1. I have used MANY controllers in my time, of course I adapt, still don't like M&KB.
People are allowed to have preferences, as you can attest to.[/quote]
Sure and PC because is the platform that gives you the most customization in every possible conceivable way from controller inputs to hardware to mods to game settings.
2. Sorry but this is absurd. Your experience does not equal everyone else's. Just because YOU like sitting in front of your monitor does not mean most other people do, as evidenced by ratio of computer gamers vs. computers in the wild. Headphones are ok if you don't mind wearing headphones.
I don't think I said anything to counter that a lot people believe the "America Fuck Yeah It's Big" bigger is better philosophy. It sold to us in everything from burgers to TVs. Nothing in my statement that you quoted indicated that I didn't understand the appeal or that most people adopt the philosophy. But I do think most people only adopt it specifically because it is the kind of experience that is sold to you. Quantity over quality is the mantra of the American consumer marketplace. And yes, I will continue to challenge the idea that bigger is always better. More subtle, intimate experiences can be equally meaningful if not more so.
If you are looking for a guy that will say everything is relative and everyone just has individual tastes and there is no such thing as objective quality experiences that transcend subjectivity, however, then you are barking up the wrong tree. I teach Shakespeare for a living. I don't care how often my students or anyone else would want to tell me they enjoy Jersey Shore more than Shakespeare, I reject outright the idea that all that exists in the world are preferences and there is no real truth to transcendentally shared meaningful, quality experiences. When I say something like this, it is usually about the time I get called an "elitist." But honestly, I'm pretty comfortable with the label elitist with anyone who wants to charge me with it. There are a bout a billion other labels I think are much worse, such as being uniformed or having bad taste. I am not charging you with any of those labels, I am just indicating that I reject the idea that every taste is relative and there is no such thing as good taste. But this is now sprawling too far from the topic at hand. My point is that I don't buy the argument "That's just your opinion, man" is always a valid response to any discussion of value. I often find it to be a shallow and untrue argument much of the time.