boooooooooooooooooooooooooooLooks like there's at least one more release, Elektra Lopez.
Yeh it's a nice payoff for something that has been built for years. They still need one (or more) of those younger guys to step up. But Goto, while perhaps not spectacular, is solid and will also bring something new to that championship picture for a bit and that company desperately needs something fresh.The crowd went absolutely bonkers for this man. Well deserved.
Looking forward, if Tanahashi can restrain himself and not have Goto drop the title to Orange Cassidy at Forbidden Door, I might be ready to declare that NJPW is "back".
I was not expecting this to happen THIS soon, lol.
I'm all for wrestlers hopping to another promotion if they think it's for the best. Clearly he and AEW weren't meshing so seems like it's in everyone's interest for him to go somewhere else. I hope he does well in WWE.good luck to wwe to have this primadona in their roster.
good luck to wwe to have this primadona in their roster.
guy is a nobody with a huge ego
Clearly he and AEW weren't meshing
I don’t think any promotion is particularly good just now. But wrestlers having the option to move around every few years is a good thing.Is AEW meshing with anyone anymore?
wwe aint the same without vince being incharge
Different things for different fans I suppose. Some people are all about those attendance figures, TV ratings and revenue streams.i like the way they spin things around these days that they are breaking all kind of money gates with raw,smackdown and the ple´s.
they of course dont mention how stupid crazy the prices for wwe events are these days
Yeh it's a nice payoff for something that has been built for years. They still need one (or more) of those younger guys to step up. But Goto, while perhaps not spectacular, is solid and will also bring something new to that championship picture for a bit and that company desperately needs something fresh.
I'm not really that fussed about the "what does this mean for WWE/AEW?" angle that everything seems to have to have now. But if you did have to pick someone for Goto to face at Forbidden Door then I would think that now Goto has won the big one Shibata would make a lot of sense considering their history. But obviously Shibata's relationship with New Japan is kinda complicated and I'm not sure where things stand with that at the moment.
I'm all for wrestlers hopping to another promotion if they think it's for the best. Clearly he and AEW weren't meshing so seems like it's in everyone's interest for him to go somewhere else. I hope he does well in WWE.
i like the way they spin things around these days that they are breaking all kind of money gates with raw,smackdown and the ple´s.
they of course dont mention how stupid crazy the prices for wwe events are these days
I think inter-promotional events like that are always tricky because like you say you're going to end up with certain guys who can't lose because they're being built up and/or do you really want your top guys losing to their top guys. I think it can still have its place as a novelty though. But yeh as you say it stepping on Dominion's toes makes things more awkward and a lame duck show for NJPW.My real preference is that NJPW pulls out of forbidden door altogether. It messes with their booking and scheduling too much since Dominion is so close and is supposed to be their 2nd biggest event.
I think it's even good for top guys to move around. If you look back at the territorial model, a wrestler would show up in a territory do their thing for a while and then move onto somewhere new before getting stale. WWE having had an effective monopoly for so long meant you have these guys who worked their way up to the top of the card and have then just hung about for years because it was the only place to make big money. I think more rotation would be great.I'm fine with AEW, TNA, and WWE trading their jobbers every few years. However, I would really really appreciate it if AEW stopped using their NJPW partnership as a gateway to sign away all their top talent.
I think inter-promotional events like that are always tricky because like you say you're going to end up with certain guys who can't lose because they're being built up and/or do you really want your top guys losing to their top guys. I think it can still have its place as a novelty though. But yeh as you say it stepping on Dominion's toes makes things more awkward and a lame duck show for NJPW.
I feel that in general the AEW/NJPW relationship makes a lot of sense but has been kinda underutilised by AEW. If you have an act that needs some experience then they can build that up over there away from the eyes of most of your audience. Give them a chance to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. A team like Private Party (not to pick on them, just the first that came to mind) feel like they haven't really developed much in the years they've been with AEW. But if they got sent over to New Japan and worked a few tours with some solid veterans then they could potentially come back as a more polished and well rounded act. The same goes for sending people to CMLL for that matter.
I think it's even good for top guys to move around. If you look back at the territorial model, a wrestler would show up in a territory do their thing for a while and then move onto somewhere new before getting stale. WWE having had an effective monopoly for so long meant you have these guys who worked their way up to the top of the card and have then just hung about for years because it was the only place to make big money. I think more rotation would be great.
As for AEW signing NJPW guys, the big problem there is the Japanese economy is in a pretty bad spot just now. So NJPW can't really be competitive with AEW or WWE when it comes to free agency.
