I think civil unrest is coming in the next decade or two, and it's going to get very, very nasty.
We already had that in the Summer. The government cracked down in the most heavy way possible. People were arrested and sent to prison in less than a week. People were also sent to prison for making social media posts or even being at the riots and filming rather than actually taking part.
Migration will continue in the UK and Europe forever because of human rights laws preventing any direct action. Also a lot of people in this country are also fine with mass migration. There is a woman who I work with who thinks the government should send Navy ships to France and North Africa and bring back as many "refugees" as possible. Question this with her and you're a "racist" or "Nazi". Ask her how we're supposed to house this people, not to mention hospitals, schools, jobs etc and her answer is "not my problem. That's the government's problem to resolve". There are millions of people like her.
It's a difficult problem because looking at it logically, we can't keep migration up at this level. The UK, especially England, has destroyed and built over more of it's natural environment than any other nation in Europe. We can't build enough homes for the people we already have here (Labour's plan to build 1.5 million homes is not going to happen. Even if they did, it still wouldn't be enough) and our national health service is on it's knees. But nobody wants to talk about this like adults out of fear of being called racist.
This leads us to these rape gangs. Nobody wanted to take action because of fear of being called racist and/or damaging race relations. This is the biggest issue. It's not racist to call out these rape gangs and have them punished quickly. It's not racist to want to stem the tide of migration to improve the quality of life of everyone in this country. It's common sense, at least it should be anyway.
Sorry for the long rant.