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Why do you keep going back to SONY?


I've actually always returned to all three brands, they all have their highlights and lowlights in terms of hardware, OS and games but the PS4 has been my primary console for this generation.

It pretty much has been down to the games available on the machine, again, they do all have their strengths and weaknesses but in terms of games there seem to be far more PlayStation games that feel like they're built for me because I am very much a single player game and the sheer quality and breadth of the games om PS4 are what entices me.

If I did have ti choose only console then it would be the PS4, fortunately, I am lucky enough not to have to do that and because of that Ido get to play any of the console games that I want to play.


Neo Member
Exclusive games are "platform sellers"

This. I bought a Wii back then because of Zelda and Mario, then a 360 because of Tales of Vesperia, and went up buying a PS3 because of Ni No Kuni.

Current gen I just went with PS4 mostly because of RPGs and some first party exclusives (Uncharted not being one of them, sorry), and bought a Switch mostly because of Zelda (which I didn't like, but loved Mario and I'm sure it'll pay up on the long term).

What I mean is that no matter what you usually buy a console because a lot of factors plus that single game you really wanna play is either a exclusive or perform better in said console.
Exclusives, though I’ll buy any console for an exclusive game if I feel like it’s an interesting game. Though this gen, Sony haven’t really delivered on them for me with the exception of Bloodborne. The “cinematic” games like TLoU, Uncharted, and whatever drivel David Cage puts out don’t interest me.


to be fair, ps controller still sucks. The analog sticks are not in a logical place like xbox.

Never understood that comment. Like, if the symmetrical stick placement of the DualShock is bad/uncomfortably for you, then shouldn’t the right-hand side of an X1/360 controller be uncomfortable too?


Noww you’re just talking ass here. I agree for the most part here. But this myth has to stop. Unless you’re talking about classic games that doesnt support modern hardware sure. But most modern games dont even do this. Unless its developed by a retarded monkey on their owners basement.

All PC games have a potential expiration date on them. All PC games will eventually stop being updated and hardware/OS's will continue to move forward. In comparison, an NES will always play NES cartridges.
Games - they have killer mix of their first party studios and enjoy plenty of third party exclusive games from Japan.

Plus they have solid hardware unlike Nintendo for 2 generations before Switch.
Because of the exclusives. Even if an exclusive doesn't set the world on fire, I appreciate that they at least try in this industry of sequels.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
1. Single Player Story Driven focused games

As a pure single player console gamer, this is what I care about the most followed by the genre of these games. Since last generation and even more so this generation, Sony has catered and appealed to me the most by far out of any other hardware manufacturer and is second publisher wise only behind my beloved Ubisoft. They take chances, create new IP's and stay focused on what matters the most - GAMES.

2. First Party Studios / Exclusives

When you own studios like Naughty Dog, SSM, SP and Guerrilla among others, chances are that you're going to have one hell of an exclusive lineup of excellent games.

3. Second/Third Party Exclusives

Add in second party exclusives like Insomniac's R&C remake or the upcoming Spider Man and then third party exclusives like Nier Automata from Square Enix or Yakuza from Sega among many others and you pretty much have a total and complete package of genres and games to choose from.

4. PSN/Indie Exclusives

From Alienation to Salt and Sanctuary to everything else in between, Sony has nailed it this generation. For this and above two reasons, they started it with PlayStation 3 for me personally and have if anything, doubled it.

5. The Controller

Thankfully, the controller has stayed basically the same for all four consoles which is a great thing. The Controller is excellent and im happy that they keep the design the same as they should.

6. The User Interface

It's clean, simple and easy to navigate to find what you want. Adding folders a year or so ago made it even better. If they would allow me to put those two or three apps that can't be put in a folder, put in a folder, I wouldn't have a single complaint whatsoever. And even now, it's near perfect for me.

7. Third Party exclusive deals

This usually has to do with exclusive or timed exclusive content which is great for me because when it's a game I care about and am going to buy, having an extra incentive doesn't hurt whatsoever. I remember Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag having three missions be exclusive to the PlayStation brand where you played with Aveline which was connected to the Vita Liberation. While this was only an hour or so of content, I enjoyed it, made me more hyped and pumped to pre-order the game plus actually led me to buying Liberation HD on PS3. So when there's extra content for a game that im buying anyway for the console, it's like a cherry on top of a fudge sundae.

