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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


“Interesting” choice Uso is definitely OVER but pretty limited in ring Jimmy and Jey stunk up the joint last year at WM so after that getting to “main event” is a little surprising


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
“Interesting” choice Uso is definitely OVER but pretty limited in ring Jimmy and Jey stunk up the joint last year at WM so after that getting to “main event” is a little surprising

Yeaaaaaaaaah .... that was a terrible match.

Let's see if they continue Jey vs Gunther or somehow try to turn it into a three-way with a third wrestler introduced between now and then. Maybe Elimination Chamber winner can be a part of it, while Cena can get a guaranteed match with Cody at WM? Just wishful thinking.

edit: I see that cena has already added himself to the Elimination Chamber. Ah well.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
After thinking about it for a few hours..... Jey Uso winning the Royal Rumble was the right choice.

Jey is super over and it's best to capitalize on this while the iron is hot. This is something Vince failed to do with Daniel Bryan............ until the crowd pushed back and that eventually turned into the "Yes" movement."

People wanted Cena to win, but there's always the Elimination Chamber match.


advanced basic bitch
Clap GIF

They did it, they fuckin' did it.

edit: and of course Roman gets the extra special Pyro for his Rumble entrance, unlike any other guy.
Pretty wild. He got a huge pop.


Jey is super over and it's best to capitalize on this while the iron is hot. This is something Vince failed to do with Daniel Bryan............ until the crowd pushed back and that eventually turned into the "Yes" movement."
I will always say that if Punk hadn't left in 2014 Vince would have put him in the main event of Wrestlemania that year. (Since he would have fit into the whole "people pushing back against the main event they didn't want" roll. It being an FU to the fan for Danielson would have been a plus on top of it.)


advanced basic bitch
I guess but at this point I'm kind of sick of him. (Then again I mean I've been watching him do this since Ring of Garbage so maybe it'll just take another year.)
As a guy who's been a TNA fan for over 15 years at this point. (Very casual for quite a few years though) its just nice to see TNA make some strides. It was looking bleak there for quite a while. I do hope the wwe/tna partnership remains just that this isn't some prelude to a buyout.


are in a big trouble
Looks like it will be Jey vs Gunther at maina. Jey gets the win unless something happens on the way to mania.


After thinking about it for a few hours..... Jey Uso winning the Royal Rumble was the right choice.

Jey is super over and it's best to capitalize on this while the iron is hot. This is something Vince failed to do with Daniel Bryan............ until the crowd pushed back and that eventually turned into the "Yes" movement."
This 100%.


As a guy who's been a TNA fan for over 15 years at this point. (Very casual for quite a few years though) its just nice to see TNA make some strides. It was looking bleak there for quite a while. I do hope the wwe/tna partnership remains just that this isn't some prelude to a buyout.
I hope they can continue as well since I've been watching them way too long as well. I just hope they can avoid their tendency to hotshot angles. (Which they have done WAY too much.)



I hope they fed Dave false info. So many leaks all the time. What does Dave (any anyone else) getting the truth do for the industry aside from spoil things? A surprise like this does far more for a business than Dave and Tony having each other on speed dial.

Social media should be the extension of kayfabe (Drew does it the right way) and the newsletters/dirtsheets should be used to a promotion's advantage.


Man, I hate the "he's over" argument. HIS ENTRANCE IS OVER. Most of his matches then are silent. I don't usually think a guys package could be handed to another and would work...but it does. His theme is a remix of their Uso theme, they could repurpose the theme itself and they'd be the most of tag team again, they could swap him and Jimmy and it would work exactly the same...except Jimmy has shown the ability to cut promos, something Jey still can't do cause IMO saying something just to wait for the "yeet" is as potentially damaging as Austins Whats were.

I am negative excited for Jey/Gunther 4, especially after losing to him again a week ago. If you wanted to slingshot somebody with Gunther history, you can't tell me people wouldn't have exploded for Sami or Gable getting the slingshot (Yes I know Jey sells merch, but he sells merch as a midcarder...it's not gonna sell more with a title). They have been begging you to believe he's a big deal calling him "main event". Did they need to say Main Event Edge on his rise? You're a main eventer because you can check all the boxes. Jey checks....selling merch. You know who else sells a ton of fucking merch and the fans love? Danhausen...FUcking Orange Cassidy, but I don't see them running around with the AEW world title. I must have missed something during main event Fandango was wrecking house, or the Road Dogg era, Santino might be my favorite world champ ever since all that matters is getting a pop from the crowd and selling some merch.

