PC is only the best plattform if you know your shit with hardware and software. Otherwise it's way too time consuming.
As soon as you download and install you can go offline entirely.
You have to get the games somehow.
There's no way you should be getting the problems you're getting with that rig. Something is wrong or faulty. Hardware, software, drivers, settings - could be a lot of things. Maybe take it in to a professional if you can't pinpoint the problem.
A lot of pc users have 20+ years of experience with them. I'm guessing you being new to PCs is causing you to miss something. Also, be careful of fiddling under the hood too much if you're not sure you know what you're doing.
Yeah, but I absolutely hate buying stuff digitally.
But that doesn't matter anyway since most of the games I'm interested in aren't available on PC.
Yeah, but I absolutely hate buying stuff digitally.
But that doesn't matter anyway since most of the games I'm interested in aren't available on PC.
The 670 only comes as a 2GB and 4GB card, so he kind of did.
Using Witcher 2 and Far Cry 3 as examples of the performance one should expect playing PC games is a strawman to top all strawmen.
This x1000000
The experience can be determined by ME. That thread definitely carries over to my taste in games too.
It's almost like the fact that there are solutions only frustrates people. That guy who brought up Skyrim, he's annoyed about not getting 60 FPS in a Bethesda game, and that makes PC lesser than consoles in a universe where the PS3 version of Skyrim exists?
Even with consoles, if I can fix them I do. I've replaced screen covers on scratched Gameboys, I've slowly readjusted the power on the potentiometer for the laser on that broken GameCube for months to fix disc read errors until that stopped helping... I don't like being helpless when there's something to be done. And I don't like spending a lot of money, either, so it's not just a case of throwing loads of cash at new parts all the time.
Yeah, but I absolutely hate buying stuff digitally.
But that doesn't matter anyway since most of the games I'm interested in aren't available on PC.
Nah looks alright to me. Maxed Metro 2033 w/4xMSAA is probably the most demanding game on PC atm, I will be surprised if he can keep steady 30 FPS let alone 60. 60 FPS or hell even 120 FPS is not a problem, you can easily achieve 60 FPS in any game by simply just dropping the settings to high/medium/low etc. Having a good IQ is what really hard to achieve, especially with the way modern game engines acts towards MSAA. Crysis 3 is the biggest guilty of this recently, you add 4XMSAA and suddenly your FPS drops by like 15-20 FPS.
Well, that's true. One of the weirdest phenomenons to me is people's adversion to just dropping some settings but yet saying "I'll go play on console instead."
I dont' know why so many people are afraid of "medium." If you don't want to tinker with anything or worry about upgrading, "Medium" is just the thing for you. Medium settings on a PC today is still usually much better looking than the console equivalent. Heck, a lot of 360 and PS3 games are upscaling from sub-720p resolutions.
"Medium" settings needs it's own advertising campaign. It seems to have a public relations problem.
The inconsistent frame time issue with AMD cards is well known. Skyrim is the worst offender with this issue as well. You have a good point there.They are examples of games I and many others had many problems with.
But here are some more if that's what you want:
Skyrim - Sutter problems in ATI cards that made the game almost unplayable. I had to download a fucking video-recording program to limit my frame-rate to 59 fps in order to resolve this problem, it took me a whole day to find the solution.
......so turn off TressFX? A new tech in a brand spanking new game needs time to mature.Tomb Raider - Awful performance with TressFX on any card. Constant crashes on Nvidia cards even after the patch that should have resolved this.
Why do you *need* all of the eye candy with AA cranked up? Even a smidge of AA at 1080p/1440p looks amazing.Metro games - Microstuttering - just check the performance thread. And you want all the eye candy like AA? Well than the game says: "Fuck you, get a Titan".
id's communication with NVIDIA and AMD did royally screw up this game during launch week. That sort of thing happens on all the systems though. Day 0/1/2/3 patches to fix performance issues are par for the course on a lot of AAA games that are pushing hard for a release date.Rage - I don't think I need to say anything about this one. Specially since I had an ATI
Totally.GTA 4 - Terribly optimized for the graphics it has.