8. Third Party marketing deals for FPS

This is huge for me because they have marketing deals with Activision/EA and others for the FPS genre, this allows Sony to stay away from my least favorite genre and concentrate on what they do best which is have their studios create and develop single player story based games. Not having to worry about seeing one or two FPS from Sony when they have that genre pretty much covered via marketing deals or just multi-platform games in general is a added positive to an already excellent list of positives for me. Imagine if Guerrilla Games was still working on the stagnant Killzone franchise. UGH. Instead, boom, a new IP, awesome open world single player story driven game with excellent visuals, audio and gameplay that will be a franchise for Sony going into PlayStation 5. As a gamer such as myself, you can't ask for anything more.

9. No Backwards Compatibility

Yeah, you read that correctly. For me, this is huge. When I look at Sony's main competition in Microsoft and I watch their E3 2017 conference and the biggest cheer and applause they get is from a 15 year old game in Crimson Skies, yeah, I know I have the right console as my primary and why I stick with Sony and their PlayStation brand. Classic or not, I never ever buy a brand new console to play games that are literally decades old. If I didn't play them back then, im sure as hell not going to play them now. I also don't want to see Sony waste any of their money, time and resources into this not when that could come at the expense of new IP's and future sequels. No fucking way. Let all of this stay where it belongs - in the past. For those who really want it, you have PlayStation NOW which yes, is a fucking joke in of itself but seriously, this is why you should always keep your hardware especially if past generation games are that important to you. Watching Phil Spencer talk more about 360/Xbox games than he can talk about One games is just sad and depressing especially when you look at how great Xbox 360 was. Backwards Compatibility is a great consumer friendly move but that's it and when you look at how great PS4 has sold compared to Xbox One, it's obvious that this is minor if that in regards to making a decision as to what console to buy. Plus, I care about the present and future. Not the past. Past is history.

10. No promoting apps and services

While Sony has all the same crap that Microsoft has, they don't go nuts with it and shove it down my throat all the time. Seriously, im a gamer and don't give a shit who has Netflix or whatever. Very happy that this is in the background where it should be.

That's pretty much why I stay with Sony and PlayStation. In the end, they give me what I want the most - SINGLE PLAYER STORY DRIVEN GAMES. In the end, the power of your console means nothing if you don't have excellent exclusive games backing it up because that is what truly separates the consoles from each other. Until Sony fails me personally in this regard, I'll always own a PlayStation.
Quality 1st party games
Comfy controller

I've always owned all the consoles each generation but a majority of the time is spent with Sony, Nintendo second, MS third.
EDIT: It would be nice to change my username after 10 years but the pros outweigh the cons
Sony just has a great variety of games to play, between the SP and MP games as well as the Japanese games. They sometimes get a little "Wanky" with the hardware (my opinion). In the end it's just a good longterm investment.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
The console division is 23 years old, millions of units sold and for some reason they just retain their user base launch after launch. So what keeps you coming back even though you aren’t guaranteed results? Is it the console durability? The games? Let me know in the section below.

Because they do not screw over their console owners by under delivering software titles for the current generation console while preparing:launching their next generation one.

Because they have a well supported and diversified strong stable of first party teams that show the platform off or massively widen the variety of the software lineup of the system, releasing a varied output of titles, while also being able to support and help their third party partners to the fullest.

Because they believe in console generations and, PS4 aside, have shown appreciation for BC without trying to bring people into yearly HW iterations trying to convince users that forward compatibility and iterative hardware is best for consumers (remember how digital delivery was going to pass a huge deal of the savings cutting out manufacturing and retail would bring? How did that work out people? Iterative HW would benefit consoles and the console gamers the same way...).

Because they design kick ass, well assembled, creative HW that still manages to push the boundaries.

Because they make symmetric analog stick setups for symmetric people ;).
First and third party games dating back to the original playstation. Most of the big hitters for xbox never did it for me other than Forza Horizon's. Nintendo lacks 3rd party and isnt enough on its own but i always buy their system for first party.

The controller. Call me crazy but ive always preferred Sonys controllers.

Online subscriptions... I refuse to buy multiple subscriptions, thus my xbox one cant play online multiplayer.

BluRay. I was a huge supporter from day one, Microsofts decision to back HD DVD was ridiculous and everyone knew it was the lesser technology.

Sony fan. Call it being a fanboy, but its similar psychology to cheering for your favourite sports team. I support competition in the industry but i have always preferred the playstation brand.


Killzone, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, Killzone: Shadow Fall (Didn't know it was going to be meh), Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, Uncharted 4, Uncharted: TLL.