They will do what they do with that title, and honestly I wasn't really sure the best way to get it off Gunther (This isn't it), but I still think we may get Punk/Cody. I think the seeds are sown for Logan Paul/Cena potentially. Cena threw him out of the Rumble and I expect Paul to be the 6th man in the Chamber with Punk/Seth/Roman/Drew/Cena. Cena has plenty of time (and a MITB attempt) to get his title, maybe off of Jey leading to a heel/tweener Punk/Cena Summerslam/Survivor Series match. Seth/Roman go singles at Mania as I don't really think a triple threat does anything much more for the match then this Seth/Roman that has been building forever.

Really the only guy I don't see anything for is Drew. He got tossed by Priest who is now on SD, and I would hope that Sheamus/Bron IC title change is the mania plan, but Drew has been such an MVP this year for a ho hum rumble apperance and no real mania plans by the looks of it.

I know this wasn't the worst Rumble of all time, but it feels like it's up there. I too was hoping for Becky in the Rumble, but she'd have to be there at the end, and Charlotte tossing her would have gotten even more groans then her already winning. Also the reason I hated the mass elimination by Nia as a way to protect Charlotte from eliminating your actual favorites. I'm sure her and Tiffy will put on a banger, but you likely could have gotten there without the rumble win


Well, that was a bit shit, wasn’t it?

Woman’s Rumble was meh, only highlight was Bliss’s pop.

Tag Team was a bore.

Cody and KO was awesome.

Men’s Rumble was fine and Triple H recognizing the fan reaction to Jey shows he’s not Vince.


Woman’s Rumble was meh, only highlight was Bliss’s pop.

Tag Team was a bore.

Cody and KO was awesome.

Men’s Rumble was fine and Triple H recognizing the fan reaction to Jey shows he’s not Vince.
So of the four matches a whole one crossed the threshold of good? Guess that’s why there’s all these glowing comments about the show in this thread.
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Rob “lol ill pretend u said 18” Feinstein, a pedophile. He has a company called RF Video that was the distributor for ECW tapes and was one of the founders of ROH, which was set up to fill the hole in the market after ECW collapsed. Then he turned up on a To Catch A Predator style show after he made plans to meet who he thought was a 14 year old boy. He got booted from ROH but has still hung around the wrestling industry.

If you’ve ever seen clips from a shoot interview where the backdrop is black with purple text like this then that’s one of his company’s videos, very good chance he was the interviewer too.


"That's right, Universe! Only trust us, the WWE! Dirtsheets bad! Dont bother checking the news at all actually...especially if they mention a lawsuit, who reads those?!



When you look at what Meltzer actually wrote it was just that they were still apart when it came to money but a deal could be made.


But wrestling companies always want to try and stop fans from getting their information from anyone but themselves. And those Twitter accounts are just engagement farming using what the aggregators post rather than bothering to be accurate. There's so much people can criticise Meltzer for without being that lazy. But I guess those accounts can fool people, or maybe just give them what they were already looking for, without them needing to put in much effort.


"That's right, Universe! Only trust us, the WWE! Dirtsheets bad! Dont bother checking the news at all actually...especially if they mention a lawsuit, who reads those?!


Meltzer charged people $15 to tell them Bliss wasn't coming back. When she did, he gave a word salad post saying he didn't really trust the source he used for the $15 post in the first place.




Just reads like covering his ass.

I can say "Becky Lynch will is expected not to be at the Rumble, but will be present if an appropriate deal can be made in time".

Sure, people can say it's vague if they want. But claiming that he said Alexa wouldn't be there and presenting it as a gotcha moment based on someone else's interpretation of his words is misleading.

It's always the problem with aggregator accounts, and not just in wrestling. They present a simplified version of what someone said and then people take that as if it's the person's own words. That then leads to this game of telephone where people are getting annoyed at others for things they didn't really say.

It's also worth looking at the accounts posting that stuff. Are AEWNeckbeard and EliteRockerz really posting in good faith? No. I don't think we need to be scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to wrestling discussion and it's worth pushing back on that.

Again, there's so many other things people can criticise Meltzer for than that weak shit.
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