"This is harassment... thank you so much for your ten dollar donation!"
I watch a lot of LoL streams and haven't run into any male "characters."
I'm not sure I understand your post (seriously). Can you please rephrase what you just said, and also explain what /b/ is?you are talking about /b/ here
many users told those cancer users many times to stop giving them attention and visibility
some of those girls also post on /b/ as anonymous just to start the raid on their channel
These trolls are fucking idiots, I respect this hustle.
I watch a lot of LoL streams and haven't run into any male "characters."
At what point is the transaction final and she has their money?Most of those people are going to charge back their donations.
With Youtube Gaming joining the streaming scene, i think Twitch should be careful by allowing those kind of streams to be on top of their site.
They could become the new Myspace, and suffer the same fate.
Can't hate the hustle.
Taking money from rubes is an age old tradition.
I'm not sure I understand your post (seriously). Can you please rephrase what you just said, and also explain what /b/ is?
At what point is the transaction final and she has their money?
At what point is the transaction final and she has their money?
When you say "chargeback," you mean they can get a refund, right? So she doesn't get the money. So at what point is the money safely hers? Because yeah, if people can refund, this won't work well for her in the end.With donations people can chargeback even weeks later.
/b/ is the random catch all of 4chan, basically the gutter of the internet. Equal parts disgusting, perverted, hilarious all at once until it 404's and is gone forever.
When you say "chargeback," you mean they can get a refund, right? So she doesn't get the money. So at what point is the money safely hers? Because yeah, if people can refund, this won't work well for her in the end.
I never knew this was actually a thing but the first time I saw this happening was from a popular female streamer and thought she was getting attacked by these trolls calling her names and stuff and then she started crying and wanted them to leave her alone.
I just think it's pathetic that Twitch let these streams happen and go on, they just serve no purpose on a game live streaming platform like Twitch. I just want people to find out that this is going on and nobody has said or done anything about it until now.
When you say "chargeback," you mean they can get a refund, right? So she doesn't get the money. So at what point is the money safely hers? Because yeah, if people can refund, this won't work well for her in the end.
I don't know many people who would issue a chargeback over a dollar.
wtf or who tf is arteezy and why did she change her name to arteezy?
OK, the donations seem to have dried up.
wtf or who tf is arteezy and why did she change her name to arteezy?
She had to get him back for being illegal and changing his name to hers.