I think it can be good to have somewhere for guys to go if you want to take them off-screen for a while. It can keep people fresh for the audience and allow you to cycle other talent up and down the card rather than trying to juggle everyone all at once.They tried the rehab thing with Wheeler by sending him for the BOSJ and then Jack Perry after he helped put the final nail in the coffin for the company by driving Punk off. I only pay attention to AEW via botch videos so I'm not sure how successful it was.
The problem for NJPW is that it seems to only go one way. Anybody in need of a rebuild who has been sent to AEW by NJPW (Ishii, Suzuki, etc.) gets treated like an absolute bottom-feeding clown.
Replacing the likes of Okada, Tanahashi and Naito was always going to be a big ask since that was a golden age for the company. It's an unfair standard to expect of the young guys coming up but unfortunately that's what they have to live up to. It tends to be the nature of the wrestling industry, rather than there being a seamless transition from one generation to the next they ride out the existing star for everything they can until they can't go anymore. Then it's going to be up to some young up-and-comer to take whatever opportunity they can in the wake of that.Losing top guys can be ok. New Japan recovered very well after losing AJ and Nakamura. However, they have struggled and will continue to struggle after losing Okada. Part of it is their own fault for not building the young lions up more quickly. A part of it is also on Okada and maybe even AEW since suddenly for the last year he was with New Japan, he refused to even work with younger talent, let alone put them over and set them up for success like Tanahashi did for him back in the day.
Prior to AEW artificially inflating the market for these guys with Shad's money, NJPW actually used to be able to keep some guys around. Not any longer. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Gabe Kidd is next on the list and then there goes another multi-year investment in training him and building him up.
Not having Harley Cameron win the belt shows they don’t know what they are doing.
She earned a title. Maybe they can give her one at some point. Mercedes is awful.She doesn't need it, works better as the underdog
Wow that was a banger of a NXT wasn’t it? They didn’t waste any time bringing in TNA stars did they?
Tna has some tapings at full sail. Wild times.
What in the fucking hell was that Dwayne segment on tonight's Smackdown?
I mean seriously ... what the fuck was that bullshit![]()
I'm assuming what they were trying to do, and failing, was a "modern" version of Vince and Stone Cold. IE The evil owner trying to corrupt the top face. It doesn't work because when they did that and created the Mr. McMahon character we had heard about him actually screwing over wrestlers in real life, such as the Montreal screw job.(Hell if anything we've found out how much of a moral reprobate he actually is.) So it wasn't a hard stretch to believe that character. Doing it with Rocky is a mistake because as far as we know in real life he's a nice guy. (We could buy that he's arrogant, we can't buy that immoral scumbag.)That was dogshit.
I went to Reddit to see if there was more context or an explanation, and aside from people taking about sexual tension (it's Reddit) I found this comment:
There were a few ideas there that did not flow together and kept jumping back and forth. Don't try and bring Cody to the dark side and then thank everyone for watching Moana 2, then tell someone they have an STD, then say you want to steal Cody's soul.
Looks like the whole thing was a mess.
Dwayne showing up and totally fucking up the existing Wrestlemania plans each year is a pretty funny bit.
I'm assuming what they were trying to do, and failing, was a "modern" version of Vince and Stone Cold. IE The evil owner trying to corrupt the top face. It doesn't work because when they did that and created the Mr. McMahon character we had heard about him actually screwing over wrestlers in real life, such as the Montreal screw job.(Hell if anything we've found out how much of a moral reprobate he actually is.) So it wasn't a hard stretch to believe that character. Doing it with Rocky is a mistake because as far as we know in real life he's a nice guy. (We could buy that he's arrogant, we can't buy that immoral scumbag.)
He's on TKO's board of directors. So he's whatever he wants to be. Seemed like he wasn't going to be on Wrestlemania but then maybe got annoyed at people talking about him not being on it so now he's going to be? Who knows. I feel like rather than going with Cody, finally doing Rock vs Roman makes the most sense and then you find something more interesting to do for Punk than face Rollins.I assumed he was out based on how he was completely out of character for the first Netflix Raw. I guess he's back in now?
seriously , the ROCKY SUCKS chants need to come backThe Rock needs to go away. He's old and abusing his power. He's worse than Hogan ever was.
Both Cody and Roman would have worked for Rock last year. Unfortunately, they messed up both storylines at the first Netflix Raw by having him pal around with Cody and Roman.He's on TKO's board of directors. So he's whatever he wants to be. Seemed like he wasn't going to be on Wrestlemania but then maybe got annoyed at people talking about him not being on it so now he's going to be? Who knows. I feel like rather than going wit Cody, finally doing Rock vs Roman makes the most sense and then you find something more interesting to do for Punk than face Rollins.