I live in Glasgow, in the UK. My best friend from college was a victim to this. She had alcohol issues all throughout the first year of knowing her becase of it. By her late 20s had developed severe agoraphobia. If she did manage to get outside with me (before getting really bad) she would become extremely stressed and angry at any man looking at her the wrong way. She was really attractive so this became a constant issue. She would also probably disown me even discussing her in an off hand way like this on a public forum, as it led her to becoming extremely private person and unable to use any form of social media. Not heard from her at all since her mum died, always thinking about her.
She used to talk to me very openly about quite alot of stuff, obviously which I won't be sharing. Admittedly there was a part of me that used to think she was a bit paranoid and past life events causing her to have become racist. I've found out in the years since however that she was absolutely correct, it's well known around the city..
Pakistani men specifically target young white school girls. Never black or asian. They first try to entice them with money, alcohol, drugs, even free food from their establishments. When that doesn't work they move on to harassment and will never take no for an answer. They own all the shops and takeaways in the area and they all know each other. They are constantly driving around at night looking for girls, I've known a few girls that have almost been abducted and dragged into their cars walking home at night. There are certain parts of Glasgow that are complete no go areas. Once they get you alone, usually by someone younger that seems nice and sensitive, and also telling you to bring one of your own friends to make you feel safe, you are both locked in the house, forcibly drunk, raped, then before your aware of it, also raped by several other Pakistani men along with your friend. Once they let you go they threaten you, but also offer you to come back in future and make some "pocket money."
Police do absolutely nothing about it. On one of the occassions I spoke about regarding an attempted abduction with a car, the girl was then charged for punching the driver. The police stopped her when they saw her walking home distressed with blood all over her hand. I have also heard two completely separate accounts from two different girls regarding their time spent in custody but saying the exact same thing.. Thrown in a suicide cell. forcibly stripped against will by an entire group of officers. Having their body deliberatly and sexually touched. Stared up and down from one of the officers for prolonged periods of time. One of the girls was the friend that went on to develop agoraphobia, no wonder when you can no longer trust those that are supposed to be there to protect you.