I've hacked turrets but how do you hack Spectres?
Same way, just run up and hold X on xbox.
It hacks that spectre and any others that are near/part of its cluster.
I've hacked turrets but how do you hack Spectres?
I completely underestimated the power of cloaking early on. Started using it more religiously when moving through open areas and before engaging any enemies and I've seen myself improve dramatically because of it. It might be easy to see a cloaked enemy when he's running on the ground, but it's a bit tougher if you're double jumping around and parkouring all over the place.
I've hacked turrets but how do you hack Spectres?
I've hacked turrets but how do you hack Spectres?
Hold X behind them. It will give you a prompt. How do you hack turrets? I got next to one but I didn't see anything you could do to it besides shoot it. Does it actually attack anything?
Hold X behind them. It will give you a prompt. How do you hack turrets? I got next to one but I didn't see anything you could do to it besides shoot it. Does it actually attack anything?
EDIT: Where do you need to stand next to the turret?
Hold X behind them. It will give you a prompt. How do you hack turrets? I got next to one but I didn't see anything you could do to it besides shoot it. Does it actually attack anything?
EDIT: Where do you need to stand next to the turret?
I keep hacking Spectres and turrets because the animation is cool. I have no idea if it actually helps.
Developer Respawn Entertainment is currently in talks with Aspyr, a publisher that has released games such as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Bioshock Infinite and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on the platform.
Vince Zampella, co-founder of Respawn Entertainment, said on Twitter that his studio is talking to Aspyr and believes they should do it. While its far from a done deal, it shows the company is keen to bring its futuristic shooter to a platform that isnt controlled by Microsoft.
Haven't seen this posted yet:
Looks like Respawn is talking to Aspyr for a Mac version:
Glad EA isn't handling this themselves. SimCity is a mess on the Mac (more so than PC)
Source: http://thenextweb.com/media/2014/03...tertainment-talking-aspyr-mac-version/#!zx5sB
I am hitting those close escapes:
I am hitting those close escapes:
Thats awesome, the mac platform could use some recent multiplayer shooters.
Haven't seen this posted yet:
Looks like Respawn is talking to Aspyr for a Mac version:
Glad EA isn't handling this themselves. SimCity is a mess on the Mac (more so than PC)
Source: http://thenextweb.com/media/2014/03...tertainment-talking-aspyr-mac-version/#!zx5sB
Hold X behind them. It will give you a prompt. How do you hack turrets? I got next to one but I didn't see anything you could do to it besides shoot it. Does it actually attack anything?
EDIT: Where do you need to stand next to the turret?
I am hitting those close escapes:
contract loophole?
Game needs an 8v8 Pilots only mode.
I think the multiplayer campaign could have been serviceable had they actually put some effort into it. They could have just hired someone to do CG cutscenes, and placed those between each mission. Actually put some effort into writing a story (hell, that could have been outsourced too). That alone would have made it a hell of a lot better, but if they wanted to take the idea further, they could make slight alterations to game modes to better fit the narrative. Would have been pretty cool if pulled off correctly.
They attack both pilots and titans.
A shot insta-kills a pilot, and they definitely hurt a titan, especially if he's already battling another one.
Of course you personally get resources and kills of the turret you hacked, so it's definitely a cool thing to do.
I am hitting those close escapes:
I have to use the Arc Cannon for one of the gen requirements and I'm wondering does it suck as much ass as I think it does? I've been using it for a little bit and it seems like garbage.
Hahaha I didn't even notice I said that. Meant to say something along the lines of me being completely tired. hahahaha"I am COMPLETELY ripped." lol
Maybe the first time, but after the second playthrough as the opposing faction I think it really starts to shine. Even better on subsequent playthroughs. I'm trying to get the achievements, so I've probably played through the campaign 2-3 times on each side now. It's not bad once you do it a few times and actually understand what's going on, heh.
The first time through was definitely rough though.
Guys guys, I dream about titanfall.. hoping to live the life of a pilot. I sometimes catch myself staring up into the vivid sky... Hoping to find my titan...I have titanfalling in love... With her....Ariadne. I call her when time gets rough.. when I need a someone who can take me far away from the commotion. Or when I need backup.. shes my ride or die bitch.. I love you. Is this the most addicting FPS ever?
Hardpoint is the easiest mode to go a on a win streak with 1-2 friends. I can't imagine how good a 6 squad would perform (c'mon PC GAF, lets get together).
I'd be down whenever from 7pm EST onwards on weekdays. My origin name is drillingarm.
I'm curious how their live action web series is going to play out. I think it will help out a lot to flesh out the lore and I think they were aware they needed something like that.My only issue is that I don't think there should be any barrier like that to understanding the story. I actually think TitanFall could have really cool lore but I feel like the game doesn't do it justice (and I hope future games or maybe even DLC will fix that).
If there is chatter in battle, I feel there should be unique objectives dealing with the campaign and the ONLY thing the chatter will comment on is the player's own achievements or failures accomplishing the objectives. It just seems like a better alternative (and something really cool as well) rather than when cutscenes and chatter are happening in game for characters in the story apart from the actual battle that the player is engaging in.
There were times I saw hope in the TitanFall campaign games - it was a really, really awesome feeling starting or ending a match in a cutscene, especially since the cutscenes allowed player movement and some ended in surprising ways.
Counter-Strike is my favorite FPS, but I've never thought about a shooter whenever I wasn't playing it like Titanfall.Guys Is this the most addicting FPS ever?
There were times I saw hope in the TitanFall campaign games - it was a really, really awesome feeling starting or ending a match in a cutscene, especially since the cutscenes allowed player movement and some ended in surprising ways.
Anyone encountering this issue? I'm trying to play but it's stuck on the Connecting... circle loading screen and when I check my Resource Monitor to see what's going on I notice that Titanfall.exe is downloading 150 kB/s. Is it patching?
I down as well.
Origin name: Practice02
I'm curious how their live action web series is going to play out. I think it will help out a lot to flesh out the lore and I think they were aware they needed something like that.
I just finished the IMC campaign and something not very nice has happened...
I am already feeling a bit bored of the game. It may be down to playing it a bit too much since yesterday (still not really that many hours though).
The problem is I am bored, so I have a bad game because I am not putting my all into it plus my tactics go to ****. I then play another game to try and go out on a high. It is a stupid multiplayer vicious circle I get into.
Random question. Does anyone who what font respawn is using for the chat box lobby/in game?
Hmm question for you, and don't answer if you're uncomfortable... (i'm not being a jerk here) but do you happen to have a short attention span by chance?
I have a good friend, a FPS fanatic, who gets bored with whatever he's playing after a day or two and has to go play a different game for about the same time... he bounces back and forth and can't sink any length into one game.