This is not a dig at you EviLore just honest questions.
And where did those ideas come from? Why were they allowed to propagate unchecked continually? There are consequences to certain ideologies (more than 1 so not targeting any one specifically). And this example is beyond egregious...hope it forces certain leanings to reflect upon their "feels" and wake the F up. It is dangerous to continue any more excuses and put a blind eye towards what people "think" is "noble" because of ideological leanings and strict conformity without question. Objectivity, Critical thinking & Respect goes a long way in addressing thought processes. I can't imagine the contempt I would have if I heard someone making excuses in a face to face convo. Madness.
Its the Christian value of being kind, supporting the meek, the downtrodden, the poor being weaponized against itself. The West" (aka white european derived culture) has been SO dominate, SO productive, SO culturally inventive, SO marketable, they just swept the planet and there was a big sense of "We have so much and they have so little" which is a patronizing attitude but also the sequela of CENTURIES of exploitation, colonialization, and racist policies that used to just to be "civilization 101" but in recent times were reframed as "white guilt". The notion that EVERY CULTURE will exploit any other IF it can was lost and it became "white europeans were malignantly evil and the same shit done by anyone else was just natural and they's grow out of it". Sure, there were a few isolationist societies out there but almost all are expansionist as all get out, limited only by their neighbors ability to resist or their own fatigue and eventual internal collapse. Islam is a rabidly expansionist culture, rightly so since there was a time when they ruled vast swaths of the continents available to them. Christianity is expansionist as well, but WW1 and WW2 just exhausted europe and 'colonialism' collapsed across the planet. It will take a few hundred years to really get the proper perspective of whether this was a "good thing" and really, the POV of the people writing the books in that future era will undoubtedly think it WAS a good idea since they are likely to be the fruit of islamist or chinese societies if european/"the west" goes into decline due to not preserving themselves.
Quite frankly I think that as soon as America stops playing World Police we are gonna see a massive boil over of alllllllll the regional, cultural, ethnic, and religious conflicts that were largely suppressed by the US/USSR, now US, and soon to be US/China and maybe eventually just China, superpowers. If nukes weren't at play, as well as the global addiction to battery minerals/superconductors coming from just a few places then I'd say we pull back now and let the world sort itself. But alas our economy can't survive 100% internally and enough crazies with nukes are out there I'd rather not see important areas of the globe turned to glass.