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What game are you currently playing?

Persona 3 Golden (or whatever it's called).
Starfield Shattered Space
That Hot Wheels game which just appeared on Game Pass and is really good.
Ender Magnolia: Bloom of the Mist is entertaining me. However, I'm hitting that spot that makes me stop playing Metroidvanias. I can't access the spots I'd go to next because I don't have those keys or abilities, and the areas that I can go to are difficult with my current abilities which make me wonder if I missed something.

I might pick a Tank to learn in Marvel Rivals. We'll see how that goes. Games with coworkers are not happening as usual, and teaming with randoms might as well be like teaming with bots since no one talks or has fun together. I also dislike the toxic chat.

Dynasty Warriors: Origins is still fun, albeit a bit too formulaic and padded. I got the Wheels weapon but it seems more annoying and troublesome than it's worth. I'm sticking to my Spear for now. I am still focused on getting the Staff.

Ninja Gaiden 2 Black. I play in short bursts. I love the action, I love ninjas, but man the camera is awful in these games. I do hope that Ninja Gaiden 4 fixes that.
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I have been playing a few games right now. I've been playing a lot of these on my Switch.

Fire Emblem Engage has been a fun and interesting strategy games I didn't think I would like this game because of its visual style at first glance, but giving myself some time to get into the game. I really enjoy the game so far. I love the strategic element of the fights and the placing you have to do on the board or field to complete your missions. The character perma death is so interesting! It makes me think about every move and how to utilize all my units in the best way possible. Also its nice to have these characters talk so I can get to know. I know when I lose a unit in a fight a part of me feels awful for getting members of my squad killed and makes think how I am going to go on about it. First Fire Emblem game and I have really been enjoying it.

Inscription is an interesting little card game. Another game I looked at and thought I wouldn't like. I'm not sure how I feel about roguelite games so far since this is the first one I have really played. I think it can get repetitive, but I think its spooky and uneasy atmosphere make up for it. My brain is transfixed on it and the gameplay is tightly designed around the aesthetic of the game and the world. I need to dive more into it but I keep dying at about the 4th boss. I'm going to make it to the next boss at some point!

Breathe of The Wild I just started back up. I was picking up where I left off at on an old save, but decided to start over. I can't even begin to explain how adventure games make me feel and Zelda knows how to enchant my little ass everytime I turn the game on and start it. My new run I just got the glider and heading to Kakariko Village to meet Impa. Six months later and this game is still showing me stuff I didn't know was in the game or I approach my adventuring different then how I originally played it over the summer when I got my switch this last year. The scale of the world that complements the adventuring parts of the game are so magical and the music accompanying the landscape is beautiful. I am excited to start up this new play through.


I've got flu, my brain is a mush so I wanted to play something relatively simple. Decided to go for Eternal Strands and I'm pleasantly surprised. It is indie RPG made by some ex-Bioware people (I think) and Bioware influence is evident, but it also takes some ideas from Zelda games, Shadow of the Colossus and so on. Not open world, but has numerous hubs (sort of like Dragon's Age: Inquisition) that you return to frequently, because sometimes you need to be there during the night or in specific weather conditions (kind of like DeathLoop)

You fight bosses by climbing onto them - some are easy to beat, some take some effort.

I love that half of the world is destructible and using environment helps you fight the baddies. There is a lot of focus on elemental damage so after a longer battle your surroundings can look totally different than at the beginning of the fight.

That said, I don't think this a game for an average Gaffer. While not exactly woke, all the characters in your team (unlike Dragon Age, they don't participate in exploration) are super nice, they never quarrel etc. All the dialogue options are devoid of any nasty remarks. I'm fine with that as I really felt like playing something relatively simple from dramatic/narrative pov.
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Btw, I'm running Arma on PS5 Pro in Performance mode.

As far as I've noticed, the onscreen frame counter shows ~59fps on average (and good servers 20-30ms ping).
Framerate might dip during heavy fights or something, but haven't ran into those yet, and didn't notice any major framedrops during some skirmishes or whatever.
Any screen tearing on Pro?


Gold Member
Mass Effect 3.

Somehow, we went from this...


...to this:


Whoever thought of turning the faceless AI into a hot robot chick deserved a raise.
We need to make gaming great again.


Neighbours from Hell
Beat Ender Magnolia. Liked it a lot. Not sure if I liked it more than Lilies, it's close. There's a true ending which I got that requires you to collect almost everything. Man I love Metroidvanias.
Marvel Rivals went terribly last night. I played Doom Match to practice with a few characters. I can't kill real players for some reason. I guess i cannot adjust to their speed and movement. In Practice I can move around and kill bots, so at least I know WHAT to do, I just can't actually DO IT in a real match. FeelsBadMan
Inscription is an interesting little card game. Another game I looked at and thought I wouldn't like. I'm not sure how I feel about roguelite games so far since this is the first one I have really played. I think it can get repetitive, but I think its spooky and uneasy atmosphere make up for it. My brain is transfixed on it and the gameplay is tightly designed around the aesthetic of the game and the world. I need to dive more into it but I keep dying at about the 4th boss. I'm going to make it to the next boss at some point!

