I was going to say something else that's wasn't very respectful but I held my tongue. Let's just say I don't like that type of music. That's all I'll say."music"
you are one of those people...smh
I was going to say something else that's wasn't very respectful but I held my tongue. Let's just say I don't like that type of music. That's all I'll say."music"
you are one of those people...smh
Depends on what you are bumpin face. Got some Jay Z going? I am going to laugh inside.
If I hear Z-ro or Pac, I will nod like a gentlemen.
There is good rap, rap is music. But most rap is complete shit now, 2012 baby.
Subjective opinions ftw
I was going to say something else that's wasn't very respectful but I held my tongue. Let's just say I don't like that type of music. That's all I'll say.
blackace are you going to ban him
In the immortal words of Bubb Rubb: That's only in the mornin, you supposed to be up cookin breakfast by then!
There is plenty of good music in 2012 in all genres, and did you just call me baby?
I don't like country or heavy metal that much.. but don't feel I need to be disrespectful when ever the subject of them come up..
okay yes sir. i'm sorry sir.
I was going to say something else that's wasn't very respectful but I held my tongue. Let's just say I don't like that type of music. That's all I'll say.
Depends on what you are bumpin face. Got some Jay Z going? I am going to laugh inside.
If I hear Z-ro or Pac, I will nod like a gentlemen.
There is good rap, rap is music. But most rap is complete shit now, 2012 baby.
Subjective opinions ftw
People who think rap sucks nowadays have no idea what they're talking about. The game is as strong as ever.
I'm in mah rap car
Cuz I'm a fuggin rap star
Some of my best friends have rap cars
I was going to say something else that's wasn't very respectful but I held my tongue. Let's just say I don't like that type of music. That's all I'll say.
Depends on what you are bumpin face. Got some Jay Z going? I am going to laugh inside.
If I hear Z-ro or Pac, I will nod like a gentlemen.
There is good rap, rap is music. But most rap is complete shit now, 2012 baby.
Subjective opinions ftw
And its not rare for me to actually point directly at them in their car so they can see me and laugh while pointing, just to make them feel extra stupid.
Read the title as "Rape Car".
Anyway, on one occasion, I was out and a car went into a parking lot blasting Linkin Park. Not just any LP song, it was THIS song.
this gif never felt more right