Again when it comes to PC gaming I have no clue, I’m just going by GAF saying prices gone very high when comes GPU.
They have, but here;'s the trick.
Don't buy 4k monitors and you can get by with a sub 400 gpu.
Shit you can get by with a 1070 on most games by just turning down a few settings.
I have a 3060ti and ryzen 3600 , i max everything out at 1080p, my monitors refresh. I have had the same card since 2021. No need to buy anything new.
People here are either wealthy , or live with their parents, don't have a wife/kids/bills/ and can justify 2k+ on a gpu alone.
a few years ago the most expensive gpus were $500 then the titan was a grand. The 20xx series started the bs pricing.