He's a prat and an idiot.
But, as far as I know, he's never caysed anyone any real harm, even the schoolboy he libelled and was found in contempt of court of.
And he has been trying to get what has happened with these rape gangs noticed, which is far more than you or I have.
And there we have it, folks. Guy is a moron and been a shitbird in his life, but at least he is trying to get the word out.
However, we have known about this in the states since the 1990s. We had discussions on it, wondering why a small area would immigrate so many Muslims who live under Sharia Law. It was all countries of Islam back then pretty much and now it is 53 or 56 countries where they have it.
I spent much of my military career, around 16 years worth as a SME for the Middle East and spent years living in remote villages. I have learned a wealth of how they are, how they see themselves compared to other religions, what their leaders tell them to do to non believers, stoning women to death, dragging gays behind cars on payment till their skin and muscle start to tear offf the bone. You can look at what has happened to Northern Africa.
Every intelligence agency and reports show that 15-22 percent of Muslims are extremists and want Sharia law. Now considering there are over 1.9 billion followers of Islamic teaching, that would be over 200 million extremists running around. That is larger than all the militaries in the world combined numbers.
No one is changing these folks who are ardent believers and they won’t stop if they believe it is their right by God to use women and children as they see fit. The only way to fix the situation is to go after them in force, using every force multiplier that their weak police have.
Not every Muslim is the same and not all sects believe and look at the Quran the same way, but about 90 percent agree that they are above others, that their religion is the only one for the world, etc. Like anything else you have good and bad apple, unfortunately with the number in Islam, it is a metric ton of trouble.
Folks from the west have no idea what it is like in their countries. It is nothing but nonstop atrocities for women and children.