An all of the other exclusive surprises along the way. Seriously I was about to get a Xbox just before E3 2016 until they announced "Play Anywhere". Not buying a Xbox just for Halo.


I bought a PS3 after researching both systems [I hadn't had a console in ages]. The main reason was it was a MGS bundle right when GTA4 was coming out. The secondary reason was that online was free, and I didn't want to have to pay an annual fee.

Despite the massive backlog I have now, back then i was very careful about what I bought. One gem I found [which I thought was going to be a budget game] was the first Uncharted. I also fell in love with many other exclusives [Killzone 2, Warhawk, etc] early on.

I love the ecosystem. I absolutely love my Vita. I love their exclusives. They've given me absolutely no reason to leave their ecosystem.


Mostly cause i know a lot of the third party Japanese games will be on their consoles and i prefer more of their exclusives than Microsoft. My biggest gripe with Nintendo is i wish they would have a more powerful console with all of the third party support that Sony has, otherwise i would get Nintendo since i seem to prefer their exclusives.


Controller, excellent first party games, more Japanese games, plus pretty much nobody in my country plays on Xbox

Its PC and/or PS4 for 90% of people, so its where my friends are
Not really.

There was only one post mentioning not getting an X before your post

Everyone else just anawered fairly.

It’s an honest question. Even now PS4 is selling out despite having the inferior hardware

Sony played their hand well this BF. Inferior hardware but drastically cheaper considering sale prices and price usually wins as weve seen before.


Because they have the games that I like and except for the Launch Ps3 tend to offer, IMO ,the best value for the money.

Ps1 and 2 had a great games catalog and tons of awesome exclusives. They were also the "default" console in my country so you could find games and accessories pretty much everywhere. Also, Piracy. Not my proudest moment but as a kid being able to buy games for $4 was awesome.

Then I went with a 360 because it had, IMO, the better exclusives, it performed better in most multiplatform games and it was cheaper. Though around the time of the Kinect I switched over to Ps3 since the price was no longer insane and it started getting more and more good exclusives.

This gen I went with ps4 because I liked the games shown for it better and it was not only cheaper but also slightly more powerful. Sony also impressed me with their late support for the Ps3 by releasing several high profile first party games on Ps3 the same year the ps4 was going to be released. Several years later it seems to have been the right choice since quite a few of my favourite games this gen have been Ps4 exclusives and I can play the few Microsoft games that interest me on PC now

Also, I've never had bad experiences with the Quality of Sony consoles. I went through 3 360's but I've never had a Sony console die on me


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Never understood that comment. Like, if the symmetrical stick placement of the DualShock is bad/uncomfortably for you, then shouldn’t the right-hand side of an X1/360 controller be uncomfortable too?

If you have big male sized hands your thumbs can touch each other when you points the sticks towards each other with is annoying.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
If you have big male sized hands your thumbs can touch each other when you points the sticks towards each other with is annoying.

The DS4 sticks are spaced further enough apart for this to be much less of a problem than before and it is still more comfortable than asymmetric sticks for symmetric hands.
Because the other options are not as good in my opinion. Nintendo has a third party problem, at least a western 3rd party problem and weak hardware. Microsoft first party is the worst out of the three consoles. Then if we talk about PC it is not user friendly, i just want to play games not spend 2 hours figuring out how to play the game I just bought, plus the whole its not in the living room thing. So the best option for now is Sony, relitively powerful, good first party, its a console and it has decent third party support.

Edit, i do have a few PC games and will eventually get a switch just saying.

It hurts, it actually hurts.


You can tell which people are new to the site.

Last generation, GAF was more 360/Wii centric. After *gasp* Microsoft & Nintendo lost the throne and fell behind in sales did we see PS4 fill in the vacuum.

Perhaps some people have very short memories?
Sony have always created a console that I can own and not really want for other consoles. I had multiple consoles when I had my PS1, I got a GameCube for the Resident Evil games when I had a PS2 and I ended up getting a Wii really cheap for some rail shooters and Shattered Memories. But honestly I don't need another console.

They have the games that keep bringing me back, my main interface with gaming is the dual shock layout and while Sony made a lot of fuck ups from 2004 - 2007, they still make the best consoles to me. They get the best games and they really revolutionised gaming.

I don't need an XBOX. I have no reason to buy a Switch. I don't play mobile games. Meh.
Keeping a game like the last guardian alive for close to 10 years knowing its not gonna make them lots of profit and releasing it shows me that they care about gamers. Other companies close studios and cancel games for way less.

Sony gets it. They know what it means to be a gamer.

