Finally finished Ys X Nordics (Steam) - did the 2nd run on Inferno for the platinum. Spent way too long (120+ hours, but maybe 10+ hours of it has to be like me leaving the game running doing something else) for this game by grinding, that even Inferno difficulty was like walk in the park (except the ship battle part) Even the ship battle part at Inferno difficulty, as long as you are well stocked with recovery items, it wasn't anything impossible.
Compared to previous engine Ys games - like 8 or 9, the graphics have been improved quite a bit. Some of the battle cut-scenes are pretty impressive (for Falcom standard, mind you) - and solid battle mechanics helped out immensely. It feels good to hack and slash thru the hordes of monsters - and timed reversals are also pretty satisfying. But there are ones you can counter or ones you can't counter - so it was a more or less hit/miss and learning experience.
Nice touch that end of the credit, Adol changes his outfit to Celceta too.

Looking forward what they'd do on the Proud Nordics. Hopefully they'll bring more varied enemies, and some more evolved battle mechanics, along with much more meaningful story contents. Story was okay, but didn't move me as much as the Ys 8.
Now moving onto a couple of Game Pass games - Indiana Jones and Ninja Gaiden II Black!