I don't understand big bass. What is the point? you can't hear shit but buuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrr buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur buuuurr buurrr
Bass is about the feeling that goes through your body.
Agreed with The Rat.
Good bass is a feeling.
Hear the tweeters and midrange.
Feel the subs.
I can answer this very easily, you see I rarely hear anyone playing Country, Rock Jazz or anything as loud as possible and as a means to 'look cool'. If I did, they would get laughed at just the same.. I cannot discriminate here. An idiot is an idiot regardless of what music they listen to.
I assume every person bumping rap is a wanna be, because if they were a real G they would be confined to their territory, doing gansta stuff not driving around the mall with all of their paychecks on display via clothing or stereo equipment. Its just so hilariously juvenile and comical ... not a single person they drive past... not 1, not a girl, not a guy not a kid not an old person is remotely impressed by their bass, their amp levels or their swag.
Every single person just laughs at them. And its not rare for me to actually point directly at them in their car so they can see me and laugh while pointing, just to make them feel extra stupid. These are the least frightening people on the planet so I have no worries.
edit. I do on occasion run into some surfer kids at the beach blasting some rock.. they are just as stupid and just as much posers as the other guys. Its pure entertainment, so I enjoy running into any of these clowns.
As someone who once had a pretty loud car that I spent a large percentage of my paychecks on, id like to respond.
I dont listen to rap music to look cool....i listen to rap because i like rap music.
Im not a wannabe "gangsta" when im not being judged by pretentious assholes who believe they are better than me based on my taste in music im just a student who likes his hip hop.
Not everyone who listens to rap is a gangsta.....just like not everyone who listens to country music is a cowboy (or whatever stereotype country music carries with it)
Who are you to say people who listen to music loudly are stupid?
The fact that you think people listening to their music loud care about your opinion even in the slightest is laughable at best....if they cared about your opinions maybe the music would be quieter so they could here your amazing opinions.
But its loud specifically to drown out your arrogant bullshit.
Im not saying some of these characters arent "posers" but some people just like their audio.
I spent thousands on a loud car, once i sold it i spent a large portion of the cash on getting a loud home theater system
and headphones
I like my Audio. i honestly dont care whether people judge me on my tastes or not......im not listening to my music loud to impress you or anyone.
I like the feeling of bass going through my body.