Inscryption also goes completely bananas at a point, there's a lot more to it then what it first presents.


Gold Member
Resident Evil Director's Cut
I try to play this every year because I bloody love it. I'm going through as Jill and I've just reached the guardhouse. I'm playing on advanced mode because I love the handgun's ability to pop heads off - so very satisfying.

Dynasty Warriors Origins
Just chosen who to side with. Still having lots of fun with the game.
Resident Evil Director's Cut
I try to play this every year because I bloody love it. I'm going through as Jill and I've just reached the guardhouse. I'm playing on advanced mode because I love the handgun's ability to pop heads off - so very satisfying.
Fun fact… I’ve been playing this game since 97 snd only this year learned that Barry actually comes back after he drops the rope and waiting is needed to get Jills good ending. My mind was blown. Saw new sequences and heard new dialogue in a game I have been playing for almost 30 years.


Gold Member
Fun fact… I’ve been playing this game since 97 snd only this year learned that Barry actually comes back after he drops the rope and waiting is needed to get Jills good ending. My mind was blown. Saw new sequences and heard new dialogue in a game I have been playing for almost 30 years.

Oh wow haha, that's amazing. I didn't know about it for years in fairness. That whole bit is one of my favourite parts of the game. Well, the bit just before. There's a 30 foot decomposing snake on the floor and Barry struts in and asks "Find anything interesting, Jill?" Errrm...


Gold Member
That fire dragon from Ys Oath in Felghana is such a pos. 1100 health and you can only hit him for a single HP point at a time.

Been playing Ender Magnolia, but haven’t played it in a while. Played some Darkest Dungeon II and I’m surprisingly enjoying it. Still playing Ninja Gaiden II Black. This month has been slow due to events happening irl. Overall having a good time with what I bought. Also played some Dino Crisis from GOG. It looks fantastic.


Finished up Tactical Breach Wizards on PC.

Some of the sharpest and funniest writing I think I've ever had the pleasure to read in a game, and the game itself, whilst looking like a Fire Emblem / X-Com, it really isnt. It is a puzzle game through and through and you have a great mechanic, which is part of the story allowing to forsee what is going to happen when you make moves so you are given freedom to "rewind" and experiment with moves. I played most of it trying to ensure none of my squad took any damage so it felt like I solved the puzzle room correctly, but by the final act there is so much going on I just went with whatever happened!

Finished up Crypt Custodian played exclusively on Steam Deck.

Top down "metroidvania" type top down game with a really great art style and a great 'feel' to the game, the flow of combat took me back to Hollow Knight in just how it feels good to hit things. Story isnt too heavy either and leans on the more jovial side once it gets going. I couldnt put it down once I stopped. Metroidvania meets bullet hell sometimes?

Started Granblue Fantasy Relink on PC.

I wanted a shorter JRPG after playing a million hours of Metaphor Refantazio and this fits the bill. Beautiful art and very anime with everyone screaming out like lunatics during the hectic combat, makes me think of Xenoblade with more real time combat, the frenetic pace of combat also feels a bit like Ys in a way. Having a great time. It does have an online "endgame" element but I likely wont bother with that.
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I am playing Hades. I like the combat and all of the weapons.


The base unlockables usefulness peters out too soon. Had to resort to turning on God Mode to get to the end. Which does irk me a bit.

Apparently to see the credits/etc you have to complete it 10 times (?) so I might just leave God Mode on and try to complete a full run with each of the weapons.
Ragnarok. Story wise seems more interesting than 2018.

Not sure I'm enjoying it as much. The game throws these huge semi open areas up for you to explore slightly tied or next to the main path. Do you have to do them? No.
But you get that fomo if you don't.
I feel like the game would be incredibly alot shorter if you skipped over them they're way too long for extra side stuff.

Also fuck playing as the kid.
Going through RE2 with the version from GoG on PC.

Port is good a well but I am a little it let down. You can skip the door sequences here as well, however unlike RE1 the transition to the next room is not instantaneous but still takes a second or so. Wonder why that is….


Neighbours from Hell
I'm playing Lies of P and while I like it and think it's a really good Soulslike, I don't know how people don't tire of these games. I haven't played nearly as many as some other people. I played a lot of them, but not all of them. Some people just can't get enough of this genre, and I'm a decent ways into this game, and I'm starting to tire of it. There's nothing really wrong with the game, it's just every one of these games is the same damn formula over and over. And I bore of the combat. This is why it took me multiple years to get to Elden Ring I had to be in the right mindset to play it or I knew I'd bore of it quickly.
Finished Death Stranding. I knew Kojima was insane, but this is on another level. Great game with some really terrible parts (vehicle controls, boss fights - really combat in general) and a great story there seems like a LOT more to. Just watched the DS2 trailers and I am almost as thoroughly confused as when the first DS trailer dropped. Not sure how that's possible, but here I am.


