I finished Metro Awakening on PCVR just now. Honestly, I was ready to trash the game here (i somewhat already did a while ago) because a lot of times it irritated the shit out of me. Like I was genuinely about to rage quit just 2 hours ago, before I noticed that I reached a checkpoint, which luckily soothed my rage. But they really stuck the landing, so I just can't bring myself to being too harsh now.
Like the good parts were really good, like 9/10 good. The music is amazing, and while the writing is kinda a bit im14andthisisdeep, a lot of it is also really charming. And I really appreciate how while I didn't give two shits about the story for 99% of the game, in the last few minutes it actually made me kinda emotional. Some of that you can probably attribute to VR in general. I think VR can be a game changer for story telling, it's really something else when you have these characters up close and you're like standing right next to them. Of course it still needs to be executed well, and Vertigo Games really did a great job in that regard.
I'm pretty glad I forced myself to finish this, but I hope even more that for their next game I can just enjoy it without having to force myself to continue. Since VR is still a relatively new venture, especially in regards to titles like this one, I think it's warranted to show a bit of leniency though, if possible.
A couple of things I wanna mention though:
- The game isn't scary, like at all. I'm not really complaining, since I'm a huge pansy and that would've made things harder on me, I was just kinda surprised because I saw a lot of people mentioning it. And yes, I played with spiders on, which brings me to my next point
- FUCKING SPIDERS. FUCKING FUCKING SPIDERS. I haven't played HL1/2 in ages and can't remember, but the headcrabs were done withe one shot, right? Or at least they recoiled or flinched a bit after getting hit, right? These fucks survive like 3 or 4 rifle bullets (normal difficulty) and aren't bothered AT ALL by you shooting at them. And aiming in VR is fucking difficult to begin with, now try aiming at like 3 tiny spiders that jump across the room and try to launch at your face. This gets really fucking frustrating since I think I wasted more bullets on spiders than any other enemy. That was actually the part that made me almost rage quit earlier.
- Some weapons just suck, especially the blowdarts. Like the idea might be fun in theory, but it's just not in gameplay. And reloading the crossbow is such a pain for some reason? Luckily I could avoid using them for most of the overall 12 hours of my playthrough.
Now I'm finally starting up The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. Had this on my backlog for like a decade at this point. Maybe it's good I waited, I don't know if this japanese voice patch was available the last time around already.