option for a competitive game. But im still going to give this game a shot. Hope im wrong and its not another crysis 3 mp.
Cloaking only makes you slightly harder to see vs players it's still extremely obvious where you are, in fact people who use cloaking and act like they're impossible to see are probably the easiest kills I've ever gotten.
The true purpose of cloaking is clever misdirection but mainly for fighting titans while on foot.
Cloaking only makes you slightly harder to see vs players it's still extremely obvious where you are, in fact people who use cloaking and act like they're impossible to see are probably the easiest kills I've ever gotten.
The true purpose of cloaking is clever misdirection but mainly for fighting titans while on foot.
Those also started getting out of control for me. So many aeriel based 'lol u dead' things, and sometimes(I recall this in MW2) you didn't even get a good anti-air until a good couple of hours of leveling. Fucking dumb.
I am usually anti-unlocks but Titanfall has handled it pretty well, as it right off the bat gives you important weapons for the Titan and Pilot along with strong perks. The only misstep is locking the chassis behind the campaigns.
1st time doing this in the retail build.=p
The other thing is that when you are cloaked, you lose your sights. That takes getting used to especially if you are aiming for headshots.Sounds like crysis.. you could see the person like when predator is cloaked with the shimmery.. Still an extremely annoying thing to be killed by an a big reason crysis mp died so fast. 60% done
Sounds like crysis.. you could see the person like when predator is cloaked with the shimmery.. Still an extremely annoying thing to be killed by an a big reason crysis mp died so fast. 60% done
I get the Locking the titans behind campaign they want people play it. The shitty part is not allowing players to choose teams or levels to start with. Not being able to control that has left me waiting to unlock the ogre at a later date. But you know if there ain't some jankiness to game it's not really funny.
CAR with counterweight and run n gun is super agile. That combo is outrageous on Colony and other tight maps. I love the DMR for the open maps like Training Grounds and Demeter. LMG because I am a LMG whore.
By the tone ? Oh sorry im not amazed by all the bullshit marketing. Ill go get on microsofts and EAs dick for you if that will make you feel better.
I dont think a 50 gig download is understandable for a small multiplayer only game, deal with it. And no i dont think invisibility should be a valid fucking option for a competitive game. But im still going to give this game a shot. Hope im wrong and its not another crysis 3 mp.
I hate that the titans are stuck behind the campaign, I'm curious what the experience of players coming in late to this game will be regarding the campaign. I have a few friends that want to get this but because of work trips won't be able to play for another 2 weeks or so. I'm afraid they wont even have opponents to play against to finish the campaign when they finally get around to installing Titanfall :/
Oh boy, I can't wait for the GAF thread about this:
I called in my Titan above an enemy titan, when it came down it crushed the enemy titan. Amazing.
Anyone tried using the 3 round burst with the grenade launcher? Is it any good? I think that's what I plan on working towards.
Shit, i must have horrible eyesight but if im running around jumping from here to there i rarely see a cloaked pilot... if i do it's for a brief second then they bound away round a corner or roof top. Then again i was always fooled by the invis in Halo as well. Might just be me?
There is also the FOV thing.Pfft.
The Digital Foundry report is going to be INTERESTING. Especially considering the biggest difference between the XBone version and the PC version is framerate, not resolution.
In theory there will always be people going through the campaign because of prestiging resetting unlocks right?
Warning! You will lose all that you have unlocked and be reset to level 1. All challenges will be reset. However, you will earn XP at an accelerated rate of [XP RATE] as a [NEXT GEN NUMERIC] gen Pilot. You will retain your Burn Card collection, and the Ogre and Stryder Titans if you unlocked them. You will get a unique chip indicating to others your Gen status.
Oh boy, I can't wait for the GAF thread about this:
By the tone ? Oh sorry im not amazed by all the bullshit marketing. Ill go get on microsofts and EAs dick for you if that will make you feel better.
I dont think a 50 gig download is understandable for a small multiplayer only game, deal with it. And no i dont think invisibility should be a valid fucking option for a competitive game. But im still going to give this game a shot. Hope im wrong and its not another crysis 3 mp.
Sounds like crysis.. you could see the person like when predator is cloaked with the shimmery.. Still an extremely annoying thing to be killed by an a big reason crysis mp died so fast. 60% done
Does the Stryder regenerate dash faster, or only has one extra bar of it?
It's not thread-worthy, but famousmortimer said the Xbox 360 version will be sub-720p/30fps, as I've been predicting for months.
Oh boy, I can't wait for the GAF thread about this:
Sub 30fps? Really, that sucks. I may skip the 360 version and get the Xbox One version whenever I finally have money for one.
So what is everyone's opinion of burn cards? Should they be in the next game? Should they be more or less powerful?
It's not thread-worthy, but famousmortimer said the Xbox 360 version will be sub-720p/30fps, as I've been predicting for months.
No, as in something like 1024x600, targeting locked 30fps (who knows if it will drop or not, probably will).
I want to use the spot through walls tactical ability, but I feel so naked when I go into a match without cloak.