Xaero Gravity
Four years of xbox loving cunts here shitting up digital foundry and other technical threads with "xbox has better controller getting it there" "xbox live is better getting it there" "friends are on xbox getting it there"
Should the gulf be that big? I thought the X was something along the lines of 50% more powerful in terms of GPU. I know the cpu is faster and the RAM is up from 8 to 12GB but it seems like the X has really been beating the pro by wider margins.
Lmao hows that 30fps lifestyle treatin ya boy
Any criticism of the xbox one no matter how legitimate has been met with xbox crybabies, who would rather have phil spencers balls in their mouths than play good games, as a call to war.
Their precious was under attack! Time to stop the bukkake sessions with all the microsoft execs, wipe the jizz from their faces and grab the weapons...war calls!
How so ? Oh you're one of those people who think that giving people whst they deserve means someone must be having it rough.
Not surprising for a typical dog fucking rock stupid xbox fan who actually is dumb enough to think that the xbox has any exclusives actually worth playing.
You gonna cry into your xbox pillow while phil and major Nelson take turns giving it to up your xbox green tinted asshole tonight ?
Folks, I think we have another inbred dumbfuck xbox fan delusional from going too long without phil spencers dick in his mouth again.
Four years of xbox loving cunts here shitting up digital foundry and other technical threads with "xbox has better controller getting it there" "xbox live is better getting it there" "friends are on xbox getting it there"
Lmao, you'll be ok man. Its just uncle phil going ass to mouth on you. Honestly thought you'd be looking forward to it after so many times. ...
Xbox fans are just as stupid as Trump supporters so things have to be repeated.
Btw xbox fans constantly lose track of the competitions first party and exclusives library.
Many times more quality exclusive games than that pile of "games" that stink more than a post Chipotle explosive diarrhea outpouring that xbox fans call a first party.
Hey look phil spencers personal jerk off machine showed up to defend ms against another imagined insult.
The one x got microsoft fanboys jerking off on their own faces. They're so excited!
Not surprising at all. Only the dumbest motherfuckers on the face of the earth would buy an xbox one over a ps4 at this point.
Again, it's fanboys who get upset at others who don't virtually suck the xboxs dick whenever they post that I'm calling out. They're not celebrating, they're shitposting because their precious finally has the power advantage, and anyone who refuses to worship at its altar or doesn't agree that's it's gods gift to gaming has committed the unforgivable sin of not being totally in love with their precious. Btw you're proven your membership in their club by only calling out people on the other team so to speak. Always knew you were one of them. Not surprised.
Maybe that's because they're NOT exclusives to Xbox since everybody can play them on PC. Exclusives = not playable on another machine.
You assume everyone has a GTX1070 gaming PC that can play them comparable to 1X and they have that hooked up to a 4k TV like they can easily do with Xbox and can simply launch the games all from the controller super fast like on Xbox and don't have to tweak tons of settings, which every PC game requires if you want to get stable game play.
Look, if you are in the 1% - 2% with an awesome gaming PC (check steam stats), then Yea, the 1X isn't for you as you can get almost all MS exclusives on it.
The rest of the populace would rather out out less money for a more confident, quieter, more reliable, and less figity dedicated system to play the games on.
Also, I don't get why having the games on PC makes them any worse for Xbox owners? Does having Nier Automata and Nioh on PC make them worse games for PS4 gamers?
There's no such thing as "MS exclusives". If I can play both on PC and Xbox, then it's not exclusive to anything.
You're the one having comprehension problems with the word exclusive.
I had to stop right here on this shit filled thread.
Only playable on Microsoft's platforms you pay them money for. Am I missing something here?
Four years of xbox loving cunts here shitting up digital foundry and other technical threads with "xbox has better controller getting it there" "xbox live is better getting it there" "friends are on xbox getting it there"
These threads are killing the likes of ShadowKill and thelastsword. Loving this.
Personally, I find that they're both worth owning. It's a great time to be a gamer.
But apparently I'm an XB fanboy so what the fuck do I know? 🙄
Personally, I find that they're both worth owning. It's a great time to be a gamer.
But apparently I'm an XB fanboy so what the fuck do I know? 🙄
Holy shit, this is the best thing that happened in the forum in a long time. Look at that mental breakdown all thanks to the Xbox One X, LOL.
The funniest thing is, you can almost taste the salt and disdain seeping from his posts for years while he carefully tread the line as to not get banned. I even remember him for his pathetic posts about taking his cats on a trip across the country (lmfao). But now that the XBX has released it's like he snapped and his true N4G pathetic nature couldn't be contained anymore. Four years of fake "good" posting, gone just like that thanks to the crazy positivity of the XBX. This is an absolutely wonderful turn of events and if this happened after not even one month, imagine the next few years. I'm gonna dig and see if I can get his PSN from a few people![]()
I would not describe his posts as carefully treading
I thought there would be consequences for posting like that? I know Im a junior but has been lurking for years. Are there really no moderation at all atm?
I look forward to playing Horizon ZD, Spider-Man, and God of War in stunning X1X 4K.
Look, the X1X is obviously the more powerful box, but 1440p is stunning on its own, and the PS4 Pro is the best way to experience Sony's catalog. Joking about its abilities (at a lower price point, a year ago) is just silly.
Ooh another comparison thread. I always see the same shit heads posting in this those threads and fighting. Dont you guys have nothing else to do? Those discussions are really pointless right now.
Holy shit, this is the best thing that happened in the forum in a long time. Look at that mental breakdown all thanks to the Xbox One X, LOL.
This should be bannable...
This should be bannable...
Right. Making fun of people who are dedicated to console companies is just as pathetic as being dedicated to a console company.
Fanboys disgust me and on NuGAF we're free to call a spade a spade. This thread is quite frankly, filled with Xbots. This dude mad597 is literally just Helen Keller posting with a MS tattoo on his chest in every thread.
Oh please this place has been "sonygaf" for at least half a decade now. Sony fans got to prance around fucking up any xbox thread and not only did the mods allow it they banned xbox fans when they spoke up. That is calling a spade a spade. Sony fans have been treated like royalty here and now cry like babies when moderation is actually balanced.
Tough shit the power crown has switched you spinning sony fans just have to take it
Spade is spade and sony fans have been a cancer to the gaming community this gen and this forum was lead in that effort.
Yeah. It's the closest we've got to a new Left 4 Dead, and it has some loot.Is this the game that's free next month?
Oh please this place has been "sonygaf" for at least half a decade now. Sony fans got to prance around fucking up any xbox thread and not only did the mods allow it they banned xbox fans when they spoke up. That is calling a spade a spade. Sony fans have been treated like royalty here and now cry like babies when moderation is actually balanced.
Tough shit the power crown has switched you spinning sony fans just have to take it
Spade is spade and sony fans have been a cancer to the gaming community this gen and this forum was lead in that effort.