I don't know what you're talking about here.Crysis 1 and 3 - Where are your 60fps with awesome IQ that the OP speaks of in these games? Unless you have a 5k € you are stuck with lower settings if you want a butter smooth framerate.
I hate this too. Every single UE3 game I have to go into the binaries to hack my 120hz/8.3ms frametimes by enabling Frame Smoothing and setting the max to 120. But, the fact that this option exists to me in the first place is glorious. Someone highly invested in their hobby should know how things work.Not to talk about lame ports that cap the games at 30 fps and you need 3rd party programs to unlock it and shit like that.
I think you've done a pretty good job of nailing the outliers here. These are the big offenders, and its just a tiny handful of titles. For every AAA game that has its quirks and issues with performance, there's another 10 that work amazingly well.There are also well-optimized games, no doubt about it. But in my opinion and experience, I have more problems then not, specially in high-end games.
Because, IMO, "Medium" settings doesn't justify such a costly purchase.
And also because "Medium" is not the "Holy promise of the PC land" that everyone talks about.
That's the problem, the biggest argument for the pc is always " 60 fps with Amazing highquality graphics without any jaggies".
You buy a pc counting on this, and then you have to play the game either NOT at 60fps, or at 60fps but on "medium" - unless of course you spend a much bigger amount of money. The promise is actually a lie for the most part.
That's totally me. Though I think they should rename 120hz the "Soul Crushingly Awesome Sauce" setting.I know for me the coolest things about PC gaming are the ability to customize your system, the amazing amount of indie games and unique software, mods, and the insanely cheap floor for game prices.
Everybody likes nice graphics, obviously. But you are getting caught up on a descriptor. "Medium" in a game like Crysis 3 is going to blow the balls off of "Ultra" in Binary Domain. And "Medium" in Crysis 3 is also going to blow away the console version of the same game.
I don't buy a PC or PC parts with the expectation of maxing out every thing forever. If anybody sold you that "Holy Promise Land," yeah it's bullshit. I don't know who is promoting that notion, though or why it is important. Sometimes, I think if developers just renamed "Medium" "Soul Crushing Awesome Sauce" 90% of players would be playing games on that setting and be none the wiser about the graphical differences.
Because, IMO, "Medium" settings doesn't justify such a costly purchase.
And also because "Medium" is not the "Holy promise of the PC land" that everyone talks about.
That's the problem, the biggest argument for the pc is always " 60 fps with Amazing highquality graphics without any jaggies".
You buy a pc counting on this, and then you have to play the game either NOT at 60fps, or at 60fps but on "medium" - unless of course you spend a much bigger amount of money. The promise is actually a lie for the most part.
Because, IMO, "Medium" settings doesn't justify such a costly purchase.
And also because "Medium" is not the "Holy promise of the PC land" that everyone talks about.
That's the problem, the biggest argument for the pc is always " 60 fps with Amazing highquality graphics without any jaggies".
You buy a pc counting on this, and then you have to play the game either NOT at 60fps, or at 60fps but on "medium" - unless of course you spend a much bigger amount of money. The promise is actually a lie for the most part.
It becomes a smaller amount of money than consoles though over the life. My Xbox 360 was $400, my Xbox Live for the past 7 years was $350, my average cost of new releases on Xbox was $60 while on PC they can be almost always be found for $40 or less. If my PC costs $1200 and comes with free online and $40 games and I buy 1 game per month, how many months does it take for the PC to become the cheaper alternative than Xbox through a console generation?
$400 + $350 + $60m = $1200 + $40m
m = 22.5
So basically in less than 2 years if you buy 12 games per year, the PC has already become cheaper than the Xbox, now factor that out another 5 years and the PC is saving you $240 per year which ends up with another $1200 in savings over the remaining 5 years.
Do not underestimate the savings of paying $40 or less per game instead of $60, no matter how much more expensive that initial hardware was.
Because, IMO, "Medium" settings doesn't justify such a costly purchase.
And also because "Medium" is not the "Holy promise of the PC land" that everyone talks about.
