Can’t stump the diablos
Was not prepared for that ch12 boss. Not really sure how to go about that thing other than grinding to 60.
This game frustrates me so much. Can someone tell me the fastest way to make money and miranium? I already know about mining and research probes, but if that's the fastest way, I wanna reference a map that's charted with a lucrative layout.
I really want level 50 skells but I need more miranium to upgrade the Sakuaba AM so that I can unlock the level 50 skells, and I need more money for those skells. Someone please help me.
Was not prepared for that ch12 boss. Not really sure how to go about that thing other than grinding to 60.
I'm fighting it at level 51 with my level 30 skells. Almost beat it last time as well.
Don't think you are to the part where you can't use smells yet.
I just got to chapter 12... wondering if I should do a boat load of side quests or attempt to beat the game. I'm level 50 with my main cast and have a decked out level 50 skell.
Just probes. You want to plant as many data probes as possible.
Miranium is generally not hard to get. You should have a ton of mining probes from mechanical ruins. You just lay them down in linked chains in regions with high productivity. Usually it's no problem hitting your storage cap unless you're setting up your network specifically to maximize storage.
You get cash by putting research probes on nodes where you've discovered Sightseeing Spots. Don't pay attention to the actual letter grade nodes have for money.
You get lots of cash by putting Duplicators on nodes at intersections where you've discovered Sightseeing Spots where adjacent nodes also have Sightseeing Spots (and you put research probes on those). Put Boosters next to them. There's a 4-way intersection in Oblivia that's great for this, but I don't know if you need flight to get the spots. Your second-best option pre-Cauldros is going to be in lower Noctilim.
I actually really like Lin and her voice acting is pretty damn good. But I just...
I don't understand why they made her 13. She doesn't look 13. She doesn't act 13. Nothing in the plot is attached to her age as her being super accomplished would be impressive at, say, age 18. Her being 13 is completely and utterly unnecessary. The game is helped not a single bit by her being 13.
And I watch a lot of anime and play a lot of jRPGS so I'm used to the fat-titted super mature 8 year olds and bullshit like that but in this game it's just SO INCREDIBLY out of place.
I was fine pretending she was older until she said she was 13 then I just sorta...put her in Heavy Armor and never took it off.
in battle, how do I tell one of my party members with 3000 TP to revive another fallen party member?
Don't think you are to the part where you can't use smells yet.
I'm kind of annoyed that enemies will follow you stupidly long distances before giving up. No! I don't want to fight you, I'm trying to go explore some shit!/collect items.
I'm a little surprised Treehouse didn't just tack on 5 years myself seeing as how it would be such an inconsequential change.
Umm if u press L or R cant u view the art the weapon will give you? thats what i've been doing IIRC
Is there any way to increase the font size in this game? My eyes are killing me.
Is there any way to increase the font size in this game? My eyes are killing me.
Same here - she doesn't come across as 13 at all. Not in terms of the whole child prodigy thing, but how she's written and performed - it'd fit in a lot better if she were an older teenager. But if they weren't able to actually justify changing her age, I am glad they went in this direction instead of actually making her sound 13 - that would have been insufferable.
Is there any way to increase the font size in this game? My eyes are killing me.
It sucks.
No, and it's not being fixed in a patch, either. However, if it's any consolation, Monolith issued a statement after the Japanese version released that they were aware of the issue and will try to avoid it in their next game.
I guess I'll just skip most of the text then.
That's a shame because the normal quests are absolutely great and a lot of the dialogue options can be really funny.
So how do you get higher level skells? I bought a level 30 skell, but my character is a level 43 sniper and destroys enemies much quicker than in my skell..
Also kinda wish the boob slider was still in. I actually wanted to, amusingly, go with a smaller chest for my character cause in Light Wear I think she'd look better if she was flatter.
Only when insurance count reaches 0 do you have to pay for every destruction after that. AI partners will always eject perfectly which does not use insurance up (but you need 1 insurance or more here). The short of it is if you never want to pay, give your team mates your Skell once you reach 1 insuranceWhen do you have to pay to repair skells? My squad has lost their skells countless time and I've yet to pay a cent to get them back. I'm confused, not that I'm complaining but I would like to know what's going on.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=188960285&postcount=11451This game frustrates me so much. Can someone tell me the fastest way to make money and miranium? I already know about mining and research probes, but if that's the fastest way, I wanna reference a map that's charted with a lucrative layout.
I really want level 50 skells but I need more miranium to upgrade the Sakuaba AM so that I can unlock the level 50 skells, and I need more money for those skells. Someone please help me.
Well (chapter 5 spoilers)Same here - she doesn't come across as 13 at all. Not in terms of the whole child prodigy thing, but how she's written and performed - it'd fit in a lot better if she were an older teenager. But if they weren't able to actually justify changing her age, I am glad they went in this direction instead of actually making her sound 13 - that would have been insufferable.
You want better gear to see their real power and possibly some augments (most slayers are not hard to make though the Skell versions cost more materials but they're easy materials to find). I wrote a hunting guide for 2 particularly good pieces:So how do you get higher level skells? I bought a level 30 skell, but my character is a level 43 sniper and destroys enemies much quicker than in my skell..
Thanks for this. I was wondering (chapter 11)Chapter 11 Spoiler:It was awkward to talk about Irina reckless/suicidal tendencies when she is just right behind me...
Well (chapter 5 spoilers)I'm guessing mimeosome bodies can't age (an NPC implies they're not meant for long term use and will need maintenance...but at the same time they were made because they didn't know how long it would take to find a suitable planet so needed something that could last longer...make up your mind, game) meaning she has lived 15 Earth years ( oh god having typed that up it just sounds wrong...at least she isn't a 900 year old Dragon ). Also there is nobody of her age on the ship.
Will I like this game if I didn't like the Witcher 3 because of how big the maps were?
Have been playing for 28 hours, just completed Chapter 7, am level 27...and I still don't really know what I am doing.
No idea how Soul Voices work, how to heal myself or teammates during battle, how to best utilize Arts etc. I just seem to brute force myself through everything and luckily you can drop the difficulty after 3 deaths to a boss. There are stretches where everything seems to click and I am cruising but then I will hit a wall where nothing makes sense again. It is frustrating.
And I hate the requirements before each story mission. I gotta grind 2.5 levels just to start the next one? Fuck off, scale it to me instead.
So for some reason I'm offline now, how do I get back online? I need to get those Reward Tickets![]()
Couple questions before my copy arrives:
1) Are the side quests any good?
2) Are the side quests necessary to get enough xp/resources to keep up with the critical path?
3) How long is the critical path alone?