This video also just comes across as intensely hypocritical after his weird "video game journalists suck" video. He's basically treating Splatoon 2 the way that Gamespot reviewer treated Crash. Dude doesn't have to like Splatoon 2, totally fair play if he doesn't like it. But when you try to say anything is outright bad and you want to make a serious review of it (which is quite clearly his intent in this video, and has been his intent with reviews and commentary for a while now - we're long past the days of "you can't tell if Dunkey is joking or not", honestly), you have to step up with legitimate criticisms that hold up under scrutiny. It's very clear he doesn't understand the game, the footage alone is evidence - under 300 points 2 minutes into a turf war, you have to do practically nothing to get that. I regularly see young kids who don't understand the game who nevertheless outscore him. Plus, lol rollers being unable to get kills. It's totally fine if he doesn't understand the game and doesn't like it enough to want to learn it, but per his own logic, don't act like you're some authority on a game if you're unwilling to give it a chance.
I'm just most baffled by the idea that the aiming is bad somehow. It's... console shooter aiming. With the sticks it's typical aiming if you've ever played a console shooter. With the gyro it's about as good as keyboard and mouse if you find a sensitivity that works for you. He just says it's bad and leaves it at that, what makes it worse than other games? I play Overwatch and Titanfall 2 on console and aiming feels the same when I use sticks, he really just kind of invented an arbitrary nonsense criticism to crap on a game, which again is the exact kind of thing he was railing against game reviewers doing.