That's the problem, the biggest argument for the pc is always " 60 fps with Amazing highquality graphics without any jaggies".
You buy a pc counting on this, and then you have to play the game either NOT at 60fps, or at 60fps but on "medium" - unless of course you spend a much bigger amount of money. The promise is actually a lie for the most part.
Who is promising 100% 60 fps performance on every game on the highest setting? I haven't seen anyone make those claims. For a good number of games, is perfectly and easily achievable. Some games take some tweaking and some games are either simply too demanding or poorly optimized.
Also, going into PC gaming just for better looking/performing console ports is such a waste in my opinion. That is only a part of what makes the platform great. I will be the first to admit that you are giving up convenience in a lot of cases when you decide to game on PC but your trading convenience for control and flexibility. First and foremost, the openness of the platform should be your draw and if those aspects don't interest you, be sure to fully understand what your getting into.
The PC will not become a go to game machine until, it basically becomes a console (Steambox), I'll give some personal reasons below.
4. 55 Inches of Awesome, True Surroundsound: Again, unless your got your PC hooked up to your main Ent. System (which as I have said above is less than optimal) you will not be taking advantage of two of the best most expensive pieces of hardware in my home. I love my TV, and surround system, playing games on the PC robs me of these.
The PC will not become a go to game machine until, it basically becomes a console (Steambox), I'll give some personal reasons below.
1. Immediacy : It doesn't need extra BS requirements and hoops to jump through to play. I can handle a firmware update every now and then, but windows updates with BS all the time and ruins my excitement when all I want to do is play a game.
2. Bigscreen/Couch/Livingroom: The last thing I want to do when I get home after working at a computer all day is... be on a computer all night. Stream Big Picture is a step in the right direction, but ultimately is inconvenient because it excludes games and because its still in its infancy requires that I have a keyboard/mouse handy to handle when a game doesn't support BP or I get a pop up, or w/e else.
3. I don't like M&KB : I grew up playing games using a controller (since Atari 2600) and really detest using a M&KB to play a game.
4. 55 Inches of Awesome, True Surroundsound: Again, unless your got your PC hooked up to your main Ent. System (which as I have said above is less than optimal) you will not be taking advantage of two of the best most expensive pieces of hardware in my home. I love my TV, and surround system, playing games on the PC robs me of these.
1. Immediacy : It doesn't need extra BS requirements and hoops to jump through to play. I can handle a firmware update every now and then, but windows updates with BS all the time and ruins my excitement when all I want to do is play a game.
The PC will not become a go to game machine until, it basically becomes a console (Steambox), I'll give some personal reasons below.
3. I don't like M&KB : I grew up playing games using a controller (since Atari 2600) and really detest using a M&KB to play a game.
2. Bigscreen/Couch/Livingroom: The last thing I want to do when I get home after working at a computer all day is... be on a computer all night. Stream Big Picture is a step in the right direction, but ultimately is inconvenient because it excludes games and because its still in its infancy requires that I have a keyboard/mouse handy to handle when a game doesn't support BP or I get a pop up, or w/e else.
4. 55 Inches of Awesome, True Surroundsound: Again, unless your got your PC hooked up to your main Ent. System (which as I have said above is less than optimal) you will not be taking advantage of two of the best most expensive pieces of hardware in my home. I love my TV, and surround system, playing games on the PC robs me of these.
When has user friendly ever been a major concern for enthusiasts? We're not talking about making it easy for people who casually enjoy playing games, or even spending a lot of time doing so in this thread.I love couch PC gaming with or without a m/kb, in 3d on a massive tv in surround sound... but I agree with Reson8r: very cumbersome and not not user friendly. Still in its infancy
Mainly referring to the first page here, but why in the hell is it so hard for PC gamers to remain civil? It always becomes an elitest PC circle jerk combined with the bashing of muddy texture shitboxes. It's childish and nothing more.
The PC will not become a go to game machine until, it basically becomes a console (Steambox), I'll give some personal reasons below.