Maximus P

It's kind of telling that alot of users reasons for sticking with Sony is becuase they have terrible opinions of the competitors.

I'm not sure if it's insecurities. But I personally think all 3 companies bring something to the table and they are all great in there own way.
If you have big male sized hands your thumbs can touch each other when you points the sticks towards each other with is annoying.

Never had that issue, though I only ever put the tip of my right thumb on the stick for finer control, so they don’t overlap and touch.

Regardless, that’s an exceptable answer as I can see how that’d annoy people that play with the flats of their thumbs.
It's kind of telling that alot of users reasons for sticking with Sony is becuase they have terrible opinions of the competitors.

I'm not sure if it's insecurities. But I personally think all 3 companies bring something to the table and they are all great in there own way.

I don't have terrible opinions of Microsoft or Nintendo. I have owned Nintendo consoles prior, not for Nintendo made games, with the exception of Pokemon as a child. Microsoft have never given me a reason to buy an XBOX.


It's kind of telling that alot of users reasons for sticking with Sony is becuase they have terrible opinions of the competitors.

I'm not sure if it's insecurities. But I personally think all 3 companies bring something to the table and they are all great in there own way.

I've owned Nintendo systems for a long time so I feel justified when I say their hardware and 3rd party support is bad.

I had higher hopes for 3DS than any other system they made, and the fact they still thought it was a good idea to launch it with one analog stick baffled my mind beyond belief.

Their backwardness is just too much for me. I'll only pick up their systems when it goes down in price and there's a solid library of games to choose from, but I'll never go day one with them again.

With Microsoft, I thought the original Xbox was something to be jealous of. Though Japanese support on it was nowhere comparable to PS2 or even Gamecube. Xbox 360 was a step in the right direction but it started to become obvious Microsoft had their own ideas for gaming instead of what gamers necessarily want. I pretty much ignored Xbox One because they clearly messed up at launch although there are some games I'm now eyeing on it.

The problem Xbox now faces is all its trump cards it had in the beginning has slowly been taken over by the competition. The original Xbox was quite a powerhouse but then by next generation the differences started to even out. They also had a serious foothold in online but that's obviously not the case anymore in 2017.


The nicest person on this forum
For me its simple, Games. Sony offers me both great Japanese games and Western games, not only that, they are mostly Single Player games.


All that matters to me are the games. I don't really care for console loyalty or fanboy-ism or whatever term is used nowadays. If there is a game that I want to play and it is only available on a certain system, then I will buy said system to play it. Period.


I don't own any console currently but when I do it's usually a Playstation, the main reason of course being the exclusives. I feel Sony offer the biggest and most diverse range of exclusives that interest me personally, and I like how they're still mostly catering towards single player experiences.


Their big focus on safe cinematic story driven games is what's keeping me from going back. I don't like the direction they've been taking at all.

Because the other options are not as good in my opinion. Nintendo has a third party problem, at least a western 3rd party problem and weak hardware. Microsoft first party is the worst out of the three consoles. Then if we talk about PC it is not user friendly, i just want to play games not spend 2 hours figuring out how to play the game I just bought, plus the whole its not in the living room thing. So the best option for now is Sony, relitively powerful, good first party, its a console and it has decent third party support.

Edit, i do have a few PC games and will eventually get a switch just saying.

Makes me chuckle every single time lol


The exclusives.

PS1 - FFVII, Xenogears, Crash, SotN, MGS
PS2 - God of War, Jak & Daxter, SotC, FFX
PS3 - Uncharted, LoU, Demon Souls, MGS4
PSP - Tactics Ogre, FFT, FFVII: CC, GoW
PS4 - UnC4, Bloodborne, Horizon, Resogun
PSV - Danganronpa, Gravity Rush, Uncharted GA

Not to mention dozens of games like Resistance, Twisted Metal, Infamous, Haunting Ground, Koudelka, Ni No Kuni, Brave Story, Sly Cooper, Heavenly Sword....

They keep this up I'll always return to Sony.
Because the other options are not as good in my opinion. Nintendo has a third party problem, at least a western 3rd party problem and weak hardware. Microsoft first party is the worst out of the three consoles. Then if we talk about PC it is not user friendly, i just want to play games not spend 2 hours figuring out how to play the game I just bought, plus the whole its not in the living room thing. So the best option for now is Sony, relitively powerful, good first party, its a console and it has decent third party support.

Edit, i do have a few PC games and will eventually get a switch just saying.
I just really hope your job doesn’t involve computers.
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