You reckon? Even if taken as a Dunkview, I thought it was pretty consistent with his Game Critics vid. That vid boiled down to:
1. Big gaming sites have too many different reviewers, creating inconsistent scoring, and a discordant message
2. Score is often at odds with review
3. The full scale is not used properly, with most falling between a 7 and a 9
4. Reviews are invalidated when reviewer has not thoroughly explored majority of content, and completed game
You can argue that Dunkey was guilty of number 4, but I'd like to see your evidence that he hasn't adequately invested himself into it to formulate a notable opinion. He didn't contradict 1 to 3 either, particularly no.1 - Dunkey's said time and time again that he has zero patience for games, and is also a stickler for a game that's easy to pick-up. I'm not super shocked Splatoon 2 isn't up his alley, as for these reasons it also wasn't up mine.
His gameplay footage is pretty indicative of him not really giving the game a fair shot, considering he's only played one mode and did a poor job of it. He has incredibly low scores even when using guns that are amazing at painting - this is indicative of him not trying to play the mode properly at all, you genuinely have to actively try to not play in order to get scores like that. Within 15 seconds you can have 100+ points with some of those weapons, he's two minutes in and has under 300. He played one mode and the single player, claims aspects of the single player aren't in the multiplayer (they are), says sloshers and rollers are bad at getting kills (they're not), doesn't understand chargers... there's plenty within his gameplay to show he's both bad at the game and not actually trying to play it properly, really. And then there's the crown jewel of absolute nonsense with "bad aiming"... the aiming is standard console shooter aiming, but with gyro as an option that can give you KBM level accuracy. If Splatoon has bad aiming, what about Halo, or Titanfall, etc? There's nothing functionally different there.
And the thing is, all of this would be fine, but he wants to try to be taken as a serious reviewer. By all means, he's entitled to hate Splatoon. But what he's doing here, it's exactly what he complained that Gamespot guy did with Crash, where he barely played it and wasn't good at it but tries to speak as a figure of authority anyhow. Calling Dunkey hypocritical for this video is absolutely valid.
If you don't like a game, you're not obligated to have to give it a fair shot, but you shouldn't also act like you're in a position to review something as truly awful either. Simply not liking something is a valid opinion when it comes to reviewing entertainment, trying to provide insight when you have none to provide, however? That's worse hack writing than anything he's accused other game reviewers of having produced. What this video really boils down to, he doesn't like Splatoon (which he said as much in a video with Leah about a year ago, that he hasn't played it but he doesn't like it) and he doesn't want to like Splatoon, and that'd be fine but he's trying to elevate that close-minded opinion as some high level criticism and that especially stands out as silly when he's gone on record basically saying he's a better critic than other critics. You can't drop a video like that "reviewers suck" one and follow up on it with a review like this if you want to be taken remotely seriously.