I'm curious how their live action web series is going to play out. I think it will help out a lot to flesh out the lore and I think they were aware they needed something like that.
Yeah, the campaign missions that start with non-standard cutscenes (ie not landing in a drop ship) were very cool at the start. I really like the one on IMCIf the missions had stayed with you being engaged like that instead of all the action happening off-screen it could've been really cool. And the second to last missionwhere you start in a briefing room and then the doors open and you're immediately in the fight.where everyone gets blown up at in the epilogue was pretty cool too. I was hoping that that was going to lead to some joint operation final mission thing where everyone is fighting the AI, since Graves joins the Militia, but sadly the IMC players are forced to fight on the side of the evil robot that just blew you up in the previous mission.
I just want to verify that I cannot use Kinect to do in game voice chat?
Also I had a funny death happen today. I thought it was the enemy pilot but it turned out not to be the case. That cloud AI man...
Quite a few places have been selling it below full price. Check some key sites first, they might be cheaper.Been seriously considering picking this up for PC, would you recommend it? Worth the $60?
In my older years I wouldn't say a short attention span is my problem. I just have a tonne of things going on that tend to take my attention away; it is hard to switch off real life issues and this in turn causes grief in gaming I guess.
I think it might just be a bad day at the office.
Been seriously considering picking this up for PC, would you recommend it? Worth the $60?
I hear you and totally understand. I get into a slump now and then where i just cant really sit down an game... also usually related to work. Hope shit turns around for you and you can find some more fun in TF!
Does anyone care to explain the Titan core abilities and how to use them? Maybe I missed something during the intro but I've noticed them listed in each of my Titan load outs and I can't find anywhere that explains what they mean.
If you have put in a lot of time in TF2, BF4 multiplayer, or COD multiplayer and don't care about single player content then yes. Otherwise you might not have fun. For me the game has some legs and even if I get 30 hours of entertainment out of it that was worth the 60 bucks. As for its performance on PC it's the go to place to play the game.
I played many, many hours of TF2 and have been looking for a fun multiplayer shooter after the shitstorm that was BF4. Sounds like this might be the game for me, though I'm a bit wary of the PC port. Any outstanding differences from the XB1 version?
Quick word of caution, as someone who *does* like Titanfall, I will say that it's not as tactical as Battlefield or TF2, and is far more "lone wolf" K/D ratio oriented than class based shooters.
It's a great game, just go in with the right expectations. The strategy comes in quickly planning how you're going to do something and then how you're going to get out. Everything's constantly moving.
1st time doing this in the retail build.=p
Quick word of caution, as someone who *does* like Titanfall, I will say that it's not as tactical as Battlefield or TF2, and is far more "lone wolf" K/D ratio oriented than class based shooters.
It's a great game, just go in with the right expectations. The strategy comes in quickly planning how you're going to do something and then how you're going to get out. Everything's constantly moving.
Guys guys, I dream about titanfall.. hoping to live the life of a pilot. I sometimes catch myself staring up into the vivid sky... Hoping to find my titan...I have titanfalling in love... With her....Ariadne. I call her when time gets rough.. when I need a someone who can take me far away from the commotion. Or when I need backup.. shes my ride or die bitch.. I love you. Is this the most addicting FPS ever?
Quick word of caution, as someone who *does* like Titanfall, I will say that it's not as tactical as Battlefield or TF2, and is far more "lone wolf" K/D ratio oriented than class based shooters.
It's a great game, just go in with the right expectations. The strategy comes in quickly planning how you're going to do something and then how you're going to get out. Everything's constantly moving.
soo i just bought this game on pc..why is it 50gigs and did i make a terrible mistake buying into the hype? I heard this game has cloaking.. and i dont know why the fuck i just bought a mp only shooter game with cloaking..
Guess well find out in 20 hours when this retarded download is done.
It's no Battlefield Bad Company 2.
Although yes, it is made to be addicting (minions are there so you never feel too bad about yourself, titans are killstreak rewards without needing to worry about killstreaks, all objectives are fairly easy, map tactics is same as CoD.)
soo i just bought this game on pc..why is it 50gigs and did i make a terrible mistake buying into the hype? I heard this game has cloaking.. and i dont know why the fuck i just bought a mp only shooter game with cloaking..
Guess well find out in 20 hours when this retarded download is done.
Has anyone find a better reason not to use the R-101C all the time?
The nice part about the titans is that they are less passive then a regular kill streak and require more skill than less passive kill streaks. I feel less hopeless in this game then say in black ops when someone would get the black bird, dogs, and ac-130.
Has anyone find a good reason not to use the R-101C all the time?
When does the grabbing a pilot from a titan and smashing them happen? Have done it twice but wasn't sure what exactly is the trigger for it.
Share with me your secrets. What sorcery is this?Ding lvl 50!
3.5 KDA vs players, 10 kda vs minions. 62/77 matches MVP, 74% win ratio.
Not going to bother with prestige shit, I am not into leveling and achievements. I am a KDA whore though.
When does the grabbing a pilot from a titan and smashing them happen? Have done it twice but wasn't sure what exactly is the trigger for it.
So what's the final word on the chassis after regenerating? Do you have to unlock them again?
Meele a Titan when it is in its DOOOOOOMED state.When does the grabbing a pilot from a titan and smashing them happen? Have done it twice but wasn't sure what exactly is the trigger for it.
Share with me your secrets. What sorcery is this?
I hope you're not busy KDAing your ego during objective gamesDing lvl 50!
3.5 KDA vs players, 10 kda vs minions. 62/77 matches MVP, 74% win ratio.
Not going to bother with prestige shit, I am not into leveling and achievements. I am a KDA whore though.
Has anyone find a good reason not to use the R-101C all the time?
Judging only from the tone of your post, I don't think you will appreciate Titanfall. I would suggest you go ahead and cancel the download and request your 24-hour grace period refund from Origin.
CAR with counterweight and run n gun is super agile. That combo is outrageous on Colony and other tight maps. I love the DMR for the open maps like Training Grounds and Demeter. LMG because I am a LMG whore.
CAR with counterweight and run n gun is super agile. That combo is outrageous on Colony and other tight maps. I love the DMR for the open maps like Training Grounds and Demeter. LMG because I am a LMG whore.
I dont think a 50 gig download is understandable for a small multiplayer only game, deal with it. And no i dont think invisibility should be a valid fucking option for a competitive game. But im still going to give this game a shot. Hope im wrong and its not another crysis 3 mp.