1. Immediacy : It doesn't need extra BS requirements and hoops to jump through to play. I can handle a firmware update every now and then, but windows updates with BS all the time and ruins my excitement when all I want to do is play a game.
2. Bigscreen/Couch/Livingroom: The last thing I want to do when I get home after working at a computer all day is... be on a computer all night. Stream Big Picture is a step in the right direction, but ultimately is inconvenient because it excludes games and because its still in its infancy requires that I have a keyboard/mouse handy to handle when a game doesn't support BP or I get a pop up, or w/e else.
3. I don't like M&KB : I grew up playing games using a controller (since Atari 2600) and really detest using a M&KB to play a game.
4. 55 Inches of Awesome, True Surroundsound: Again, unless your got your PC hooked up to your main Ent. System (which as I have said above is less than optimal) you will not be taking advantage of two of the best most expensive pieces of hardware in my home. I love my TV, and surround system, playing games on the PC robs me of these.
They are examples of games I and many others had many problems with.
But here are some more if that's what you want:
Skyrim - Sutter problems in ATI cards that made the game almost unplayable. I had to download a fucking video-recording program to limit my frame-rate to 59 fps in order to resolve this problem, it took me a whole day to find the solution.
Tomb Raider - Awful performance with TressFX on any card. Constant crashes on Nvidia cards even after the patch that should have resolved this.
Metro games - Microstuttering - just check the performance thread. And you want all the eye candy like AA? Well than the game says: "Fuck you, get a Titan".
Rage - I don't think I need to say anything about this one. Specially since I had an ATI
GTA 4 - Terribly optimized for the graphics it has.
Crysis 1 and 3 - Where are your 60fps with awesome IQ that the OP speaks of in these games? Unless you have a 5k you are stuck with lower settings if you want a butter smooth framerate.
Not to talk about lame ports that cap the games at 30 fps and you need 3rd party programs to unlock it and shit like that.
There are also well-optimized games, no doubt about it. But in my opinion and experience, I have more problems then not, specially in high-end games.
Truth bombs.Because, IMO, "Medium" settings doesn't justify such a costly purchase.
And also because "Medium" is not the "Holy promise of the PC land" that everyone talks about.
That's the problem, the biggest argument for the pc is always " 60 fps with Amazing highquality graphics without any jaggies".
You buy a pc counting on this, and then you have to play the game either NOT at 60fps, or at 60fps but on "medium" - unless of course you spend a much bigger amount of money. The promise is actually a lie for the most part.
Come on. Read the rest of the forum. PC gamers are no different than the rest of the population here. Some are aggressive and rude, some try to be helpful and understanding and others fall across the spectrum in between.
I don't know what you're talking about here.
Who is promising 100% 60 fps performance on every game on the highest setting? I haven't seen anyone make those claims. For a good number of games, is perfectly and easily achievable. Some games take some tweaking and some games are either simply too demanding or poorly optimized.
Also, going into PC gaming just for better looking/performing console ports is such a waste in my opinion. That is only a part of what makes the platform great. I will be the first to admit that you are giving up convenience in a lot of cases when you decide to game on PC but your trading convenience for control and flexibility. First and foremost, the openness of the platform should be your draw and if those aspects don't interest you, be sure to fully understand what your getting into.
Outlier squirt guns.
The PC will not become a go to game machine until, it basically becomes a console (Steambox), I'll give some personal reasons below.
1. Immediacy : It doesn't need extra BS requirements and hoops to jump through to play. I can handle a firmware update every now and then, but windows updates with BS all the time and ruins my excitement when all I want to do is play a game.
2. Bigscreen/Couch/Livingroom: The last thing I want to do when I get home after working at a computer all day is... be on a computer all night. Stream Big Picture is a step in the right direction, but ultimately is inconvenient because it excludes games and because its still in its infancy requires that I have a keyboard/mouse handy to handle when a game doesn't support BP or I get a pop up, or w/e else.
3. I don't like M&KB : I grew up playing games using a controller (since Atari 2600) and really detest using a M&KB to play a game.