Currently trying to catch-up through my growing backlog:
  • FFVII Rebirth (just under half way), loving it, but like many of these giant games I have to take it bite at a time and play other stuff in between
  • Kingdom Come Deliverance - bounced off this hard years ago and all the sequel footage made me want to retry it, now I'm really enjoying being Henry - what an accomplishment (very im-sim compared to other rpgs)
  • Citizen Sleeper for some lighter / non-combat focused gaming
  • PoE2 (still grinding away on my many chars)
  • BG3 latter half of act2 but this is on a slow burn as I need a mac compatible big game for summer when I'm away from my gaming setup
I'm playing Lies of P and while I like it and think it's a really good Soulslike, I don't know how people don't tire of these games. I haven't played nearly as many as some other people. I played a lot of them, but not all of them. Some people just can't get enough of this genre, and I'm a decent ways into this game, and I'm starting to tire of it. There's nothing really wrong with the game, it's just every one of these games is the same damn formula over and over. And I bore of the combat. This is why it took me multiple years to get to Elden Ring I had to be in the right mindset to play it or I knew I'd bore of it quickly.
It likely has to do with finding new toys and testing them in combat. Lies of P's handle and blade customization has much to offer in that department.


Marlboro: Other M
Playing Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. Game is pretty good, the overwolrd is the evolution I wanted to see after amazing overwolrd of dkc3. Level design good too and can be really challenging. Not 100 fan of the two versions of the same level. Some times works, but a lot of times don't. Discovering how to unlock the second format of the level is way more fun than actually playing it, lol. Also, the controls can be frustrating, because you don't hold y to run, you have to keep running before every jump( so far as I am aware). Luckily, you don't really need to do that too much unless you want 100% or in the extra levels. Have attempted to beat the final boss some times now, but so far is living up to its name. Best I got was 25%.

Another I was playing is the inner world. Its a simple, interesting enough adventure. Puzzles are not that hard, but you have to solve them in a certain way sometimes for it too work. My problem with it, when I tried to run on my home computer, it seems the save file from my parents house was not there. Don't cloud saves get synchronized for all games?


Finally finished Ys X Nordics (Steam) - did the 2nd run on Inferno for the platinum. Spent way too long (120+ hours, but maybe 10+ hours of it has to be like me leaving the game running doing something else) for this game by grinding, that even Inferno difficulty was like walk in the park (except the ship battle part) Even the ship battle part at Inferno difficulty, as long as you are well stocked with recovery items, it wasn't anything impossible.

Compared to previous engine Ys games - like 8 or 9, the graphics have been improved quite a bit. Some of the battle cut-scenes are pretty impressive (for Falcom standard, mind you) - and solid battle mechanics helped out immensely. It feels good to hack and slash thru the hordes of monsters - and timed reversals are also pretty satisfying. But there are ones you can counter or ones you can't counter - so it was a more or less hit/miss and learning experience.

Nice touch that end of the credit, Adol changes his outfit to Celceta too. :) Looking forward what they'd do on the Proud Nordics. Hopefully they'll bring more varied enemies, and some more evolved battle mechanics, along with much more meaningful story contents. Story was okay, but didn't move me as much as the Ys 8.

Now moving onto a couple of Game Pass games - Indiana Jones and Ninja Gaiden II Black!
Going through RE2 with the version from GoG on PC.

Port is good a well but I am a little it let down. You can skip the door sequences here as well, however unlike RE1 the transition to the next room is not instantaneous but still takes a second or so. Wonder why that is….
Just wrapped this on up with Claire/Leon. Realized it’s been a long time since I done this. Usually play Leon/Claire.

Such a great game from a simpler, non-bloated time.

GoD version, despite not being as good as the one of RE1 will be my go-to version from now on.


In a bit of a limbo waiting for Monster Hunter Wilds but started playing Dysmantle with the other-half. Surprised I hadn't heard of this one before and doubly surprised at how polished it seems.

Mr Hyde

Finished Starfox Adventures. One of my favorite games on GameCube back in the day but unfortunately time hasn't been kind on this game. It feels horribly outdated. Camera is shit with constant z-targeting to get your bearings. Level design is trash with too much backtracking amd reused areas. A lot of gameplay segments are annoying, especially in the later areas, with a lot of trial and error bullshit. Sad to see it come to this. Maybe a remaster can fix a lot of the issues.


Finished Starfox Adventures. One of my favorite games on GameCube back in the day but unfortunately time hasn't been kind on this game. It feels horribly outdated. Camera is shit with constant z-targeting to get your bearings. Level design is trash with too much backtracking amd reused areas. A lot of gameplay segments are annoying, especially in the later areas, with a lot of trial and error bullshit. Sad to see it come to this. Maybe a remaster can fix a lot of the issues.
Never played Starfox Adventures but i've heard good things about it. But now that you say Level Design is trash that's some harsh critique because good level design is important.
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