4. 55 Inches of Awesome, True Surroundsound: Again, unless your got your PC hooked up to your main Ent. System (which as I have said above is less than optimal) you will not be taking advantage of two of the best most expensive pieces of hardware in my home. I love my TV, and surround system, playing games on the PC robs me of these.
This thread is about why every hardcore gamer should have a PC as his home base. And it starts with the assumption that everybody who's an enthousiast gamer, generally also likes to build PC's.My only problem with your post is the passionate defense of avoiding all customization and power user aspects of gaming for a streamlined experience regardless of what's lost. The OP isn't a case to convert gamers completely uninterested in building/maintaining a PC. It's getting kind of stupid how many people are posting their "passionate rebuttals" to DIY in a thread that's just saying "DIY is cool, it's like the deep end of being into cars, where if you want to take it further, you can!"
No, your plumbing thread is a bad analogy because this thread is not about people sharing or gathering PC building tips.There's nothing wrong with the opinion, DIY is not for everybody, its just not really the topic. It's like going into a plumbing thread and between people discussing trying to learn some things about it for themselves you're shouting, "WELL I JUST USE PLUNGERS AND USE THE DAMN PHONE BOOK WHEN SOMETHING GOES WRONG, THAT'S MY OPINION DEAL WITH IT"
Those are 120Hz panels. Real 120hz, not the gimmicky BS on TVs.
5400x1920 resolution. At 120hz.
That's good, because you don't have to. A 670 is a good 40% more powerful than the cards I linked in the graphs above. Medium =/= Medium either. Just because a box can go higher doesn't mean that the current setting is bad. Crysis 3 medium is ridiculously pretty.What I'm talking about is that I don't want to play Crysis 3 on "medium" at 30-40 frames per second.
Maybe you don't care that much about the graphics or don't notice the difference,, but I do. And if I spend 1000 on a PC it's because I want to play games on their highest settings, not on medium.
You're right, and I think it has to do with being the one thing that a lot of people can relate to.Come on man... how many posts have you seen on GAF of "PC's shits on consoles because you can play at 60fps with pristine IQ" ?
It's the main argument for the PC. It might not be yours, but you can't deny that the graphic fidelity is the main argument for getting a PC in general.
No thank you. Been there. Best exclusives are on consoles now anyway.
OK i really want to get into PC gaming, but what are my options in terms of split-screen/ same screen co-op?
These things were obstacles in 2009, maybe even 2011.
~$1500How much did those 5 panels cost all together?
And bezels running up the screen every 5 inches is annoying as fuck
I've been a PC gamer for the last few years and I'm definitely going PS4 + Vita next gen, not PC.
People talk about 60 fps, and even 120 fps with amazing IQ with tons of AA solutions and such. That's all very pretty but it's not true.
I just bought a new PC very recently for 1000 and no, I cannot play everything maxed out at 60fps, much less 120 (lol). And I usually don't even use more than 2xAA, because if I do, then fuck you framerate.
So what did you do when Nintendo went from Atari's joysticks to the thumb pad? Wasn't that a pain in the ass? And what a bout analog sticks? Fuck all the times I fell off a ledge in Mario 64 trying to get a grip on that noise. And what about then DUAL Analog sticks. A lot of time playing Halo staring at the ground while running. If you are gamer and have been for a long time, I'm pretty confident you have adapted to various control mechanisms. You have the ability. 1 And I say this as someone who plays 80% of my PC games with a controller.
2 I'm grouping these two together under the "America: Fuck Yeah It's Big" category. As you have outlined Steam Big Picture mode is getting there. I won't take anything away from it. I have a nice 55" Panasonic Plasma that I quite like myself. But I will say that it kind of bums me out that people automatically assume that bigger, louder, brasher, is always better. Sitting in a chair staring at 23" monitor in the dark with a good pair of headphones can be one of the most immersive and intimate gaming experiences you will ever have.
I'm not trying to take away from your desire to slouch in a couch and have big trucking things violating your ears and eyeballs until you disappear into a pool of sedated, over-sensitized goo. That's an experience alright. And it's one you can replicate on a PC. It's just not the only one, nor is it necessarily the best.